Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. IV


349 Hope Pukl ?THE DOUGLAS CAUSE.? THE BURGH LOCH.. (Aftw a Plwtagrajh o f t h OnginaZ, bypermission of thc M e m k t Company of Edidu&.l CHAPTER XLI. HOPE PARK END. ?The Douglas Cause,? or Story of Lady Jane Douglas-Stewart-Hugh Lord Semplc-? The Chevalier?-The Archers? Hall-Royal Company of Archers formed-Their Tacobitism-Their Colours-hrlv Parades-Constitution and Admission-Their Hall built-Mwrs. Nelsond Establishment-Thomas Nelson. HOPE PARK END is the name of a somewhat humble cluster of unpretending houses which sprang up at the east end of the Meadows ; but the actual villa latterly called Hope Park was built on the south bank of the former loch, ?immediately eastward of the Meadow Cage,? as it is described in the prints of 1822. In character Hope Park End has been improved by the erection of Hope Park Crescent and Terrace, with the U. P. church in their vicinity; but when its only adjuncts were the Burgh Loch Brewery, the dingy edifices known as Gifford Park, and an old house of the sixteenth century, pulled down by the Messrs. Nelson, it was a somewhat sombre locality. Another old house near the Archers? Hall showed on the lintel of its round turnpike stair the date 1704, and the initials AB -J.L. ; but in which old mansion in this quarter the celebrated and unfortunate Lady Jane Douglas- Stewart resided we have no means of ascertaining, or whether before or after she occupied z garret in the East Cross Causeway, and only know from her letters that she lived here during a portion of the time (1753) when her long vexed case was disputed in Scotland and in England. Having referred to this case so often, it is necessary, even for Edinburgh readers, to say something of what it was-one in which the famous toady Boswell, though little inclined to exaggeration, is reported by Sir Walter Scott to have been so ardent a partisan that he headed a mob which smashed the windows of the adverse judges of the Court of Session, when, ?? For Douglas or Hamilton? ? was the question men asked each other in the streets, at night, and swords instantly drawn if opinions were hostile j for ? the Douglas cause,? as Scott says, ?shook the security of birthright in Scotland, and was a cause which, had it happened before the Union, when there was no appeal to a
Volume 4 Page 349
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