looking over his manuscripts, with a view to publication after his death, they
were found in a very imperfect state ; so much so, that he had evidently not
been in the habit of committing to paper more than an outline of his discourses.
A small but handsome monument, in the Greyfriars’ C,hurchyard, bears the
following record of his worth :-
“ A Tribute
of admiration, affection, and regret,
to the memory of
a man of superior understanding,
intelligence, and worth ;
whose talents and success,
a pulpit orator,
were not excelled, and scarcely equalled,
in the place and period which were honoured
by his short but distinguished
mortal existence.
He was
born at Glassford, on the 31st Oct. 1770 ;
educated at the University of Glasgow ;
ordained Minister of the First Relief Chapel
(College Street), Edinburgh,
28th July 1791 ;
and died 13th July 1807.”
Mr. Struthers married a lady possessed of considerable fortune, of the name
of Syme. By her he had six children, only two of whom survived-a son and
daughter. The son, James Syme Struthers, D.D., was called to St. Andrew’s
Church and parish, Georgetown, Demerara ; and the daughter married the Rev.
George Burns, D.D., minister of the parish of Tweedsmuir, Peeblesshire. His
youngest son, John Pitcairn Struthers, died at St. Andrews on the 2d May
The widow of Mr. Struthers was afterwards married to Dr. Briggs, Professor
in the University of St, Andrews.
This Portrait of the Reverend gentleman was executed in 1801, ten years
later than the former? The artist was one of the seat-renters of his Chapel.
The Rev. Mr. French, his successor in the Chapel, ia the third in succession since the death
of Mr. Struthers. He waa preceded by Mr. Smith and Mr. Limont, who are both dead.