Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


Volume 9 Page 164
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BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 123 circumstances of the case were these. On one of his rounds to see that the day of rest was properly respected-a self-imposed task undertaken by certain of the citizens-he happened to meet a person in livery carrying a cage and bird. Conceiving this to be a violation of public decorum, he remonstrated with the footman, who retaliated in such an abusive manner as led to the forcible seizure of the feathered songster. Mr. Braidwood was a man of great personal strength, and well calculated to act as a conservator of order. On another occasion, hearing a noise issuing from a tavern in the neighbourhood of James's Court as he passed, he immediately entered, and began to expostulate with the landlord. The latter at once acknowledged the impropriety of entertaining such brawlers on a Sabbath morning, but told him in a whisper that he was afraid to challenge his customers, one of them being no less a personage than Captain Partwus of the City Guard. This notorious individual-whose fate is well recorded in the Heart of Mid-Idhianwas a man of loose habits, and so reckless and tyrannical that few were inclined to come into angry collision with him. Mr. Braidwood felt no such dread. Armed with a small sword, which he usually carried, he rushed into the apartment, denounced the conduct of Porteous to his face, and seizing the cards with which the party were engaged, threw them into the fire, while the Captain and his associates-astonished and overawed-retreated with precipitation. MR. FRANCIBSR AIDWOOtDh,e subject of our sketch, was apprenticed in early life to a cabinet-maker. On the expiry of his indenture he repaired to London, where he remained for a short time in order to acquire a more thorough knowledge of his profession. He then returned to Edinburgh-set up in business on his own account-and was for some years eminently successful. He was elected Deacon of the Wrights in 1795, and Deacon Convener the year following. His workshop was at one period in the Pleasance, near the head of Arthur Street, and his furniture shop or warehouse on the Sodth Bridge. Latterly he removed to Adam Square, and occupied the premises afterwards possessed by Messrs. Dalgleish and Forrest. Mr. Braidwood inherited a considerable portion of the personal prowess of his father. In every way respectable as a citizen, he was no bigot in religion, and participated joyously in the amusements and recreations peculiar to the times. He was a member of the Edinburgh Burgess Golfing Club, and was greatly celebrated as a golfer. He used to say that " fatips was merely ideal." A contemporary member of the Society recollects having played at golf with him on one occasion from six in the morning till fuur in the afternoon; and while our informant admits being " quite knocked up," he states that Mr. Braidwood did not seem in the least fatigued' So devotedly fond was he of this ancient game, that when no longer able, by reason of age, to go round the Mr. Braidwood was in the practice of taking beta at golf, the stipulations of which were, that he should have two strokes at the ball with a common quurt hottZe, whhile his opponent should have one in the usual way with hie club. . However disadvantageoua this might seem, he inqariably came off the victor.
Volume 9 Page 165
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