Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


342 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES was the Scottish Thistle, surmounted with the national motto, "Nemo me impune lacesset ;" and underneath, the words *' Agmine Remorum Celeri." Speedily formed into an effective body of Sea Fencibles, they did not allow their gallantry to evaporate in mere. words. Besides at all times keeping a watchful look-out upon the coast, upwards of two hundred of them volunteered, in 1806, to man the Tern1 ship-of-war, then lying in Leith Roads, and instantly proceeding to sea, gave chase to some French frigates by whom the coast had been infested, and numerous depredations committed on our trade. A subscription, amounting to upwards of ;E250, was raised in Edinburgh, and distributed among the men, as a reward for this important service.' With the Teml, the gallant band of Sea Fencibles were next year engaged at Copenhagen, and had the good fortune to capture a frigate named the Neyden, which they brought as a prke to Yarmouth Roads, from whence they returned with much eclat to Newhaven. Some of the old surviving hands of this expedition were won't to delight in spinning a yarn on the subject-"as how, when I was on board the Teml." So early as the reign of James IT. certain burgal privileges were conferred on it; but these, at an'after period, were bought up by the Town Council of Edinburgh.x "Coeval with the erection of this suburb, Janies built a chapel which he dedicated to St. Mary, and from this fabric the little haven was sometimes called 'our Lady's Port of Grace.'"a The coincidence of name has probably given rise to a belief among the simple inhabitants, that the village was designated '' Mary's Port," from the circumstance of Queen Mary having landed there on her arrival from France. In confirmation of this they point to an ancientlooking house near the oentre of the village, said to have been erected in commemoration of the event, with a tabular stone in the wall, bearing the date 1588, 2nd surmounted by a thistle. The centre of the tablet contains the figure of a vessel of peculiar form, said to be the Spanish polachre in which the Queen arrived. Underneath are the words, " In the neam of God ;" also the figures of two globes, with compass and square, etc. Unfortunately for the authenticity of this tradition, the young Queen of Scots, according to our historians, landed at Leith twenty-seven years prior to the above date. Her mother, Mary of Guise, first came to Scotland in 1538 : an event which, could Newhaven, small though it be, is a place of some antiquity. 1 It ia with mnch satisfaction we have to state, that the amount of the subscription for the Sea Fencibles, shipwrights, and some ropemakem, who so handsomely volunteered to go on board Hi9 Majesty's ship Texel, is f250 : 19s. This has enabled Captain Milne to give to each of the men $1 : 5s. ; to three petty officem, $3 : 3s. each ; and to'dndrew Sandilands, a Sea Fencible belonging to Leith, E20 in addition, having had his leg broken while on board the TercZ. A small balance remaining is to be given to a distressed family in Newhaven."-Edinbwgh Newspapm. By way of denoting, we suppose, the jurisdiction of the city over Newhaven, it waa an ancient practice of the Magiatrates of Edinburgh to proceed annually to the village, where they publicly drank wine in what ~KBS then called the Spare. chanbcl.s''s Qwtteer.-The "Great Michael," a vessel of uncommon dimensions for so early a period aa the reign of James IV., is supposed to have been built at Newhaven.
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BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 34 3 we suppose the mistake of a figure, might be assumed as the occurrence referred to; and, in 1550, a small squadron of ships having been brought to anchor at Newhaven, the Queen Dowager embarked from thence on a visit to her daughter in France. The Society of Newhaven Fishermen, which serves the purpose of a benefit society, while at the same time it protects the civil rights of its members, was instituted by a charter from James the Sixth.’ The members number some- There about two hundred and sixty. A noble feature in the character of the Newhaven men is their sturdy independence of spirit, and the mspect which they enforce as due to old age. Members above sixty years of age are exempted from all burdens cannected with the Society, without depriving them of any of its privileges. Every aged pauper, if he fulfils the letter of the regulations so far as to appear on the ahare at the landing of a boat, whether he lend his assistance or not, is entitled to a small allowance from the produce. Even in their jollifications the aged are treated with the utmost c%re by the younger portion of the canvivial party, a certain number of whom are appointed, on great occasions, tcr observe when the old fellows are sufficiently in their cups, and to see them conveyed safely home and put to bed. On the annual choosing of office - bearers for the Society, the newly elected box-holder, as he is called, treats the d d men to a dinner and drink, when the veterans usually eujoy themselves pretty freely. On an occ* sion of this kind, some years ago, the unit& ages of the five individuals who sat at the convivial board amounted to four hundred and thirty years. Though not greatly famed for their knowledge of books, sacred or profane, the people of Newhaven have long maintained a church-going reputation. “Within the bounds of the parish of North Leith,” says the author of a History of Leith, “ the old church, in Dr. Johnston’s time, was much frequented by the primitive natives of that celebrated village, who, being naturally gregarious, generally formed the majority of its congregation, in which they constituted a marked and not unpleasing feature ; nay, it was a sight of no ordinary interest to see the stern and weather-beaten faces of these hardy seamen subdued, by the influence of religious feeling, into an expression of deep reverence and humility before their God. Their devotion seemed to have acquired an additional solemnity of character from a consciousness of the peculiarly hazardous nature of their occupation, which, throwing them immediately and sensibly on the protection of their Creator every day of their lives, had imbued them with a deep sense of gratitude to that Being, whose outstretched arm had conducted their little bark in safety through a hundred storms. The fishermen of Newhaven and their families were always looked upon by their worthy pastor with peculiar kindness. He considered them in an especial manner under his charge and protection, and accordingly treated them on all occasions with the most marked They maintain their own poor. 1 Owing to varioua doubtful claims, the fishermen have, in more instances than one, been obliged to resort to legal measures. Some of their law-suits were not likely to be decided 80 long as the funds of the Society were nnexhausted.
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