Frendracht, Viscount, 191
Froissart, 9, 12
Fullerton, Adam, 152, 272
Gabriel, the Archangel, Chapel of, 386
Qabriel’s Road, 371
Gallow Lee, 179, 275, 355
Galloway, Earl of, 324
Countess of, 324
House, 324
Gay, the Poet, 199, 300
Geddes, Jenny, 92,250,391
General‘s Entry, 345
George IL, 109
IV., 97, 133
Wilkie’s Portrait of, 410
Gill Bells, 211
Gillespie, Wdliam, Tobacconist, 350
Gillon, James, 69
Girth Cross, 306
Gladstone, Thomas, 162
Gladstone’s Land, 163
Olamis, Lady, 43,133
Glass, Ancient Painted, 387, 400
Glasgow, 49
Glencairn, Earl of, 69, 64, 67
Qlenlee, Lord, 332
Gloucester, Duke of, 19
Golden Charter, 19
Goldsmith, Oliver, 243, 323
Golf, 104, 301
Golfer’s Land, 135, 301
Gordon, George, 1st Duke of, 106, 123, 144, 169,179
Sir John, of Fasque, 357
Archbishop of, 27, 36
Duchess of, 138,192,308
Lady Ann, 296
Lady Catherine, 25
Lady Jane, 295
of Haddo, Sir John, 387
of Braid, 140
Hon. Alexander, 141
C. H., 141
Gosford‘s Close, 179
Gourlay, David, 177,178
John, 173
Norman, burnt at Greenside, 411
Robert, 172
Gowry, Earl of, 89
Grame, Tower of, 244
Graham, Robert, 15
Grange, Lady, 174, 441
Grassmarket, 26, 69, 101,109,195, 342, 343
Grant, Sir Francis, 171
Gray, Lord, 28, 164
Residence of the Daughters of, 144
Sir William, 164, 281
Andrew, 280
Egidia, 164, 281
John, 282
Gray’s Cloae, North, 254
Greenfield, Dr, 140 ’
South, See Hint Close
Greenside, 23, 285, 375, 411, 444
Uregory IX., Pope, 6
Greyfriars, 26, 269
Greyfriam’ Church, 96, 411
The Rood of, 111
Churchyard, 73, 83,169,206,411, 462
Monastery, 63, 342, 400, 443
Port, 117, 331, 454
Grieve, John, Provost, 139
Urymanus, Marcq Patriarch of Aquileig 48
Guard-Houae, 115,189, 247
Tom, 219,247, 431
Town, the Origin of, 36
Gueldere, Mary of, 17,18, 342, 381, 394
Guest, General, 111, 339
Guise, Duke of, 43
Mary of, 43,44, 48,62,65,67,146-167
Mary of, Portrait of, 202
Palace, 139, 146-157
Leith, 360
Guthrie, James, 216
Guy, Count of Namur, 7
Haddington, Sir Thomas Hamilton, Earl of, 327,331
Thomas, Zd Earl of, 227
The Earl of, 341
Lord, the 7th Earl, 195
Haddow’s Hole Kirk, 387
Hailee, Lord, 284, 316, 370
Haliburton, Provost, of Dundee, 65
Provost George, 339
Master James, 261
Haliday, Sir John, 41
Halkerston’s Wynd, 117,118,242,250
Halton, Lord, 298, 454
Hammermen, Corporation of, 387, 400, 401
Hamilton, James, 4th Duke of, 106,108, 163, 183
Lord Claud, 370
Sir Patrick, 24,36,37,136
Sir Jamee, 314
Abbot, Gavin, 73
Gavin, his Model of the Old Town, 439
Port, 250
Hangman’s House, 243
Hanna, Jamea, Dean of St Qiea’s Church, 391
Hare Stane, 124
Harper, Sir John, 160
Hart, Andrew, the Printer, 235, 236
Hartfield, Lady, 208
Harviston, Lady, 208
Hastings, Marchioness of, 180
Haunted Close, West Bow. See Stinking CZosc
Hawkhill, 131, 177
Hawthornden, 7
Hay, Father, 3
Lord David, 283
Bishop, 265
Lady Ann, 180
Lady Catherine, 180
E. k Drummond, 154
Heathfield, Lord, 256
Heigh, Jock, 190
Henderson, of Fordel, 253