Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


444 Steven, Miss Liuy, 2 Stevens, Mr., 151 Stevenson. Yr. John. 35 INDEX TO THE NAMES, ETC. Taylor, -, 45 Taylor, Mr., 148 Taylor, Rev. Mr., 401 Theresa, Maria, 215 Thomas a-Becket, 96 Thomson, Deacon, 164 Thomson, Yr., teacher, 167 Thornson, Thomas, Esq., 191 Thomson, Mr., precentor, 231 Thornson, James, the poet, 287 Thornson, Mr., of Crichton, Gal and Thomson, 391 Thurlow, Chancellor, 379, 422 Torry, Mr. John, 105 Tott, Jacquiline de, 196 Townsend, Hon. Charles, 74 Traill, Professor, 79 Tremamondo, Angelo, Esq., 41( Tremamondo, Miss, 69 Tremamondo, Dominico Angel Malevolti, 70, 71 Trotter, John, Esq., 307 Tudway, Miss, 336 Turnbull, W. B. D. D., Esq., 24! Turner, Sir Charles, 236 Tytler, James, 21, 79, 98, 306 T-ytler, Mr., ofWoodhouselee, 303 I'ytler, Mn., of Woodhouselee, rweeddale, Lord, 418 325 413 U LTRQUHART, Mr., of Meldrum, 18 v VALENTIA. Lord. 130 Stevenson, Professor, 120 Stevenson, Mr. George, 224 Stevenson, Mr. Thomas, 234 Stewart, Colonel, of Garth, 50 Stewart, fiIr., 89 Stewart, Sir James, 124 Stewart, Miss Agnes, 124 Stewart, Serjeant-Major, 216 Stewart, Dougald, Esq., 351 Stewart, Miss Margaret, 351 Stewart, Lady Ann, 351 Stewart, Miss Jean, 385 Stewart, Lady, 408 Stirling, Rev. Mr., 31 Stirling, Sir Jas., Bart., 163, 23 Stirling, Captain C., 214 Stirling, John, 309 Stirling, Mr., of Keir, 373 Stirling, Sir Gilbert, 377 Stirling, Miss Jane, 377 Stirling, Miss Joan, 377 Stoddart, Mr., 172 Stoddart, Mr., 225 Stonefield, Lord, 218, 260 Stachsn, Mr., 121 Straiton, Mr. John, 331 Strathaven, Lord, 91 Strickland, Sir William, 385 Struthers, Rev. Mr., 300 Stiiart, Dr. Gilbert, 20, 30, 9: Stuart, John Roy, 22 Stuart, Dr. Charles, 255 Stuart, James, Esq., of Dnnearn Suffolk, Lord, 208 Sutherland, Countess of, 50 Sutherland and Corri, Messrs, 1( Swift, Dean, 91 Swift, Theophilus, 91 Swinton, Lord, 260, 269, 307 Sym, Robert, Esq., 303, 390 Syme, Mrs., 12, 93 Symington and Lawrie, Messrs., T TAIT, William, Esq., 260 Tanner, Mr., 228 Tanner, Mrs., 228 Tasker, John, 265 Tawse, Mr. John, 300 289 122, 207 173 412 Tere, Niss Elizabeth, 198 Tizelle, Mrs., 276 Ternon, Mr., 411 Testina, Hebe, 36 ryse, General, 239, 290, 346 W C'ADDELL, Yr. Andrew, 321 Vales, Prince of, 50, 71, 124 186, 241, 380 Wales, Princess Dowager of, 70 Walker, Dr., 208, 286 Walker, Bailie John, 224 Walker, Mr. Robert, 347 Wallace, Lady, 91, 184 Wallace, Thomas Lord, 103 Xalpole, Sir Robert, 53 iere, Charles Hope, of Craighall 198 Walpole, Horace, afterwards Lord Walsingham, Lord, 379 Warburton, Dr., 173 Ward, Mrs., 66 Wardlaw, Dr., 195 Warrender, Mr. Hugh, 243 Warrender, Sir George, Bart., Watson, Jarnes, 96 Watson, Robert, Esq., 100 Watson, Miss, Elizabeth, 100 Watson, Mr, John, 199 Watson, Rev. Richard, 274 Watson, Mr. Charles, 284 Watson, Dr., 284 Watson, Mr. Robert, 388 Watt, Jean, 259, 261 Watt, Robert, 352, 353, 354 Watt, Mr. James, 53 Wauchope, John, Esq., 307 Nauchope, Andrew, Esq., 307 Nebb, Mn., 152 Vebster, Rev. Dr., 49, 89, 175, 176, 282, 424 Vebster, Mrs., 176 Yebster, Miss, 49 Yeddel, Mr., 293 Vedderburn, Lady, 75 Vedderburn, Sir John, 198 Vedderburn, Louisa Dorothea, Vedderburn, Sir Peter, 378 k'edderburn, Peter, Esq., 378 Tesley, Rev. John, 174, 338 iesley, Mr. Charles, 274, 275 iesley, Mr. Samuel, 275 Tellwood, Sir Henry Moncreiff, 89, 175, 301, 415 rest, the celebrated artist, 71 rest, Captain William, 237 rest, Mr. Morris, 237 'hitbread, Mr., 102 'hite, Mr. William, 321 'hite, Mr., advocate, 426 'hitecross, Margaret, 354 'hitefield, Rev. George, 276,335, 349 hiteford, Mr., 336 hitefoord, Mr. Caleb, I51 hitehead, Paul, 147 hyt, Baine, Esq., 237 hytt, Dr., 254 ight, Alexander, Esq., 260 . ilde, Mr., advocate, 314 ilkie, Miss, of Doddington, 81 Walpole, 53 243 198 '
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INDEX TO ‘THE NAMES, ETC. Wilkinson, Mr., 293 Williamson, Mr. George, 259,260, Williamson, Peter, 356 Williamson, Rev. David, 370 William IT., 419 Wilson, Rev. Dr., 30 Wilson, John, 138 Wilson, Jean, 138 Wilson, Deacon Andrew, 406 Winchilsea, Earl of, 90, 91 Wingate, Mr., 14 Winter, Admirsl de, 362, 363 Winton, Earl of, 312 263, 306, 387 Wishart, Dr., 299 Woffington, Miss Margaret, 70 Wood, the Scottish Roscius, 143, Wood, Mr., of Warriston, 161 Wood, Lady, 183 Wood, Mr. John, 237 Wood, Mr. Alexander, 256, 375, Woodhouselee, Lord, 15, 303 Woods, Mr., 117 Wraxall, Sir N. W., Bart., 382 Wright, Mr., 145 Wright, Mr., advocate, 155 144 388 END OF VOL. I. 445 wfight, Mr. Malcolm, 237 Wright, Mr. John, 268 Wrottesley, Sir John, 40 Y YATES, Mr., 148 York, Duke of, 71, 90, 106, 107, 108, 186, 423 Young, Mr., 86 Young and Salisbury, Messrs., 222 Young, Captain, 326 Young, Dr. Thomas, 331, 332 Young, Henr-j-, 391 Pp-infea’ (5. R. & R. CLARK, Edinburgh
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