Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


434 INDEX TO THE PORTRAITS. ETC . N No . Page Nairne. Sir William. Bart., Lord Dunsinnan ......................................... xci 217 Napier. Right Hon. Francis Lord .........o lx 404 Neil. Mr . Thomas. wright and precentor. in the character of the “ Old Wife ”xcvi 230 Neilson. Mr . James ..................... xxxviii 89 Newton. Lord. on the bench ............l xxxiii 200 Nicol. Andrew. with a plan of his Middenstead ........................... cxviii 290 Nicol. Andrew ................................. cxix 291 0 Ogilvy. Dr . Skene ........................... xxxv 76 Osborne. Alexander. Esq ............... cxxxviii 343 P Page. Captain ................................. xiv 40 Paton. Mr . George. the antiquary ...... xcix 244 Paul. Rev. William. one of the ministers of the West Church .................c. lxiii 414 Philosophers ................................... xxv 56 Pillans. Robert. one of the Captains of the City Guard ........................... xv 41 Pilmer. Major ................................ clx 409 Pitcairn. George. one of the Captains of 41 Pratt. George. the town-crier ............l xxii 170 R Rae. Sir David. of Eskgrove. Bart., Lord Justice-clerk .............................. cxl 350 Rae. Mr . James. surgeon.dentist ......... clxvii 424 Retaliation ; or the Cudgellcr caught ... xlvii 99 Richardson. William ........................... iv 12 Ritchie. Adam ................................. xxxi 68 Robertson. George. one of the Captains of the City Guard ....................... xv 41 Robertson. Principal. author of the “History of Scotland” and “ Charles V.” xli 93 Robertson. Rev . William. D.D., in his full clerical dress ........................ xlii 9’4 Robertson. Captain George. of the City Guard ....................................... Ivi 118 Robertson. James. of Kincraigie ......... cxxiv 305 Ronaldson. Francis. Esq ...............c xxxviii 344 Rylance. Mr . Ralph ........................... xcii 220 the City Guard ........................... XY Ross. David. Lord Ankerville .................. c 248 S Sabbath Evening School. Dispersion of a ....................................... cxliii 356 Scott, Mr . William ........................... clxii 411 Septemviri. the Sapient. King’s College. Aberdeen ................................. xxxv 76 Shadows. Two .............................. cxxxii 323 Shiells. Mr . John. surgeon ..............c. lvii 397 Sibbald. Mr . James ........................... clxii 411 Siddons. Mn., in the character of “Lady Randolph” ................................ lv 113 NO . Page Skene. John .................................... cxix 291 Smellie. Mr . William. printer. F.R.S. and F . A.S .............................. lxxxn 206 Smith. Dr . Adam. author of “The Wealth of Nations ................. xxxiii 73 Smith. Dr . Adam. LL.D. and F.K.S. of London and Edinburgh ......... xxxiv 75 Smith, George ................................. cvi 264 Sone. Samuel. of the 24th Regiment Spottiswood. John. Esq ................. Stabilina. Hieronymo ........................ cxx 293 Steuart. Provost David ........................ xvi 42 Stirling. Sir James. Bart., Lord Provost. Stirling. Sir James. Bart ............. Sutherland. Mr., in the character of “Old Norval ...... Taplor. Quarter-Master ..................... xliii 95 Thom. Dr . William. Professor of Civil Law in Eing’s College. Aberdeen ... xxxv 79 Thomson. Mr . Alexander .................. xlvi 98 Tony. Bailie James .......... ... xlix 105 Tremamondo. Angelo. E gmaster .................................... xxxii 69 clxix 428 Tytler ................................ xxxviii 86 Vicars. Captain ................................ xiv 40 v Voltaire. the French Philosopher ...... lxxxv 205 Volunteers. Royal Edinburgh ............ xcviii 236 w Walker. Rev . Robert. one of the ministcrs of the High Church ......... cxxxix 347 Walker. Mary ................................. cxix 291 Watson. Alexander. Esq . of Glenturkie .. clxiv 417 Watson. Alexander. Esq . of Glenturkie. .. clxv 118 Watson. Mr., an Edinburgh Messenger.lxxxv 206 Watson. Mungo. Beadle of Lady Yester’s Church etc- ........................... cxxiii 304 .... cxii 274 Webster. Rev . Dr . Alexander. of the Tolbooth Church ........................... x 2 8 White. Mr . Thomas. midshipman. at the bar of the High Court of Justiciary ....................................... lxii 145 Williamson. Peter. author of “ Life and Vicissitudes of Peter Williamson,” etc ........................................... lix 131 Wood. &fr . Alexander. surgeon .. Wood. Mr . Alexauder. surgeon ............l xix 164 Woods. Mrs., of the Theatre Royal ......... lv 117 Wesley. Rev . John Wnght. Mr . John, lecturer on lam ...... cviii 268 Wright. Mr . John, advocate ...............c ix 270
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INDEX TO TEE NAME S I N C I D EN TAL L Y hl E NT I0 NE D IN THE FIRST VOLUME. A ABERCROMBGYe, orge, Esq., 106 Abercromby, Sir Ralph, 213, 289, 290 Abercromby, Lord, 106, 302, 303, 307 Abercromby, Sir Robert, K.C.B., 106 Abercromby, Lord, of Aboukir and Tullibody, 109 Abercromby, the Hon. James, Speaker of the House of Commons, 110 Abercromby, Alexander, C.B., 110 Abercromby, John, G. C. B., 110 Abercromby, Ralph, Esq., 110 Abercromby, Captain George, 237 Aberdeen, Earl of, 72, 204 Aberdeen, Magistrates of, 135 Aboyne, Earl of, 187 Adam, Admiral Sir Charles, 95 Adam, Dr. Alexander, 298 Adam, Robert, Esq., architect, 406 Addington, Mr., 74 Addington, Justice, 380 Agnew, Sir Andrew, 170 Agnew, Miss Mary, 170 Aikenhead, Miss, 88 Aikman, Mr. John, 300, 334 Ainslie, General, 236, 419 Ainslie, Andrew, 257, 258, 259, Aleck, Blind, 110 Alemore, Lord, 248 Alexander, Helen, 1 Alexander, Sir William, 106 Alexander, Provost William, 224 Alexander, Emperor of Russia, 392 264, 265 Alison, Rev. Mr., 179, 180, 182 Alison, Mr., 270 Allan, Robert, Esq., 42, 43, 261 Allan, Thomas, Esq., 43 Allan, IIiss Adriana, 128 Allan, Colonel Ethen, 267 Alston, Mr. John, 399 Alves, John, Esq., 307 Amory, Mr., 38 Ancrurn, Lord, 238 Anderson, Dr. James, preface, Vii Anderson, David, Esq., 193 Anderson, Dr., 303 Anderson, Provost, 390 Anderson, Dr. Robert, 412 Andrew, Nr. Gcorge, 418 Angelo, Henry, 70 Angouleme, Duke D’, 215 Angouleme, Duchess of, 215 Annandale, Marquis of, 196 Anstruther, Lieutenant John, 237 Anstruther, Lady Betty, 417 Anstruther, Mr., 271 Arbuthnot, Lieutenant Robert, Argyle, Duke of, 254 Armadale, Lord, 170, 306 Armstrong, Lieutenant Thomas, Armstrong, Martyn John, 247 Arnold, Dr., 30 Arnot, Rev. Robert, 80 Arnot, Hugo, Esq., of Balcormo, Arnot, Mrs., of Balcormo, 16 Arundel, Lord, 302 Asaph, Dean of St., 207 Atholl, Duke of, 213, 385, 420 237 237 119 Atholl, Duchess of, 213 Atkinson, Mr., 11 Auchinleck, Lord, 350 Anchterlony, Miss, 404 Aylesbuv, Earl of, 327 Aytoun, Lieut.-Colonel, 237 B BABY, the dwarf, 328 Baikie, Miss, 262 Baikie, Robert, Esq., 262 Bailie, John, 305 Baillie, Mr., of Mellerstain, 196 Baine, Rev. James, 348 Baird, Robert, Esq., 81 Baird, Sir James, of Newbyth, 96 Baird, Sir David, 130 Baird, Sir David, Bart., K.B., 204 Baird, William, Esq., 204 Eaird, Rev. Dr., 237,240,354,359 Baird, Mr., 292 Balcarras, Earl of, 204 Balfour, James, of Forrett, 23 Balfonr, Rev. Dr., 67 Balfour, John, Esq,, 307 Balfour, Mr. E., 354 Balgray, Lord, 393 Ballangiech, Gudeman of, 190 Balmuto, Lord, 126, 298 Bankton, Lord, 225 Bannatyne, Rev. James, 124 Bannatyne, Katherine, 124 Bannqtyne, Lord, 303, 417 Barclay and Cross, Messrs., 22 Barjarg, Lord, 127, 299 Barnard, Dr., 74 Bath and Wells, Bishop of, 336 Bauchope, -, 309
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