Edinburgh Bookshelf

Memorials of Edinburgh in the Olden Time


I N D E X . [IN Part I. of this Work, the incidents are related in chronological order; and in Part 11. (p. 119), according to a systematic arrangement indicated in the headings of the several Chapters. By a reference to the Contents, any historical event, or the description of a particular locality, may be readily found. The Index is intended as a, guide to incidental notices throughout the volume ; and, to render it more complete, all noblemen mentioned merely by their titles in the course of the work. are here distin-g uished from one another by their proper names, and other individuals generally by some distinctive title or descript,ion.] Abbey Hill, 138, 309 Abbotsford, 154, 185, 348, 353 Aberdeen, William 2d Earl of, 141 Aberuchill, Lord, 178 Acheson, Sir Archibald, House of, 297 Adam of St Edmunds, Parson of Restalrig, 399 ddvocate’s Library, 182, 210 African Company, 107 Aikenhead, Sir Patrick, 208 Airth, Earl of, the Mansion of, 309 Albany, Alexander Duke of, 19, 20 Close, 229 Arms of, 395 John Duke of, 38, 39 Robert Duke of, 388 Isabell, Duchess of, 382 Alesse, Alexander, 314, 424 Alexander I., 3 . II., 5, 377 III., 5, 356 VI., Pope, 23 Sir William. See Stirling, Earl of Alison Sqnare, 346 Allan, David, the Painter, 260 Allen, Janet, the Witcb, 305 Allison’s CIose, Cowgate, 329 Alva, Lord, 193, 195 Amiens, Bishop of, 64, 68 Anand, Sir David de, 7 Anchor Close, 238 Ancrum, Battle of, 53 Angus, Archibald Douglas, 6th Earl of, 36, 37, 40, 61, 319 Archibald, 8th Earl of, 84 Archibald, 9th Earl of, 283 dune, the Lady, 102, 206,287,341 Queen, 133 of Denmark, 86, 315, 341 Street, Stockbridge, 98 Anatruther, Sir Philip, 284 Antiquaries of Scotland, the Society of, 140,180, 376 Argyle, Bishop of, 78 Archibald, 5th Earl of, 63, 64, 67, 84 Archibald, Marquis of, 100, 123, 141, 188, 2953 Archibald, 9th Earl of, 123, 174, 203, 216, 305, 403 316 Lodging of, 316 Countess of, 75, 174 Duke of, 109 Armstrong, Johnnie, 41 Will., 244 Armada, Spanish, 369 Arnot, Hugo, 142 Arran, James, 1st Earl of, 36, 37, 40, 318 James, 2d Earl of, 48, 51, 56, 63, 67, 68, 82, 151 James, 3d Earl of, 174 James Stewart, Earl of, 176 Assembly Aisle, St Qiles’s Church, 390. See Prestm Aisle. Rooms, Assembly Close, 243 Bell’s Wynd, 243 West Bow, 243, 338 Atholl, Duke of, 145, 183 Walter Stewart, Ear1 of, the execution of, 15 John, 4th Earl of, 389 Burial Place of, 389, 390 Auchinleck, Lord, 161 Austin, Dr, 145, 332 Bagimont’s Roll, 31 Baijen Hole, 183 Bailie’s Court, Cowgate, 329 Bailie Fife’s Close, 264 Baird, Dr, 143 Sir David, the Birth Place of, 139 Sir Bobert, 138 Bakehouse Close, Canongate, 296 Balcanquall, Dr, 170 Walter, If0
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