Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


120 G I 0 G R AP H I C A L S K E T C HE S. ministry, and whose observation of nien and things enabled him to give many important advices to his young brother, respecting the conduct he should pursue towards the different classes of his parishioners.’ Among others, he dwelt particularly upon the heritors ; against succumbing to whom, contrary to the dictates of his conscience in any matter, he earnestly cautioned the object of his charge. “Be assured of this,” said he, “that if you once yield to them in anything that is wrong, their exactions will always go on increasing, until, having been driven by them from concession to concession, you will at last be urged to a point beyond which you cannot possibly go. Here, then, you will be obliged to refuse them at last ; and what will all your former concessions avail you then? Nothing ! On the contrary, that one refusal, after so long a course of submission, will incense them more than if you had never yielded to them at all ; while the only plea that will be left to you, in mitigation of their wrath, will be the old one of Balaam’s ass-‘ Am not I thine ass, on which thou hast ridden ever since I was thine until this day V’” The Doctor then went on, amid the laughter of the house, to apply his anecdote to the case of his brethren opposite to him ; who, after sacrificing their time, energies, and even usefulness, to the upholding of the Pitt ministry, had received so ungracious a return ; while they had placed themselves in circumstances, in which their remonstrances sounded pretty much‘like that of the ass aforesaid ! This speech settled the debate ; but the joke was too good for Kay to lose ; and, accordingly, in a few days afterwards, appeared the etching of “ Faithful Service Rewarded.” The rider, we need scarcely mention, is the late LORD MELVILLE. No. CCXII. MR. GEORGE WILLIAMSON, KING’S MESSENGEE AXJ ADMIRAL MACER FOR SCOTLAND. MR. WILLIAMSOwNas originally a printer, and for some time employed in the Courunl Office.s He became King’s Messenger about 1784; and among the first cases of any note, in which he was called upon to act, was that of the celebrated William Brodie, in 1785. After the apprehension of the Deacon in Holland, he escorted him from London to Edinburgh, The individnal referred to by Dr. Johnstone wm Mr. James Lindsay, successively minister of Lauder, Lochmaben, and Kirkliston. ’ Mr. Pavid Rarnsay, father of the late George Ramsay, Esq., printer, and Mr. Williamson, were fellow-apprentices; and on this account a feeling of kindness continued to be mutually entertained
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