ripen a plan of augmentation of the parochial stipends, and to use all prudent
and proper means to learn the sentiments of the members of the Church, and of
the landed proprietors of Scotland ; and to report to next Assembly.”
In accordance with this resolution, a bill was prepared by the Lord Advocate
(Robert Dundas, Esq. of Arniston), and introduced into Parliament in
1793 ; but, from the little countenance extended towards it by the ministry, and
the strong opposition of the landed proprietors, he was under the necessity of
withdrawing the measure. Adverting to the subject in the ensuing General
Assembly, the Lord Advocate stated that “ the bill brought into Parliament for
defining and regulating the powers of the Commission of Teinds, was not to be
considered as losf; but was withdrawn by him at the desire of a great body of
the landholders of Scotland, who had stated that they had not considered the
same with sufficient attention, and who requested delay.”
The zeal displayed by the Lord Advocate, for the interests of the Church,
was acknowledged in a vote of thanks; and the Moderator (the Rev. Dr.
Hardie), and several other gentlemen, were added to the former committee,
“with instructions that they should attend to the subject, and take such steps
as should appear to them conducive to the interest of the Church,”’ But in
the discussion to which the unexpected failure of the bill gave rise, notwithstanding
the explanation of the Lord Advocate, some of the members-especially
those of the moderate party-were led into warm expressions of dissatisfaction
with the little sympathy manifested for them by the administration ;
and among others, DRS. CARLYLE of Inveresk and GRIEVE* of Edinburghwhose
heads adorn the necks of the two JACKASSES-went the length of
charging the ministry with ingratitude to those who had proved themselves
their best friends ; who had laboured in every way to uphold their government ;
and who, as the latter reverend gentleman asserted, had even risked the friendship
of their flocks, and their own usefulness as pastors, in their efforts to serve
Such language as this could not fail to be displeasing to a portion of the
Assembly. Shortly after Dr. Grieve had finished his harangue, Dr, Bryce Johnstone
rose and remarked, that the complaint of his reverend brother had recalled
to his mind an incident that occurred some years before in that part of the country
where his lot wars cast. At the ordination of a young minister, the charge
happened to be delivered by one who had been some considerable time in the
The exertions of the clergy were ultimately successful in procuring an augmentation of their
incomes by the passing of an Act of Parliament, which provided that each pastor is entitIed to a
manse and glebe, of the value of 240 a year, besides a salary of 2.150 ; and when the tithes of the
parish cannot supply this sum, the deficiency is to be made good by the Exchequer. * Dr. Henry Grieve-formerly of Dalkeith-was then one of the ministen of the Old Church,
Elinburgh; and, along with Dm. Robertson and Carlyle, had uniformly given his influence tu
maintain the ascendency of the moderate, or Government party in the Church courts. He died in
1810. The following notice occurs of his death :-“ Feb: 10. ’ At Canaan House, in the seventyfourth
year of his age, Dr. Henry Grieve, Senior Minister of the Old Church of Edinburgh, one of
the Deans of the Chapel Royal, and one of His Majesty’s Chaplains in Ordinary for Scotland. ,