Edinburgh Bookshelf

Memorials of Edinburgh in the Olden Time


Volume 10 Page 492
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APPENDIX. 45 3 castell towart the said burgh, at quhilk depairting the artailzerie schot vehementlie. And thairefter, quhen sho was rydand down the castellhill, thair met her hienes ane convoy of the zoung mene of the said burgh, to the nomber of fyftie, or thairby, thair bodeis and theis coverit with zeallow tdateis, thair armes and leggs fra the kne doun bair, cullorit with blak, in maner of Moris, vpon thair heiddes blak hattis, and on thair faces blak visouris, in thair mowthis rings, garnesit with intellable precious staneis, about thair neckkis, leg@ and armes infynit of chenis of gold ; togidder with saxtene of the maist honest men of the toun, cled in veluot gownis and veluot bonettis, berand and gangand about the paill wnder the quhilk her hienes raid ; quhilk paill wes of fyne purpour veluet lynit with reid taffateis, freinziet with gold and silk ; and efter thame wes ane car+ with certanc bajrnea, togidder with ane coffer quhairin wes the copburd and propyne quhilk suld be pmpynit to hir hienes ; and quhen hir grace come fordwart to the butter trone of the said burgh, the nobilitie and convoy fohaid precedand, at the quhilk butter trone thair was ane port made of tymber, in maist honourable maner, cullorit with fyne cullouris, hungin with syndrie armes ; vpon the quhilk port wes singand certane barneis in the maist hevinlie wyis ; vnder the quhilk port thair wes ane cloud opynnand with four levis, in the quhilk was put ane bony barne. And quhen the quenes hienes wes cumand throw the said port, the said cloude opynnit, and the barne discendit doun as it had bene ane angell, and deliuerit to her hienes the keyis of the toun, togidder with me bybill and ane psalme buik, coverit with fyne purpourit veluot ; and efter the said barne had spoken some small speitches, he deliuerit alsua to her hienes thre writtingis, the tennour thairof is vncertane. That being done, the barne ascendit in the cloud, and the said clud atekit ; and thairefter the quenis grace come doun to the tolbuith, at the quhilk was twa skaffattis, ane abone and ane vnder that ; vpone the vnder was situat ane fair wirgin, callit Fortoune, vnder the quhilk was thrie fair virgynnis, all cled in mait precious attyrement, callit [Peace] Justice and Policie. And efter ane litell speitche maid thair, the quenis grace come to the croce, quhair thair was standand four fair virgynnis, cled in the maist hevenlie clething, and fra the quhilk croce the wyne ran out at the spouttis in greit abundance ; thair wes the noyiss of pepill casting the glassis with wyne. This being done, our souerane ladie come to the salt trone, quhair thair wes sum spekaris ; and efter ane litell speitche, thaj brunt vpoun the skaffet maid at the said trone, the maner of ane sacrifice ; and swa that being done, sho depairtit to the nether bow, quhair thair wes ane vther skaffet maid, havand ane dragoun in the samyn, with some speiches ; and efter that the dragoun was brynt, and the quenis grace hard ane psalme song, hir hienes past to hir abbay of Halyrudhous with the said convoy and nobilities ; and thair the bairneis quhilk was in the cairt with the propyne maid some speitche concernyng the putting away of the mess, and thairefter sang ane psalme; and this being done, the cart come to Edinburgh, and the said honest men remapnit in her vtter chalmer, and desyred hir grace to ressaue the said copeburd, quhilk wea double ourgilt ; the price thairof wes ijm merkis ; quha ressauit the samyne, and thankit thame theirof. And sua the honest men and convoy come to Edinburgh.” “ And vpoun the nynt day of Februar at e h , the quenis grace and the remanent lordis come up in ane honourabill maner fia the palice of Halyrudhous, to the curdinallis ludging in the Bhk Freir Wynd, quhilk wes preparit and hung maist honourable j and thair hir hienes sowpit and the rest with her ; and efter supper the honest young men in the toun come with ane convoy to hir, and vther sum come with merschance, weill accoutent in masry, and thairefter depairtit to the said palice. And the samyn nycht Thomas Grahame, comptroller to the quenis grace, decessit in the cunsie hous besyid Halyrudhoua” FIRSTCO ACH IN sCOTLAND.--The following incidental notace in the “ bfemorie of the Somedes,” may be inserted here, as bearing on the same period of Queen Mary‘s arrival in Scotland-“About Ten o’clock the Regent [Morton] went to the House, which was the same which is now the Tolbuith Church, in Coach. “her was non with him but the Lord Boyd, and the Lord SomervilL This was the second Coach that came to Scotland. The first being brought by Alexander, Lord Seatone, when Queen Mary came from France.’ BAILIE MACYORRANH’OS USER, IDDLE’SC bosK-If the following notice in Birrel’s Diary refers to the old mansion still standing in Riddle’s Close, Lawnmarket (described on page 168), of which there can scarcely be
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