Edinburgh Bookshelf

Memorials of Edinburgh in the Olden Time


INDEX. Henderson, Captain Matthew, 252 Bailie, 214 Qeorge, 192 Henry L of England, 377,378 .II. of England, 6 IV. of England, 13, 350 VI, of England, 18, 342, 443, 444 VII. of England, 23 VIII. of England, 36, 47, 60, 51 11. of France, 60,151 Hepburn, J. R., of Keith, 324 Jamee, of Keith, 308 Prior John, 38 Robert, 139 Here, William, 383 Heriot, Qeorge, 89, 170, 190, 243,316 Heriot’s Hill, 355 Hertford, Earl of, 49, 61, 277, 305 High Jinke, 233, 236 High Riggs, 91, 114 High School, 96,168 Hospital, 91, 96, 343, 367, 373, 438 where first established, 319 of Canongate, 279 Wynd, 78, 446 Hog, Rev. Yr, 111 Hole i’ the Wall, 331 Holy Blood Aisle, St Oiee’s Church, 72, 392 Holgrood Abbey, 3, 4, 17, 25, 27, 31, 38, 39, 42, 45, 52, 91,105, 403 Description of, 403-410 Chapel, St Qiles’s Churchyard, 12, 204 Qreenside, 376 Porch, 307,446 Holyroodhouse, Lord, 204 Henry, Lord, 141 John, Lord, 227, 228 Stent Rolls of, 313 Home, Lord, the Lodging of, 245, 267 Countess of, 294 Sir David, 208 Provost Qeorge, 207 John, Author of Douglae, 288,307 Hope, John de, 151, 255 Christian, 152 Edward, 151,152 Henry, 152 John, 178, 255 Sir Thomae, 152,177,231 The h sof, 375 The Mansion of, 329 Hopetoun, Earl of, 289 Horner, Francis, 189 Horse Wynd, 194,323 Howard, 196 Hume, Sir David, 37 Abbey, 296, 306 ’ David, 160, 261, 167, 210, 376 Lord, 37, 38,174, 222 of Godscroft, 16 Hunter’e Close, 109,343 Huntly, Alexander, 3rd Earl of, 28 Gorge, 4th Earl of, 62, 53, 63,71, 73 465 Huntly, George, 6th Earl of, 176 George, 1st Marquis of, 296 Lodging of, 296 Hutchison, T. & A., 201 Hyde, Lady Catherine, 500 Inchafiay, Abbot of, 7 Inchkeith, Island of, 24, 64 Irving Dr, 210 Rev. Edward, 252 Jack’s Close. See Big Jack’s G%ae James I., 13, 14, 186, 342 Land, Canongate, 160,167,183 Execution of his Asssssins at the Croea, 15 Crowned at Holpod Abbey, 15 Bestows the Valley of Qreenaide on the Citi- €I., 14, 130, 132, 186, 342, 381 zens, 23 III., 18, 187, 310, 363, 380 Marriage of, to Margaret of Denmark, 18 Crommed at Edinburgh, 22 IT., 22-33, 130,136, 341, 389,405 V., 34-46 Birth of, 31 Escapes from Falkland, 41 Arrives at Leith with Magdalen of France, 41 Entry of Mary of Guise to Edinburgh, 44 VI., 81-91 Born in Edinburgh Castle, 77 Entem Edinburgh in State, 85,341 Arrives at Leith with Anne of Denmark, 87 Bids farewell to Edinburgh, 89 Revisits Edinburgh, 90 VII., 104,131,174,208,341. See York, Duke of James’s Court, 160,193 Jeffrey, Lord Francis, 255, 348 Jock’s Lodge, 94 John’s Coffee House, 211, 213 John, Vicar of St Wile#, 377 Johnson, Dr, 160, 162,210, 266 Johnston of Warriaton, Sir ArchiLdd, 101,232,296 Square, 250, 370 Sir Patrick, 108,183 Rev. Dr, 366 Johnston’s Close, 167,183 Johnstone, John, Teacher, 167, 183 Jonson, Ben, 91 Jouge, The, 293,372 Julius II., Pope, 25 Kames, Lord, 200,284 Katterfeh, Dr, the Conjuror, 238 Hay, the Caricaturist, 212 Keith, John, 308 Kellie, Alexander, 3d Earl of, 276 Kelso, 60 Kennedy, Sir Andrew, 141 Sir Archibald, 241 Bishop, 256, 381 Walter, 24, 26, 28, 30 Kennedy’s Close, Castlehill, 141 Lady Agnea, 72
