Edinburgh Bookshelf

Memorials of Edinburgh in the Olden Time


INDEX.. 469 Preatongrange, Lord, 253 Prestonpans, 52 Potterrow, 345 Priestfield House, 104 Primrose, Viscount, 163 Prince, Sir Magnus, 178 Provost, Title of Lord, 153 Pirses, The, 188, 197, 280 Quarrel Holes, 64 Queen Mary‘s Dial. See Dial Queensberry, Earl of, 323 Port, 398 Lady, 163 Oreyfriars’ Port, 454 Bath. See Bath Duke of, 108,137,183, 210,299 Duchess of, 199 House, 199, 299, 454 Raeburn, Sir Henry, 181, 237 Rae’s Close, 280 Rambollet, Monsieur, 284 Ramsay, Alexander, 7 Allan, 142, 198, 228, 241, 251, 252, 326 Cuthbert, 73 Oeorge, 187 Mias Jean, 285 Lane, 143 Randolph, the Nephew of Bruce, 6 Ratho Church, 129 Rebus of Preston, 382 Regalia, The, 25, 36, 127 Regent’s Aisle, St Oiles’s Church, 390 Reid, James, Constable of the Castle, 128 Reid‘s Close, Canongate, 299 Reservoir, 143 Restalrig Church, 83, 398 Restoration, The, 98, 99, 436, Rich, Lady Diana, Apparition of, 410 Richard, II., of England, 379, 384 Richmond, Alexander, 110 Riddle’s Close, Lawnmarket, 167, 453 Riding School, Old, 347 Ridotto of Holyrood House, 324 Risp. See Tiding Pin Robert the Bruce, 6, 356, 373 II., 8, 11, 12, 17, 384 Robertson, Dr, 162, 328 of Kincraigie, 214 Robin Hood, 58, 69, 83 Rockville, Lord, 141 Roman Eagle Hall, 169, 431 Romieu, Paul, the Clockmaker, 340 Roseburn House, 95 Rosehaugh Close, 261 Roslyn Castle, 50 ROM, Earl of, 13 Ambassador of Queen Elizabeth, 72 of Prior Bolton, 382 Street, East, 347 Close, Castlehill, 141 Countem of, 260 Ross, Sir John, the Poet, 24 James, Bishop of, 399 Xom’s Court, 141 Rothes, Lord, 215, 287, 326 Rotheay, 12 Duke of, 350, 388 Rotten Row, Leith, 360 Roull of Corstorphine, the Poet, 24 Rowan, Mr William, 290 Roxburgh, Earls of, 230 Roxburgh, Robert, 1st Earl of, 293, 373 Tavern, 209 Robert, 4th Earl of, 298 Castle, 18 Hotse, 298 Close, 230 Royal Exchange, 235 Royal Circus, 369 Royston, Lord, 169 Ruddiman, Thomas, 210 Rudeside, Leith, 366 Rumbold, Richard, an Ironside, 216 Runciman, Alexauder, the Painter, 172, 237,347 Runic Inscription, 131 Ruthven, Lord, 65, 76, 77 Master of, 57 Ruthven’s Land, Lord, 338 Ryan, John, Actor, 287 Rye House Plot, 21 7, 231 Rynd, James, Burgess, 156 Janet, Foundress of Magdalene Chapel, 400-403 Sadler, Sir Ralph, 64 Salamander Land, 242 Salisbury Crags, 83 Cathedral, 197 Sanctuary, 137,306, 317 Sanderson, Deacon, 69 Sandilands’ Close, 255 Sark, Battle of, 17 Saxe-Coburg Place, 369 Scott of Thirlstane, Sir Francis, 269 of Ancrum, Sir John, 256 Sir Walter, 115, 129, 154, 185, 289, 347, 365,376 Sir James, 68 442,443 Birth Place of, 323 Thomas, one of the Miirderers of Rizdo, 77 Scougal, John, the Painter, 229 Seafield, Lord Chancellor, 218, 295 Seaton, 77 Seatoun House, 303 Sebastian, one of the Jdurderers of Darnley, 81 Secret Chamber, 149, 152 Selkirk, Earl of, 269 Sellar‘s Close, 225 Sempill, Lord, E‘, 144 Lady, 145 Honourable Anne, 145 of Beltrees, 144, 354 Colonel, 176 Sempill’s Close, 144, 145 Seton, Oeorge, 2d Lord, 22 3 0
