Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


432 INDEX TO THE PORTRAITS. ETC . No . Pap. Dalzel. Andrew. A.M., F.R.S., Professor of Greek in the University ......... cxxxi 32( Davidson. Rev . Dr . Thomas. of the Tolbooth Church .......................... cliv 386 Davidson. John. Esq., W.S ............... xcix 242 Devotees. Three Legal ..................... cxix 291 Dhu. John. or Dow. alim Macdonald ...... ii 8 Dhn. John. of the City Guard ...............x c 218 Dhu. Corporal John ........................ clxx 429 Dickson. Bailie James ..................... xlix 10 4 Donaldson. James. a half-witted baker .. .xlv 97 Downie. Mr . David, goldsmith. tried for High Treason along with Robert Watt in 1794 ........................... cxli 352 Doyle. William. of the 24th Regiment ...... 1 105 Duf. Jamie. an idiot ........................... ii 7 Duncan. Right Hon . Lord Viscount ... cxlv 360 Duncan.Admira1. ontheQuarter-Deck ... cxlvi 362 Dundas. the Hon . Robert. of Arniston. Lord Chief Baronof the Court of Exchequer .............................. xlviii 103 Dundas. the Hon . Robert. of Amiston. Lord Advocate of Scotland ......... cxxix 316 Duudas. Henry. Viscount Melville. in the uniform of the Royal Edinburgh Volunteers .............................. cxvii 289 Dundas. Henry ................................. cl 376 E Edgar. Janies. Esq., .Commissioner of Customs ................................. cliii 385 Eiston, Dr., Surgeon ........................ cxx 292 Elder. Thomas. Esq . of Forneth. Lord Provost ................................. exliv 358 Errol. Earl of .............................. lxxxiv 203 Erskine. Rev . Dr . John. of Carnock ...... xxx 67 Erskine. Hon . Henry. advocate ............ xxx 67 Erskine. Hon . Henry. Dean of the Faculty of Advocates ..................... lviii 124 Erskine. Rev . Dr . John. of the old Greyfriars' Church .......................... Jxxiii 171 Erskine. Rev . Dr . John .................. lxxiv 175 Ewing. Rev . Greville. of Lady Glenorchy's Chapel. Edinburgh. afterwards ofNileStreetChape1. Glasgowlxxx 194 F Fairholme. George. Esq . of Greenhill ... clxiv 416 Fergusson. Neil. Esq., advocate ...... cxxxiii 386 Fisher. Major. of the 55th Regiment ...... xxi 51 Forbes. Sir William. Bart . of Pitsligo. banker ................................... lxxvi 180 Forbes. Sir William. Bart . of Pitsligo. banker ...................................... cii 251 Fmter. William. of the 24th Regiment ...... 1 105 Praser. Thomas. (a Natural) ...........l.x xvii 184 Fairholme. George. Esq . of Greenhill ... clxii 413 Fergusson. George. Lord Hermand ...... clvi 392 G No . Page Garden. Francis. Lord Gardenstone ......... vii 22 Gerard. Dr . Alexander ..................... XXXP 77 Giants. Three Irish (two of them twin .brothers). with a group of spectators ... iv 10 Gilchrist. Mr . Archibald. of the Royal Edinburgh Volunteers ...............x cviii 241 Gingerbread Jock .............................. viii 25 Glen. Dr .......................................... ix 26 Gordon. Right Hon . Lord Adam. on horseback ........................... lxxxviii 212 Cordon. Right Hon . Lord Adam. arm-inarm with the Count D'Artois ... lxxxix 214 Gordon. Alexander. Lord Rockville ... xxxiii 72 Gordon. Professor Thomas. King's College. Aberdeen ........................ xxxv 78 Gordon. CaptainGeorge. ofthecity Guard ... lvi 118 Graham. the Most NobletheMarquisof ... cxvi 285 Graham. Dr . James. going along the North Bridge in a high wind .........x i 30 Graham. Dr . James lecturing ............... xii 33 Grant. Sir James. of Grant. Bart., with a view of his regiment. the Strathspey or Grant Fencibles ............... cxiii 277 Grant. Colquhoun. Esq., W.S. ............ clxv 418 Grrgory. James, M.D., Professor of the Practice of Medicine in the University ....................................... cxxxv 339 Gregory. Dr . James. in the uniform of the Royal Edinburgh Volunteers . cxxxvii 342 Grieve. John. Esq., Lord Provost ......... Ivi 118 Grose. Francis. Esq., F . A.S., of London and Perth ................................. xviii 46 Guard.House. the C i g ..................... clxx 429 H Haddington. the Right Hon . the Earl of ... cii 251 Haddo. the Bight Hon . Lord ............l xxxiv 204 Hailes. Lord. one of the Judges of the Court of Session ..................... cxlvii 364 Hamilton. Dr . Alexander. Professor of Midwifery ........................... cxxxiv 330 Hart. Mr . Orlando ........................... xciii 223 Hay. Charles. Esq., advocate. taken a short time before his elevation to the bench .............................. lxxxii 199 Hay. Dr . James, deacon of the surgeons ... xciii 226 3ay. Dr . James. of Hayston ............ clxvii 426 lay. Miss. of Montblairp .................. xlvii 99 Teads. an Exchange of ..................... lxvi 157 Tenderland. Lord ........................... xcix 243 lenderson. Mr . John. in the character of .. Sir John Falstaff ................. lxiii 146 3ercules. the Modern-Dr . Carlyle destroying the Hydra of Fanaticism ... xxx 67 €igh Street, Levelling of the ............ xciii 222 €ill. Rev . Rowland. A.M., delivering one of hisSermonsontheCaltonH ill ... cxxxv 333
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