Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


388 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. remarkable for brilliancy and power ; and he was looked upon by all as one destined to be eminently useful to the people as well as ornamental to the church. His successful career, however, was of short duration. It is probable that the malady to which he fell a victim had been insinuating its unhappy influence for years, though it appears that not even his most intimate friends ever suspected its approach. On a sacramental occasion, in 1803, as had been his wont, he went over to Fife, to assist his father in dispensing the Lord’s Supper. Every one present remarked that they never observed him more animated and effective. Powerful, and even sublime, his language appeared more like the ‘‘ outpourings ” of inspiration, than the words of mortal man ; and his aged father is said to have shed tears of joy while listening to him. This, the brightest, was his last display in the pulpit. In the evening, mental derangement became so manifest that it was necessary to confine him ever since within the precincts of an asylum.’ No. CCCII. FRANCIS JEFFREY, ESQ., ADVOCATE, ONE OF THE SENATORS OF THE COLLEGE OF JUSTICE. THIS distinguished individual, son of Mr. George Jeffrey, a Depute-Clerk of Session, was born in Windmill Street, or Charles Street, near George Square, on the 23d of October 1773. His early years were marked by vivacity and quickness of apprehension j and his progress at the High School was rapid and decided. After studying for several years, from 1788, at the University of Glasgow, he repaired to Queen’s College, Oxford, and there passed the greater portion of 1792-3. Towards the close of the latter year, he returned to Scotland, and attended for a short time the University of his native city, Here he became a member of the Speculative Society j’ and, entering keenly and warmly into the spirit of the association, acquired that facility in debate for which he was subsequently remarkable. . MR.J EFFRwEaYs a dmitted a member of the faculty of advocates in 1794, but for several years his practice was limited. Talent alone is not always the certain or most rapid pass to success at the Scottish bar j and he found ample . leisure for the indulgence of his taste for literature. Along with the Rev. Sydney It waa creditable to the Relief Congregation at Dalkeith that they expended upwards of eleven hundred pounds in contributing annually towards the maintenance of their once greatly esteemed pastor. He was then removed to Montroae. a Amongst the more distinguished members at that time were the late Francis Horner, afterwards M.P. for St. Mawes ; and Henry, afterwards Lord Brougham and Vaux. During the first four years of his illness he was confined at Musselburgh.
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