Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


NOTES TO VOL- I. BY PROFESSOR DANIEL WILSON, AUTEOR OF ‘MEMORIALS OF EDINBURGH IN THE OLDEN TIME,E’T C. ETC. Page 7, JAMIDEU FF. Strictly speaking, Widow Duffs lodging was in the College Wynd ; though, as it was at the foot of the wynd, its windows niay have looked into the Cowgate. Scott, whose birthplace was in the same wynd, has introduced Jamie Duff in “ Guy Mannering,” in attendance on the funeral of Mrs. Margaret Bertram of Singleside, to the family burial-place in the Greyfriars’ Churchyard. Page 18, ARNOT’RSE SIDENCE. Mr. Arnot, according to information communicated to me, resided for a time on the south side of the Canongate, immediately below St. Mary’sn Wynd. From thence he removed to the New Town, where he occupied a floor in South St. Andrew Street-the probable scene of the above occurrence. Page 20, LORD MONBODDO. An allusion will be found in Lord Cockburn’s dlemm‘als of his Time to the suppers of Lord Moiiboddo as the most Attic of his day. Burns enjoyed them while in Edinbur, qh, and was greatly charmed by the beauty of his daughter Eliza, of whom he makes special note in his “ Address to Edinburgh,” “ Thy daughters bright thy walks adorn,” etc. See the poem, and also Burns’s letter to Chalmers, in which he says-“ Fair Bis the heavenly Miss Burnet, daughter to Lord Monboddo, at whose house I have had the honour to be more than once,” etc. etc. See also the poet’s “ Elegy” on her premature death from consumption, Page 22, LORD GARDENSTONE. In The Court of Session Garland, by James Baswell, notices of this and others of the Judges will be found. It is reprinted by Robed Chambers in his Traditions, with notes of his own. Page 30, Dr. WEBSTER Dr. Webster was one of the rare exceptions to Dr. Samuel Johnson’s antipathy to a Scotsman. Brown’s Court, Castle Hill, where he entertained the lexicographer, bore in his day the name of Webster’s Close.-Vide Dr. Johnson’s letters to him, relative to his “Journey to the Western Islands.” Page 37, MARIONVILLE. Marionville is, or was, a handsome old-fashioned house near Restalrig, which originally bore the popular name of “Lappet Ha’,” owing to its having been built by a fashionable milliner of Auld Reekie with the proceeds of her professional services among the grandees of the old closes and wynds. Page 54, Dr. BLACJL Dr. Black’s earlier residence was in the College Wynd, not far from the house in which Sir Walter Scott was born, and in the immediate vicinity of the College.
Volume 8 Page 600
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