Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


Volume 9 Page 516
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BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 3 8 i is said that this is a Louse in fact, and that t4e veritas wnvicii a d ;an d mention is made of a-decision in the case of Chalmers v. Douglas. I have always had a great veneration for the decisions of your Lordships ; and I am sure will always continue to have while I sit here ; but that case was determined by a very small majority, and I have heard your Lordships mention it on various occasione, and you have always desiderated the propriety of it, and I thiik have departed from it in some instances. I remember the circumstances of the case well :-Helm Chalmers lived in Musselburgh, and the defender, Mrs. Baillie, lived in Fisherrow ; and at that time there was much intercourse between the genteel inhabitants of Fisherrow, and Musselburgh, and Inveresk, and likewise Newbigging ; and there were balls, or dances, or assemblies, every fortnight, or oftener, and also sometimes I believe every week ; and there were card-parties, assemblies once a fortnight, or oftener ; and the young people danced there also, and others played at cards, and there were various refreshments, such as tea and coffee, and butter and bread, and I believe, but I am not sure, porter and negns, and likewise small beer. And it was at one of these assemblies that Mn. Baillie called Mrs. Chalmers a -, or an -- , and mid she had been lying with Commissioner Cardonald, a gentleman whom I knew very well at one time, and had a great respect for. And Mrs. Chalmers brought an action of defamation before the Commissaries, and it came by advocation into this Court, and your Lordships allowed a proof of the werites convicii, and it lasted a very long time, and in the end answered no good purpose even to the defender herself, while it did much hurt to the pursuer’s character. I am therefore for REFUSING a proof in this casc ; aud I think the petitioner in this case and his Beetle have h e n slandered, and the petition ought to be seen. “LORD METHVEN.-If I understand this a-a-&-interlocutor, it is not said that the a--a -a-a-Egyptian Lice are Beetles, but that they may be, or -a-a-a-a-resemble Beetles. I am therefore for sending the process to the Ordinary to ascertain the fact, aa I think it depends upon that whether there be a-a-a-a-convicium or not. I think also the petitioner should be ordained to a-a-a-produce his Beetle, and the defender an Egyptian Louse or Pediculus, and that he should,tske a diligence a-a-a-to recover Lice of various kinds ; and these may be remitted to Dr. Nonro, or Mr. Playfair, or to some other naturalist, to report upon the subject. He is dead many years ago. ‘($geed to.”‘ [No. CCCI. REV. ALEXANDER EING, OF THE RELIEF CONGREGATION, DALKEITEL THE father of this gentleman was at one period a teacher at Lasswade,’ and afterwards a minister of the gospel in connection with the Relief. Having studied for the clerical profession, MR. KING, the younger, became a licentiate of the same body; and, in 1799, obtained a call to the Relief Chapel in Dalkeith. During the few years he officiated there, he was greatly esteemed by his congregation, as a young man of superior talent and zeal. His oratory was ’ A pretty correct version of “ The Diamond Beetle Case” appeared in an amusing volume, post 8v0, entitled “Literary Gems,” compiled by Yr. Jamea Shaw. Edinburgh: M‘Lschlan and Stewart, 1826. ’ He taught the parish school, having probably been a licentiate of the Church of Scotland; but, on being accused of inculcating doctrines or opinions at variance with the principles of the Establishment, and proceedings having been instituted against him before the Pmbytery of Dalkeith, at the instance of the eldera and minister of his parish, he joined the Relief body, and .soon thereafter waa ordained to a pastoral charge.
Volume 9 Page 517
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