I N D E X .
[IN Part I. of this Work, the incidents are related in chronological order; and in Part 11. (p. 119), according to a
systematic arrangement indicated in the headings of the several Chapters. By a reference to the Contents, any
historical event, or the description of a particular locality, may be readily found. The Index is intended as a, guide to
incidental notices throughout the volume ; and, to render it more complete, all noblemen mentioned merely by their
titles in the course of the work. are here distin-g uished from one another by their proper names, and other individuals generally by some distinctive title or descript,ion.]
Abbey Hill, 138, 309
Abbotsford, 154, 185, 348, 353
Aberdeen, William 2d Earl of, 141
Aberuchill, Lord, 178
Acheson, Sir Archibald, House of, 297
Adam of St Edmunds, Parson of Restalrig, 399
ddvocate’s Library, 182, 210
African Company, 107
Aikenhead, Sir Patrick, 208
Airth, Earl of, the Mansion of, 309
Albany, Alexander Duke of, 19, 20
Close, 229
Arms of, 395
John Duke of, 38, 39
Robert Duke of, 388
Isabell, Duchess of, 382
Alesse, Alexander, 314, 424
Alexander I., 3 .
II., 5, 377
III., 5, 356
VI., Pope, 23
Sir William. See Stirling, Earl of
Alison Sqnare, 346
Allan, David, the Painter, 260
Allen, Janet, the Witcb, 305
Allison’s CIose, Cowgate, 329
Alva, Lord, 193, 195
Amiens, Bishop of, 64, 68
Anand, Sir David de, 7
Anchor Close, 238
Ancrum, Battle of, 53
Angus, Archibald Douglas, 6th Earl of, 36, 37, 40, 61,
Archibald, 8th Earl of, 84
Archibald, 9th Earl of, 283
dune, the Lady, 102, 206,287,341
Queen, 133
of Denmark, 86, 315, 341
Street, Stockbridge, 98
Anatruther, Sir Philip, 284
Antiquaries of Scotland, the Society of, 140,180, 376
Argyle, Bishop of, 78
Archibald, 5th Earl of, 63, 64, 67, 84
Archibald, Marquis of, 100, 123, 141, 188, 2953
Archibald, 9th Earl of, 123, 174, 203, 216, 305,
Lodging of, 316
Countess of, 75, 174
Duke of, 109
Armstrong, Johnnie, 41
Will., 244
Armada, Spanish, 369
Arnot, Hugo, 142
Arran, James, 1st Earl of, 36, 37, 40, 318
James, 2d Earl of, 48, 51, 56, 63, 67, 68, 82, 151
James, 3d Earl of, 174
James Stewart, Earl of, 176
Assembly Aisle, St Qiles’s Church, 390. See Prestm
Rooms, Assembly Close, 243
Bell’s Wynd, 243
West Bow, 243, 338
Atholl, Duke of, 145, 183
Walter Stewart, Ear1 of, the execution of, 15
John, 4th Earl of, 389
Burial Place of, 389, 390
Auchinleck, Lord, 161
Austin, Dr, 145, 332
Bagimont’s Roll, 31
Baijen Hole, 183
Bailie’s Court, Cowgate, 329
Bailie Fife’s Close, 264
Baird, Dr, 143
Sir David, the Birth Place of, 139
Sir Bobert, 138
Bakehouse Close, Canongate, 296
Balcanquall, Dr, 170
Walter, If0
Balcarras, Lord, 208
Baldredus, Deacon of Lothian, 377
.Balfour, Sir James, 78
Baliol, 7
Ballantine, James, 253
Ballantyne, Abbot, 307, 313, 365, 406
Balmain, Miss, 123
Balmerinoch, Lord, 94,353
James, the Printer, 288
House of, Netherbow, 259
House of, Leith, 94, 161
Bane, Donald, 3
Bankton, Lord, 162
Bannatine, Thomai3, 256
Bannatyne, Sir William Macleod, 303 .
