Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. IV


362 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [lauriston. As a precaution against the germs of disease, the walls are cemented and faced with parian, while the floors are of well-varnished Baltic pine. Galton grates are extensively used, with a view of obtaining the fullest benefit of all the fires. A well-lighted cIass-room enters from the south side of a ground-floor corridor, where 300 students may have the advantage of clinical demonstrations; while a similar room, with accommodation for zoo, holds a corresponding situation on the female side. A short passage from the entrance hall leads southward to the great operating theatre, which is capable of holding about 500 students, and has retiring rooms in it, one specially for the administration of chloroform. A wing of Watson?s Hospital has been allocated as the nurses? kitchen and dininghall, the housekeeper?s rooms, and those of the lady superintendent and her assistant. In the west wing are the dining-room, library, and private apartments of the resident medical staff. In the north-west corner of the grounds, and apart from the general edifice, is a group of buildings, with a frontage to Lauriston of 150 feet, which though detailed in a less florid style, yet harmonise with the general design. This is the department for Pathology, the principal feature of which is an ample-sized theatre for lectures, seated for 220 students, and having microscopic and chemistry rooms, SEC., attached. Near it is the mortuary, the walls of which are lined with white glazed bricks. It is in direct communication with the Surgical and Medical Hospitals, from both of which the bodies of the dead can be conveyed thereto, unseen by the other patients, through an undergound passage. To the washing-house, in another building, the soiled linen is conveyed through a tunnel, and subjected to a washer worked by steam, a mechanical wringer, and a drying chamber of hot air. Beside it is the boiler-house, for working the heating apparatus generally and the hydraulic machinery of the hoists, which latter is effected by a steam-engine of 32 horse-power. A residence for the superintendent, commodious, and harmonising with the general buildings, has been erected near the Meadow Walk, in rear of the Surgical Hospital. In regard to its capabilities for accommodation, we may state that of the eighteen wards in the surgical departments there are fifteen which will accommodate sixteen patients, including private beds. In the medical house are twelve wards, each capable of receiving twenty-three patients. Including the ophthalmic, accident, and D. T. wards, together with the reserved beds, there is a total of 600, or 140 over the daily average of patients treated in the last year of the old infirmary. The amount of space provided for each patient varies from 2,350 feet to 2,380, as compared to the 1,800 cubic feet allowed in St. Thomas?s Hospital, London, and 1,226 cubic feet in Fort Warren, Massachusetts. (Scotsman, I 8 7 9, &c.) The Infirmary was inspected by the Queen on the occasion of her visit to Edinburgh in connection with the Volunteer Review of 1881. The Edinburgh Royal Maternity and Simpson Memorial Hospital-so called as a tribute to the noble name and memory of the late Sir James Y. Simpson-was erected in 1878, for the accomniodation of this most important charity, at the corner of Lauriston Place and Lauriston Park. Meadow-side House, the hospital specially devoted to sick children, is in Lauriston Lane, and in the most sunny portion of the grounds. It is a humane and useful charity; its directors chiefly consist of medical men, a matron, and a committee of ladies, with a complete medical staff of resident, ordinary, and consulting physicians. Immediately adjoined to where this edifice stands, there was erected in 1816 the Merchant Maiden?s Hospital, the successor of that establishment which was endowed by Mrs. Mary Erskine, incorporated by Act of Parliament in 1702, and which we have described in a preceding chapter, as being in the vicinity of Argyle Square. That old building had long been found inadequate to its objects, and its vicinity having become crowded with houses, the governors, zealous for the comfort of the young ladies under their care, purchased three acres to the west of Lauriston Lane, which is a southern continuation of the ancient Vennel in a spot, which we are told, in 1816, ?united all the advantages of retirement and pure air, without an inconvenient distance from tom.?? (SrOrs Mig., 1816). Erected from designs by Mr. Burn, this edifice is still a very elegant one, 180 feet long by 60 deep, with a bow of 36 feet radius in its north front. Its style is purely Grecian The central portico of four fine Ionic columns faces the West Meadow, and is detailed from a small temple on the Ilyssus, near Athens. The windows on the lower storey are double arched, and the superstructure has an aspect of strength and solidity. The foundation-stone was laid on the 2nd of August, 1816, in presence of the governors and the preses, William Ramsay, a well known banker, and the total expense was about On the principal floor, as it was then laid out, was an elegant chapel and governors? room, 30 feet in .?9,000.