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466 MENORIALS OF EDINBURGH. Kennedy’s Close, High Street, 247 Benneth III., 246 Ker of Fawdonside, 76 Elligrew, Henry, Ambassador of Queen Elizabeth, 183 Killor, a Black Friar, burnt, 44 Kilravock, 192 Bincaid, Provost, 199 Hincardine, Countese of, 166 King’s Head Inn, Cowgate, 330 Pillar, St Giles’s Church, 381 Stables, 23, 135-137 Work, Leith, 363 Kinloch, Henry, 284 Kinloch’s Close, 251 Kinnoul, William, 3d Earl of, 216 Kintore, John, 3d Earl of, 228 Kirkaldy, Sir William, 82, 84, 85, 121, 136, 174, 182, Canongate, 284 348,389 James, 85 Kirkgate, Leith, 64, 358 Kirkheugh, 207, 208 Kirkliston Church, 129 Kirk-of-Field, 14, 63, 78, 321, 397 Kirkpatrick, William, of Allisland, 179 Knolls, Sir William, Preceptor of Torphichen, 352 Bnox, John, 53, 69, 62, 68, 69, 70, 76, S3, 206, 320, Sir Fhomaa, of Closeburn, 390 - 389 House of, Netherbow, 257 Krames, The, 200 Lacrok, Monsieur, French dmbassador, 357,415 Lady Stair’s Close, 141, 163 Stepe, St Giles’e Church, 201 Lovat’a Land, 262 Yester’s Church, 96, 105, 429, 430 Lady’s Aisle, St Giles’s Church, 382, 383 Altar, 383 Niche, 201 Walk, Leith, 368 Wynd, 136 Lambert, General, 97 Lamb’s Ale House, Parliament Close, 211 Lancaster, Duke of, 12 Lancashire, Tom, the Comedian, 236 Lands, 138 (. Lauder, Sir Alexander, of Blyth, 386 Sir John. See Fountainhall, Lord Bishop, 319 Lauderdale, Duke of, 235 John, 2d Earl of, 102 Charles, 3d Earl of, 209, 298 Countess of, 294 Laurieston, 87 Law of Laurieston, John, 308 Lawnmarket, 157-183,334 Lawson, James, 170 Lawsoun, Richard, 32 Leather Market, 207 Lee, Sir Richard, carries of the Brazen Font of Holy- Club, 157 rood Abbey, 406 Leith, 23, 60, 62, 63, 81, 97, 866-888 Links, 93,104 Walk, 851 Wynd, 44, 66, 82,123, 278,279,362,863 Church, South. See St Mary’r Church, North. See St Ninkn‘c Leiths, Ancient Family of, 356 Lekprevik, Robert, the Printer, 376 Leland, Piers, 6 Lennox, John, 3d Earl of, 40 Matthew, 4th Earl of, 49, 82,277, 362 Lndovic, 2d Duke of, 223 Isabell, Countess of, 382 Leo x., Pope, 26 Lepers, Hospital for, 371,411 Leelie, General, 94, 353, 355, 373 Lethington, 174 Leven, David, Sd Earl of, 144 David, 6th Earl of, 242 Libberton’s Wynd, 164,180,328 Liberton, 4 Lighting of the Streets, First, 67 Lindisfarn, Bishop of, 12, 377 Lindorea, the Clock of the Abbey Church of, put up in St Qiles’s Steeple, 394 Lindeay, Lord, 205, 215 Sir David, 38, 39, 41, 42, 45, 66, 62,152, 383, Sir Dav;d, Younger, 89 Bernard, of Lochill, 364 Lady, 174 442 Linlithgow, 47 Lion’s Den, 131 Little, Clement, 169, 170, 171 Little Jack’s Close, 291 Livingaton, Bishop, 320 Earl of, 309 William, 169,171 Lord, 63 Sir Archibald, 15 Vicar of, 143 Mary, 144 Livingstone’a Yardg 136 Lochaber Axe, 248 Lochart’e court, 89 Lochend, 23 ’ Lockhart, Sir George, Lord President, 178,440 George, “ Union Lockhart,” 241 Robert, 349 Sir Robert, 367, 399, 412 Logan of Restalrig, 362 ‘ Long Gait, 123, 452 Lord Cullen’e Close, 171 Lorn, Lord, 294 Lorraine, May of, 43. See &he, Nay of Lothian Road, 137. Loadon, Earl of, 180,216,295,326 Loughborough, Lord Chancellor, 269 Lounger, The, 200 Lovat, Lady, 262 Lowrie, John, 344 Luckenbootha, 116,172,196, 228 Hut, 301
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