Sir Robert, 162
Barns, The, 136
Barrie, Thomas, 278
Barringer‘s Close, 254
Baseandyne, Thomas, the Printer, 258, 270
The House of, 270
Aleson, 258
Bassandyne’s Close, 271
Bath, Queen Mary’s, 76,308
Baxter’s Clmg, 165
Hall, 113
Beacon Fires, 51
Bearford‘s Parks, 191, 232
Beaton, Jamea, Archbishop, 37,40, 267,317
Cardinal, 45, 48, 49, 51, 56
Arms, 318
Portraits of Cardinal, 410
of Creich, 75 ‘
House of, 36, 317
House of, 266,317,452
Bedemen, 188, 394
Begbie’s Murder, 274
Belhaven, Lord, 316
Bell’s Millg Village of, 373
Bellenden, Lord, 303
Sir Lewia, 373
ESir William, 373
Bellevne, 274
House, 260
Bemard Street, Leith, 363, 367
Bernard’s Nook, 364, 368
Bertraham, William, Provost, 19
Berwick, 64
Beth’s or Bess Wynd, 84, 181, 182, 188, 233
Big Jack’s Close, Canongate, 290
Binnie’s Close, 363
Binning, Sir William, 208
Binny, Sir William, 352
Bishop’s Close, 253
Land, 253
Black, Dr, 323, 347
Turnpike, 79,246
Blackadder, Captain William, 81
Black Bull Inn, Old, 312
Blackfriars, Monastery of the, 31,37, 69,62, 63, 82,410
Wynd, 36, 40, 78, 101, 139,176, 191, 263-
Yards, 279
267, 317, 453
Blacklock, Dr, 165
Blair, Dr, 239
Hugh, 178
Street, 321
Blair’s Close, 138, 139
Blue Blanket, or Craftmen’e Banner, 1
Blue Gowns. 188
21, 79, 387,
Blyth’s Close, Castlehill, 77, 139, 146-167
Boisland, James, 136
Bombie, M‘Lellan of, 40, 130
Bore Stane, 124
Boreland, Thomas, 137
Borough Loch, 348
Borthwick, Lord, 266
Robert, 32
Castle, 176
Borthwick‘a Close, 243
Boswell, Dr, 140
Moor, 55, 86, 99,124, 165, 350
James, 241
his Residence, 160
is visited by Dr JohnBon, Id1
Mrs, 161
Boswell’s Court, 140
Bothwell, Patrick Hepburn, 1st Earl of, 26
Adam Hepbum, Earl of, 416
Patrick, 3d Earl of, 51
James, 4th Earl of, 73, 78,79, 226, 296, 341,
Francis Stewart, Earl of, 176, 222
Adam. See Orkney, Bishop of
Ann, daughter of the Bishop of Orkney, 227
Janet Kennedy, Lady, 321
Bowes, Marjorie, wife of John Knox, 257
Boyd’s Close, Canongate, 161, 312
Branding, the Punishment of, 454
Brechin, White Kirk of, 15
Breda, Town Clerk sent to Charles 11. at, 98
Brest, Queen Mary arrives safely at, 53
Bride’s Plenishing, Scottish, 213
Bristo Port, 331
British Linen Company, 274,296, 376
Broad Wynd, Leith, 363
Brodie, Deacon, 171, 237
Brodie’s Close, 169, 431
Broghall, Lord, 206
Brougham, Lord, the Birth-Place of, 329,’ 376
Broughton, Burgh of, 354, 372
Brown, A. of Greenbank, 140
Thomas, 144
Square, 145,331
Henry, 328
Brawn’s Close, Castlehill, 132, 138, 264
High Street, 225
Bruce, Robert the. See Rob& I.
Mr Fbbert, 87,203
of Binning, 231
Sir William, the Architect, 405, 408
Buccleuch, Laird of, 67,222, 230
Place, 348
Buchan, David Stuart, Earl of, 376