From each side of this central mass there are
three floors of corridors, affording access to the
wards of the Surgical Hospital, and to the front
view appear as so many ranges of triple-windows
surmounted by a balustrade of stone. Each of these
passages is twelve feet wide, and run from end to
end of the buildings ; and there branch out towards
Lauriston four blocks of wards, 128 feet long by 33
wide. Each comes to within some 35 feet of the
It consists of four pavilions lying east and west,
parallel to each other, at distances of about IOO feet
apart, with their eight towers facing the Meadows,
repeating the architectural features of the Lauriston
front at their northern ends, all connected by a
corridor, the flat roof of which becomes available
as an open gallery.
Each of all these separate blocks or pavilions,
besides their attics and basements, have three floors,
(Reduced Facsi#tde of R. Scott?r Enffravinr of fhe Drawing i.U And~ew Scott Maron, wed 13, Pudlisfud in I8rg.)
pavement, presenting a front of eight Holyrood
towers, with four crowstepped gables between. The
masonryis hammer-dressed stone and dressed ashlar.
On the south side of the main corridors are two
blocks that project to the south, and between them
are two class-rooms, also entering from these corridors,
with a theatre for operations in rear of the
central block, while immediately to the south of all
this are the old buildings of Watson?s Hospital, remodelled
for administrative purposes.
The Surgical Hospital forms a pile of building
with a frontage of 480 feet, combining a picturesque
group of round towers, and corbelled tourelles, oyer
all of which rises the lofty spire.
The Medical Hospital occupies that portion of
the ground nearest to the northern walk of the
Meadows, and most simple are its arrangements.
each of which constitutes a ward, or separate and
independent hospital, capable, if necessary, of complete
isolation. The floors are connected by a
spacious staircase, and each opens out from the
wide corridor, at right angles to its upper end ; and
two hydraulic hoists run from the basement to the
top of the block-one for sending up meals from
the general kitchen, and the other large enough to
hold a bed for the conveyance, up or down, of a
helpless patient. There are also shoots for soiled
linen and sweepings and ashes. In short, everything
is considered, and no comfort seems to have
been forgotten, even to a complete set of fireextinguishing
For the nurse in charge of each department
there are comfortable apartments, one of which, by
a glazed opening, commands a view of the ward.