Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


NOTES TO VOL. I. Page 66, Dr. CARLPLE. For the actual facts regarding Carlyle’s friendship with Home, wide Dr. Carlyle’s Autobiography. He attended two rehearsals along with the author, Lord Elibank, Dr. Ferguson, and David Hume, at the old Canongate theatre, then under the management of Captain Digges, a well-born profligate, who had been dismissed the army, it was said, as a poltroon. The friends of Home were accustomed to meet at a tavern within the Abbey Sanctuary, and out of this originated the Griskin Club, one of the old convivial clubs of Edinburgh. He performed Young Douglas, and Mrs. Ward, Lady Randolph. Page 72, CROCHALLACLNU B. For an account of the Club, vide Ker’s Life of Xmellie, by whom Burns was introduced to the Club. See the poet’s impromptu on Smellie ; and also his addenda to the old song of “ Rattlin’ roarin’ Willie,” in both of which the Crochallan Club is referred to, Page 11 7, Mr. WOODS. Woods the actor was a special friend of the poet Fergusson. Vide ‘‘ My Last Will : ” “ To thee, whose genius can provoke Thy pmsions to the bowl or sock ; For love to thee, Woods, and the Nine, %e my immortal Shakespeare thine,” etc. An Address, in Verse, “ To Mr. R. Ferpsson, on his recovery from severe depression of spirits,” by Mr. Woods, appeared originally in the Culedoninn Mercury, July 9, 1774, and was appended to the first edition of Pequsson’s Poems, 1807. Page 12 3, Dr. BLAIK “ The great Dr. Blair used to walk in a sort of state, with gown and wig, from his house in Argyle Square, down the Horse Wynd, up the Old Fishmzrket Close, and so to the High Church, every Sunday foreuoon when he went to preach. His style of walking was very pompous, though perhaps not affected.”- Fide Chambers’s Traditions. Page 127, ERSKINEAN D THE PHYSICIANHSA’ LL. It is almost necessary to note here that the Physicians’ Hall, a somewhat tasteful building, with a portico of Corinthian columns, was one of the prized architectural features of the New Town in its early days. It was erected in 1775 ; and as it stood opposite St. Andrew’s Church, the two porticoes would have harmonised well in a general view of the street, had not the Physicians’ Hall been thrown back behind the general line of the street. The site is now occupied by the much more imposing building of the Commercial Bank. Page 160, Rev. JOHNM ‘LuRE. Dr. Robert Chambers describes this same character in his Traditions of Edinburgh, hut he gives him the name of Andrew M‘Lnre. He lived “ in the second flat of a house at the head of Bell’s Wynd, fronting the southern wall of the Old Tolbooth, and next door to the Baijen Hole.” This, Dr. Chambers states, was a celebrated baker’s shop, named in Peter Williamson’s Directory for 1784 as Bugon Hole ; but he says “ the origin of the word defies all research.” The Bejauni were the freshmen, or students of the first year in the old universities. In Aberdeen the freshman is still called a Bejeant, as in Paris he was a Bbjaune, i.e. a ninny, in the fourteenth century. No doubt the Eaijen Hole was a favourite resort of the younger students who had not yet lost a schoolboy’s love for gib, candy, etc. Old High School boys will remember Brown’s Baijen Hole, in the old High School Wynd, the reputation of which survived till the desertion of the Old High School Yards for the Calton HilL The word, however, is very significant.
Volume 8 Page 601
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