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470 seton, Beorge, 3d Lord, 416, 417 Qeorge, 6th Lord, 48 Shakespeare, 286 Sharpe, Archbishop, 101,192, 275 Charles K., 147, 150, 161, 164, 157, 169,365, 441 Shaw, Richard, encounters a Lady in disguise, 7 SheepHead Wynd, Leith, 359 Sheriff Brae, Leith, 362 Shields, Mm, the Midwife, 193 Shoemakers’ Land, 291 Close, 291 Shot Windows, 175,330 Shutters, Antique, 169 silvermills, Village of,’ 371 Sim, Alexander, 170 Sime, Rev. John, 186, 450, 451 Simson, h n a , a famous Witch, 283 Sinclair, John, Bishop of Brecbin, 181 Smellie, William, the Printer, 239 Smith, Dr Adam, 167, 301 Smith’s Chapel, Baron, 266 smollet, 199, 289 Residence of, 289 Society, The, 327,331, 348 Port, 331 Close, Netherbow, 258 Somerset, Duke of, 61, 52 Somerville, Lord, 115, 235 Bartholomew, 160, 339 Peter, 160, 339 West Port, 291 Alexander, 140 Sir John, Provost, 164, 168, 281 South Foulis Close, 269 Speir, Thomas, 171 Spence, Thomas, Bishop of Aberdeen, 352 Lucky, 307 Spottiswood, Archbishop, Mansion of, 253 Spynie, Lord, 315 Stair, Earl of, 141, 346 John, Superintendent of Lothian,‘253 Viscount, 153, 345 Countess of, 163, 316 Stair’s Close, Lady. See Lady Stair StanBeld, Sir James, 275 Stevenlaw’s Close, 246 Stevenson, John, Advocate, 210 Stewart, Lord James, 53, 60, 64, 65, 67, 70, 72 Robert, Abbot of Holyrood, 354 Sir John, 163 Sir James, Brother of Earl of Arran, 176 Sir William, slain in Blackfriara’ Wynd, 176 Sir James, Lord Advocate, 178, 229 Professor, Sir Robert, 143 Alexander, younger of Garlieg 136 Lady Bwbara, 285 Lady Margaret, 285 Stinking Style, 29, 198, 451 Close, Weet Bow, 337, 340, 341 Stirling, 61, 57 Castle, 17 Field of, 21, 23 Stirling, Earl of, 133, 286 Stockbridge, Village of, 313 Stonefield, Lord, 269 Stoney Sunday, 91 Stowell, Lord, 162 Straton, David, burnt at Greenside, 411 Strichen, Lord, 262 Strichen’s Close, 261 Stuart, Lord Robert, 75 Baron, 325 St Andrew’s, City of, 61 Church, Castlehill, 143 Chapel, Carrubber’s Cloae, 252 Square, 229, 329,376 Archbishop of, 27 Port, Leith Wynd, 854 St Anne’s Park, 309 St Anthoqy, Preceptory of, Leith, 64,66,412 St Anthony’s Port, Leith, 64, 368 Hospital of, 358 Aisle, St Qilea’s Church, 889 Chapel, 412 St Bernard’s Well, 98 St Cuthbert’s Church, 4, 111, 310, 374,393, 414 St David Street, 162, 376 St Eloi’s Chapel, St Giles’s Church, 387 St Glee, 73,377 St Giles’s Church, 10, 12, 16, 27, 28, 40, 69, 60, 63, 64, 72, 78, 82, 87, 89, Q7, 100, 203, Yard, 169 Statue of, 59, 60, 61, 3S2 409, 377-394 Ground Plan of, 450 Yard, 96, 204, 330, 451 Day, 60, 163 St James’s Chapel, Newhaven, 368 St John, Knights of, 167, 289 St John’s Cross, 82, 222, 276, 288 Church, on the Borough Moor, 416, 417 Hill, 313 Close, Canongate, 288 Street, 288 St Katherine of Sienna, Convent of, 331, 417 St Katherine’s Balm Well, 418, 445 Gate, Castle, 132 Chapel, St Giles5 Church, 378,884 St Leonard‘s, 94, 313, 442 St Magdalene’s Chapel and Hospital, 400 St Wargaret, 3, 5, 123,129, 377, 418 St Margaret’s W-ell, 399 Well, Castle, 3, 85, 132 Chapel, in the Castle, 127 Convent, 298 Day, 44 St Mary’s Church, Leith, 52, 66, 128, 354, 413 Chapel, West Port, 136, 115 Abbey, York, Ancient Fireplace, 146 Chapel, Niddry’s Wynd, 278, 311 Bell, St Gilea’s Church, 394 Port, 312 Wynd, 7, 73, 83, 278, 311 St Mary, Churches and Chapels dedicated to, 311 St Nicolas, Hospital and Chapel of, Leith, 97, 366
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