Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


326 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. of Methven; William Smythe, Esq., advocate; and the Rev. Patrick M. Smythe, of Tanworth, in the county of Warwick;’ and two daughters, the eldest of whom was married to the Right Hon. David Boyle, Lord Justice-clerk. No. CCLXXX. GENERAL FRANCIS DUNDAS, SIR HENRY JARDINE, SIR ROBERT DUNDAS OF BEECHWOOD, BART., CAPTAIN HAY, THE LATE EARL OF EGLINTON, AND THE MISSES MAXWELL, ETC. THIS Print is highly illustrative of society in the Scottish metropolis during the warlike era of the Volunteers. On the Castle Hill, Princes Street, or the Meadow Walks, similar groups might be daily witnessed. The first and most conspicuous of the military gentlemen is the late GENERAL FRANCIS DUNDAS, son of the second President Dundas, and brother of the late Lord Chief Baron. At the time the Engraving was executed, in 1795, he was Colonel of the Scots Brigade-a corps long distinguished in the service of Holland, and afterwards embodied in the British line as the 94th regiment. Colonel Dundas attained the rank of Major-General in 1795 ; Lieut.-General in 1802; and General in 1812. In 1809, he was appointed Colonel of the 71st light infantry, six companies of which were draughted in 1810 to serve in Spain under the Duke of Wellington. In 1802-3 he was Governor of Cape of Good Hope, During the brief peace of Amiens, in accordance with his instructions to evacuate the colony, the garrison had embarked on board the British squadron ; but having, on the evening of embarkation, fortunately received counter-orders, the General relanded 1 Another son, George Smythe, Esq., advocate, was unfortunately killed by a fall from a gig. This gentleman was a member of the Bannatyne Club, and contributed for the use of that Society a very curious and valuable volume, entitled “Letters of John Grahame of Claverhouse, Viscount of Dundee, with illustrative documents.” Edin. 1826, 4to.
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