Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


NOTES TO VOL. I. Page 257, DEACONBR ODIEA ND THE EXCISEO FFICE. The Excise Office was then in Chessels’ Court, Canongate. In the reign of Charles 11. it stood a little below John Knox’s house, just within the Nether Bow Port, From thence it was removed to a fine old building in the Cowgate, on the site of the southeru arches of George IV. Bridge, originally the mansion of the Earl of Haddington, the favourite of James I. Froni this it was transferred to Chessels‘ Court in 1772, and then to the fine mansion of Sir Lawrence Dundas in St. Andrew Square, now the Royal Bank.of Scotland. Brodie’s own house was in .the Lawnmarket, a little below the West Bow, styled after him Brodie’s Close. Page 281, Dr. ALEXAXDEMRO NRO. Among the earliest Scottish photograph portraits, taken with paper negatives, by the late D. 0. Hill, R.S.A., is a very characteristic photograph of Dr. Alexander Monro Tertius. Page 287, EARLO F BUCHANH’SO USE. The Earl of Buchan’s house was at the north-east corner of St. Andrew Sqnare, with its east windows on North St. Andrew Street. There the Society of Antiquaries was originated ; and there the eccentric nobleman figured in such scenes as that of Apollo and the Muses, described in the following note. Page 305, HADDOH’SO LE. The Little Kirk, or Haddo’s Hole, waa the north-west division of Old St. Giles’s Church. Until near the close of last century it was entered through a beautiful Norman porch, the last remains of the earliest structure ; and over this was a chamber to which Maitland gives the name of the Priest’s Prison. In this apartment Sir John Gordon of Haddo was imprisoned in 1644, previous to his trial, and beheading by the Maiden. Hence the name of Haddo’s Hole. Page 306, MUIR of Huntershill and his MONUMENT. The monument referred to as in prospect was at length successfully raised in spite of the proceedings which interdicted its erection for a time, and wasted the funds in law proceedings ; thereby reducing the scheme to the poor obelisk now in the Old Caltou Eurying-ground. Page 315, LORDP RESIDENBLTA IRA ND LORDM ELVILLE. The houses referred to in the note were, it is presumed, in Brown Square. Lord Melville occupied the most westerly house on the north side of the square. The next house was occupied for a time by Sir Ilay Campbell, the predecessor of Lord President Blair. The locality was conveniently near the Parliament House, with easy access by the Cowgate and Old Parliament Stairs. Hence the square was a favourite resort of the Judges. Lord Justice-clerk Miller was succeeded in the centre house on the same side by his son, Lord Glenlee, who continued to occupy it long after the general fashionable migration to the New Town. Page 41 7, APGOWAN’MS USEUM. Pennant, in his Second Tour, gives some account of the contents of Mr. John Macguan’a “ small but select private cabinet.” Some of the objects found in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh appear to have possessed considerable local interest; and especially a fine Roman bronze, representing a beautiful Naiad, with a wine-vat on her head, and a small satyr in one arm.
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INDEX TO VOL . I . PORTRAITS AND BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES . A No . Page Abercromby. Sir Ralph. K . B., giving the word of command ........................ li 106 Abercromby, General Sir Ralph, K.B., viewing the army encamped on the plains of Egypt ........................... lii 108 Adams. Mr . John, master of the Royal Riding Menage ........................... clxi 410 Aeronauts, a Group of .................. xxxviii Arnot, Hugo, Esq . of Balcormo, advocate ... v 86 16 cate ....................................... Viii 25 cate ....................................... lxvi 157 cate .................................... cxxxii 324 X ........................................ lxxxix 215 Beat, Rev . William, Kilrenny, Fifeshire ... cx 271 Bell, Mr. Andrew, engraver .................i.v 13 Bell, Mr . Andrew, engraver ............ lxxxvi 210 Beuuet. Mr . John, surgeon ...............c lix 401 Black, Dr . Joseph ........................... xxu 52 Black, Dr . Joseph, lecturing ............ xxiii 54 Black, Dr . Joseph ........................... xxv 56 Provost ................................. xxviii 62 Blair, Sir James Hunter, Bart ............. xcu 226 Blair, Sir James Hunter, Bart ............. cii 252 Arnot, Hugo, Esq . of Balcormo, advo- Arnot, Hugo, Esq . of Balcormo, advo- Arnot, Hugo, Esq . of Balcormo, advo- Artois, Count D’, afterwards Charles B Blair. Sir Jcmes Hunter, Bark, Lord Blir, Robert, Esq., Solicitor.Genera1, afterwards Lord President of the Court of Session ..................... cxxvii 313 Blair. Robert, Esq., Solicitor-General cxxviii 314 Blair, Rev . Hugh, D.D., of the High Church .................................... lvii 120 Blair, Mr . Thomas, of the Stamp-Office ... cxlii 355 Boruwlaski, Joseph. the Polish Dwarf . cxxxiii 327 Brodie, Deacon William ..................... cv 256 Brodie, Deacon William ..................... cVi 264 and Elliestown ........................ xxxiii 75 58 61 Brown, George, Esq . of Lindsaylands Brown, Dr . John, author of the “Brunonian System of Medicine ” ......... xxvi Brown, Dr . John, in his study ......... xxvii No . Page Abwsinian Traveller ..................... lix 128 Bruce. James. Esq . of Kinnaird. the Buchan. Right Hon . the Earl of ......... cxvi 286 Bucks. Four .................................... cxx 292 Burnett. James. Lord Monboddo ............v 18 Burnett. James. Lord Monboddo ............ vi 21 Buttons. General. an American Officer ... cvii 266 Byrne. Charles. the Irish Giant ............ iv 10 C Campbell. Major. of the 35th Regiment.xcvii 235 Campbell. John. Esq . of Blythswood. Lieut.-Colonel of the 9th Regiment of Foot .................................... clu 383 Byrne. the Irish Giant ..................... clxiv 417 Carlyle. Alexander. D.D., Inveresk ... xxix 65 Chalmers. Dr . John. Principal of King’s College. Aberdeen ..................... xxxv 78 Chalmers. Dr . William. Professor of Medicine. King’s College. Aberdeen ....................................... xxxv 79 Charteris. I&., in the character of “Bardolph” .................................... lxiii 151 City Guard. Three Captains of the ......... xv Clarkson. Major .............................. clx 409 Cochrane. the Hon . Basil .................. cliii 384 Cock- fighting Match between the Counties of Lanark and Haddington .......................................... xliv 96 Congregation. a Sleepy ........................ x 28 Contemplation ............ .......................... 21 Courtship .......................................... Ix 139 Craig. Lord .................................... cxxii 302 Cranstoun. George .............................. xx 50 Cranstoun. Geordie ........................ clxiv 417 Cmwford. Miss. of Jordanhill ............ xlvi 98 Crawford. Miss. of Jordanhill ............ xlvii Crawford. Captain ........................... xlvii 99 the Awkward Squad ..................... clv 390 Cullen. Dr . William. in his study ......... civ 255 D Dalzel, Professor .............................. xxx 67 41 99 Crichton. Colonel Patrick. of the Edinburgh Volunteers. with a view of Cullen. Dr . William ........................ ciu 253
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