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Luriston.1 GEORGE HERIOT. 363 diameter and 22 feet high; one school-room, 52 feet long by 26 wide ; and two others of 42 feet by 24; with, on the upper floors, the nursery, bed-rooms, music, store and governesses? rooms. The building was opened in 1819, and two years after contained 80 girls, its annual revenue being then about E3,ooo sterling. In 187 I another hospital for the girls was erected elsewhere, and the edifice described was appropriated for the use of George Watson?s College Schools, with an entrance from Archibald Place. The design of these schools is to provide boys with a liberal education, qualifying them for CMrnercial or professional life, and for the universities. Their course of study includes the classics, English, French, and German, and all the other usual branches of a most liberal education, together with chemistry, drill, gymnastics, and fencing. The number of foundationers has Seen reduced to 60, at least one fourth of whom are elected by competitive examination from boys attending this and the other schools of the Merchant Company, and boys attending these schools have the following benefits, viz. I : A presentation to one of the foundations of this, or Stewart?s Hospital, tenable for six years j 2. A bursary, on leaving the schools of 6 . 5 yearly for four years. The foundationers are boarded in a house belonging to the governors, with the exception of those who are boardedwith families in the city. When admitted, they must be of the age of nine, and not above fourteen years. On leaving each is allowed f;7 for clothes; he may rsceive for five years LIO annually; and on attaining the age of twenty-five a further sum of A50, to enable him to commence business in Edinburgh. The Chalmers Hospital, at the south side of the west end of huriston Place, is a large edifice, in a plain Italian style, and treats annually about 180 in-door, and over 2,500 out-door patients. It was erected in 1861. George Chalmers, a plumber in Edinburgh, who died on the 10th of March, 1836, bequeathed the greater part of his fortune, estimated at ~30,000, for the erection and the endowment of this ;?Hospital for the Sick and Hurt.? The management of the charity is in the hands of the ,Dean and Faculty of Advocates, who, after allowing the fund to accumulate for some years, in conformity to the will of the founder, erected the building, which was fully opened for patients in 1864; and adjoining it is the new thoroughfare called Chalmers Street. The Lauriston Place United Presbyterian church, a large and handsome Gothic structure at the corner of Portland Place, was built in 1859 ; and near it, in Lauriston Gardens, is theCatholic convent of St. Catharine of Sienna-the same saint to whom the old convent at the Sciennes was devoted- built in 1859, by the widow of Colonel Hutchison. It is in the regular collegiate style, and the body of the foundress is interred in the grounds attached to it, where stands an ancient thorn-tree coeval with the original convent CHAPTER XLIII. GEORGE HERIOT?S HOSPITAL AND THE GREYFRIARS CHURCH. Notice of George Heriot-Dies Chiidless-His Will-The Hospital founded-I& Progrw-The Master Masons-Opened-Number of Scholars -Dr. Balcanquall-Alterations-The Edifice-The Architecture of it-Heriot?s Day and Infant Schools in the City-Lunardik Balloon Ascent-Royai Edinburgh Volunteers-The Heriot Brewery-Old Greyfriars Church-The Covenant-The CromwcllLms-The Conrunting Prhonern-The Martyrs? Tomb-New Greyfriars-Dr. Wallace-Dr. Robertson-Dr. ErskinAld Tombs in the Chorch-Gmt by Queen Mary-Morton Interred-State of the Ground in 177g-The Graves of Buchanan and others--Bona from St Gda?s Church. AMONG the many noble charitable institutions of which Edinburgh may justly feel proud one of the most conspicuous is Heriot?s Hospital, on the north side of Lahriston-an institution which, in object and munificence. is not unlike the famous Christ?s Hospital in the English metropolis. Of the early history of George Heriot, who, as a jeweller and goldsmith was the favourite and humble friend of James VI. and who was immortalised in one way by Scott in the ?Fohnes of Nigel,?.? but scanty records remain, He is said to have been a branch of the Heriots of Trabroun, in East Lothian, and was born at Edinburgh in June, 1563, during the reign of Mary, and in due time he was brought up to the profession of a goldsmith by his father, one of the craft, and a man of some consideration in the city, for which he sat as Commissioner more thanonce in Parliament. A jeweller named George Heriot, who was frequently employed by Jarnes V., as the Treasury accounts show, was most likely the elder Heriot, to whose business he added that of a .
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