Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. IV


344 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. Gwrge squarc for transporting a finelydressed lady in a powdered toupee. The public sedans were, for the most part, in the hands of Highlanders, who generally wore short tartan coats, and whose strange jargon and fiery irritability of temper, amid the confusion of a dissolving assembly or a dismissed theatre, were deemed highly amusing. Now there is no such thing as a private sedan in Edinburgh any more than in London, and the use of public ones has entirely ceased. North of George Square, No. I, Park Place (now removed to niake way for .the new university Medical Schools), was the town house of the Campbells of Succoth. Sir Islay, the first baronet, was Lord distance from the east end of Teviot Row, the class-room of the chair of music. This handsome hall, though inadequate to the purposes for which it is required, is in the Italian style, and is the finest of the university class-rooms. It was erected by order of the CouJt of Session, in 1861, from funds which were bequeathed for the purpose by General John Reid, the composer of the spirited march, ?The Garb of Old Gaul,? to words written by General Sir Harry Erksine, and it has a museum containing an almost unique collection of instruments, both acoustic and musical, together with various other objects of interest There is also a library of musical compositions PARK PLACE, SHOWING CAYPBELL OF SUCCOTH?S HOUSE. President of the Court of Session, under the title 01 Lord Succoth, and was descended from the house of Argyle, and his mother was the only daughte1 and heiress of John Wallace of Elderslie. He was one of the counsel for the defence in the great Douglas cause, and brought to Edinburgh the first tidings of Lord Douglas?s victory in the House of Lords. A baronetcy was conferred upon the Lord President when he retired from office in 1808, and he died in 1823, after being long resident on his estate of Garscube, whither his son, Sir Archibaldwho in 1809 became a senator under the title of Lord Succoth-also retired in 1824; and his great house in PArk Place was latterly occupied as the Edinburgh Ladies? Institution for Education, and near it was the new Jewish Synagogue. In Park Place (where Dr. Tait, the present Archbishop of Canterbury, was born) stands, about ninety yards west of Charles Street and the same and treatises, which is one of the most complete at present existing. Perhaps the special feature is the magnificent organ by Messrs. Hill and Son, which in some points is unsurpassed. It contains four manuals and sixty-six stops, of which latter eleven belong to the ?pedal organ.? In this department of the instrument are two specimens, both in wood and in metal, of the rare register of ? 32 feet? These pedal stops, and several on the manuals, of the most exquisite softness and delicacy, are the great points of this renowned instrument, which has been completed by the present occupant of the chair of music, Professor Sir Herbert Oakeley, who, during the university term, gives fortnightly open ? I recitals,? which are much prized by students and citizens. During late years the interior of the hall has been much improved. Under ten panels the name aHd date of the ten greatest composers have
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Park Place.] THE SOUTHERN DISTRICTS. 345 attempt was made to have the royaltj. extended over all the southern suburbs of Edinburgh; but, as that was strenuously opposed, they were afterwards, by an Act of George 111. in 1771, divided into eight distrkts in the following manner :- I. The road leading from Bristo Street westward by Teviot Row and Lauriston, ?? to the Twopenny Custom? (in Old Toll Cross), to be called the district of Lauriston. been inscribed. Figures of two of these-Mozart and Beethoven-have been already painted by a Munich artist, and it is understood to be Sir Herbert?s hope that the remaining eight will be added. Towards the middle of the eighteenth century an with other thoroughfares leading into it, to be George Square district. IV. Nicolson Park, including the crossways intersecting it, from the Chapel Street to the Pleasance, and the street along the back of the City Wall from Potterrow to Pleasance, to be Nicolson Park district. V. The Cross Causeway, from the south end of the Potterrow to the east end of the said cause- 11. The streets of Bristo and Potterrow, from their two ports to where they join (near the General?s Entry), and the cross streets between them, to be the district of Bristo and Potterrow. 111. George Square, with Charles and Crichton Streets (exclusive of the corner house of the latter),
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