Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 393 one of the Senators of the College of Justice, and Anne Horn, heiress of Horn and Westhall, in Aberdeenshire ; and, by the death of his two elder brothers without issue, he ultimately succeeded to the estates of Horn and Westhall. In consequence of his marriage, in 1754, with Miss Elphinstone, heiress of Sir James Elphinstone of Logie, he obtained the estates of Logie, and assumed the name of Elphinstone. General Dalrymple was, on his death, succeeded by his eldest son, James, who married Miss Davidson, heiress of the estate of Midmar, but died without issue. The property then devolved on Captain Dalrymple. In 1800 he married Grahame, daughter of the late Colonel David Hepburn of Keith, by whom he had a large family. He was created a baronet on the 16th of January 1828. After his accession to the estates, Sir Robert was a steady resident proprietor, unambitiously, but not the less effectually, promoting the best interests of the country, by the influence of his presence and example in devoting his attention more exclusively to those of his own immediate locality. He was for seven years Convener of the County of Aberdeen ; and, as a landlord, long enjoyed the reputation of being one of the best and kindest. So much was he in the confidence of his tenantry, that they generally deposited their savings in his hands; and no instance was known of his ever having harassed any of them who might happen to be in arxears. The Print of the Captain and Miss Macdonald is highly illustrative of the fashions then prevailing in the bem mondd. MISS PENELOPE MACDONALD, a lady much celebrated for her handsomeness of figure, her beauty and accomplishments, was the youngest daughter of Ronald Macdonald of Clanronald. " Miss Penzie Macdonald," as she was familiarly called, was married at Edinburgh in March 1789 to William Hamilton of Wishaw, Esq., whose right to the Peerage of Belhaven was admitted, ten years afterwards, by the House of Peers. She left several children, of whom the late Lord Eelhaven (created in 1831 a British Peer by the title of Lord Hamilton), was the eldest. Her ladyship died on the 5th of May 1816. CCCIV. THE LOVERS. THIS Caricature of the CAPTAINa nd MISS MACDONAiLs Da retaliatory production, the artist's usual method of apologising to those who happened to be offended by his choice of a subject. VOL. 11. 3E
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394 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. No. CCCV. DR. JOHN BROWN, ALIAS “THE DEVIL KILLER.” TO many of our readers this Print will recall to remembrance a singular ’ personage of the name of BROWNw, ho, assuming the title of Doctor, and imagining himself destined to astonish and instruct the world, acquired considerable notoriety in Scotland during the latter part of the last and beginning of the present century. At what precise period he entered on the stage of life, or what may have been the station of his parents, we know not. He had been a soldier in his youth, in one of his Majesty’s artillery corps; and had the honour, under General Elliot, to be one of the memorable defenders of Gibraltar. Of a tall erect figure, he is said to have been, in his day, one of the prettiest men in the service. After obtaining his discharge, Brown had sufficient influence to procure an appointment as an excise officer ; but this situation he does not appear to have retained for any length of time. What may have caused his suspension is unknown ; but true it is he very soon afterwards became an avowed enemy to the whole fraternity of revenue collectors ; and his extreme disaffection to :‘ the powers that were ” increased to such an extent as evidently to affect his brain. Having imbibed a few crude notions in political economy, in theology, and natural philosophy, he began his Quixotic crusade against abuses, in the triple character of philosopher, poet, and politician. The rapacity of ministers, and the delusions of priestcraft, were of course inexhaustible topics of declamation ; but, from the following programme of one of his lectures-amusing from its absurdity, and which we transcribe verbatim-some idea may be formed of the “ scope and tendency ” of his more speculative opinions :- “ DR. BROWNS exhibition of the Balance of Nature explored, upon the Principle of Cause and Effect, to promote general happiness, by transferring Taxation from being the punishment for industry, to become the punishment for. iniquity ; the tendency of which is to destroy the kingdom of the Devil or Priestcraft, Bribery, Corruption, and the cursed spirit of Persecution and Blasphemy, insulting Omnipotence with our abominable instructions ; and prevent the Disaffected from sowing the seeds of Rebellion in the Country, by sporting with the Revenue, and hiring News-Printers with secret service money to deceive the people with lies ; and to restore again the Blessings of Peaee, which is of the first glory, for that nation is most honourable that sacrifices most pride for peace. ‘‘ The soldier’s oath sure is not long, Obey his orders right or wrong.
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