Edinburgh Bookshelf

Edinburgh Bookshelf


Index for “elizabeth graham”

THE MOUND (concluded).
The Art Galleries-The National Gallery The Various Collections-The Royal Smttish Academy-Early Scottish Artists-The Institution-
The First Exhibition in Edinburgh-Foundation of the Admy-Presidents: G. Wataon, Sir William Allan. Sir J. W. Godon,
Si Gcorge Harvcy, Sir Daniel bfaatec-The Spalding Fund.
THEIR objects being akin, the Royal Icstitution and
Art Galleries stand in convenient proximity to each
other. The formation of the latter was one of the
results of the Report, referred to, by Sir John Shaw
Lefevre on the constitution of the Board of Manufactures
; and subsequent negotiations with the
Treasury led to the erection of the Galleries, the
foundation stone of which was laid by the Prince
Consort on the 30th of August, 1850, and they
were opened in 1859. The Treasury furnished
;t;30,000, the Board ~oo,ooo, and the city a
portion of the site at a nominal rate. By these
arrangements the Scottish people have a noble
National Gallery of great and increasing value, and
the Royal Scottish Academy has also been provided
with saloons for its annual exhibitions.
Designed by W. H, Playfair, the Galleries are so
situated that a railway tunnel crosses beneath their
foundation and a lofty green bank overlooks the
south end. They form a crucifom edifice, the
main length of which lies north and south, with a
broad and high transept intersecting the centre ;
at the south and north ends, or fronts, are beautiful
Ionic porticoes, and on each face of the transept
is a handsome hexastyle Ionic portico. The
eastern range is occupied by the Royal Scottish
Academy?s Exhibition from February till May in
each year, and the western range is permanently
used as the National Gallery, containing a collection
of paintings by old masters and modern artists and
a few works of sculpture, among which, terminating
the long vista of the saloons, is Flaxman?s fine
statue of Robert Bums. The first of these contains
specimens of the Flemish, Dutch, and French
schools of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries ;
the central or second saloon specimens of the
Jtalian, Venetian, Genoese, Florentine, Flemish,
and other schools of the same period; while the
third room is devoted to examples of the Scottish
The collections generally include some fine
specimens of Vandyke, Titian, Tintoretto, Velasquez,
Paul Veronese, Spagnoletto, Rembrandt, and others.
There is also a noble series of portraits by Sir
Thomas Lawrence, Sir Henry Raeburn, George
Watson (first President of the Academy), Sir John
Watson Gordon, and Graham Gilbert. In one
of the rooms set apart for modem works may be ... OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH., [The Mound. THE NATIONAL GALLERY. CHAPTER XIII. THE MOUND (concluded). The Art ...

Book 3  p. 88
(Score 1.12)

and Mary, constituting their uncle, Rend, Marquis
dElbeuf, Regent of Scotland. She tried to arrange
a treaty of peace, including Scotland, England, and
France, but died ere it could be concluded, on
the 10th June, 1560.
Fresh forces were now envkoning Leith. Sir
James Balfour states that there were among them
4c 12,000 Scots Protestants,? under the Duke of
Chatelerault, eleven peers, and 120 lesser
barons ; but all their operations at Leith had signally
failed ; thus Lethington, in one of his letters,
acknowledged that its fortifications were so strong,
that if well victualled it might defy an army of
zo,ooo men. In these circumstances negotiations
for peace began. A commission was granted by
Francis and May, joint sovereigns of Scotland, to
John de Monluc, Bishop of Valence, Nicholas,
Bishop of Amiens, the Sieurs de la Brosse, d?Oisel,
and de Raudan, to arrange the conditions of a
treaty to include Scotland, France, and England.
It was duly signed at Edinburgh, but prior to it
the French, says Rapin, offered to restore Calais
if Elizabeth would withdraw her troops from before
Leith. ?But she answered that she did not
value that Fishtown so much as the quiet of
It was stipulated that the French army should
embark for France on board of English ships with
bag and baggage, arms and armour, without molestation,
and that, on the day they evacuated Leith
Lord Grey should begin his homeward march ; but,
oddly enough, it was expressly stipulated that an
officer with sixty Frenchmen should remain in the
castle of Inchkeith It was also arranged that all
the artillery in Leith should be collected in the
market-place ; that at the same time the artillery of
the besiegers, piece for piece, should be ranged in
an open place, and that every gun and standard
should be conveyed to their respective countries.
On the 16th of July, 1560, the French troops,
reduced now to 4000 men, under MarCchal
Strozzi, marched out of Leith after plundering it of
everything they could lay their hands on, and embarked
on board Elizabeth?s fleet, thus closiiig a
twelve years? campaign inScotland. At the same
hour the English began their march for the Borders,
and John Knox held a solemn service of thanks
giving in St. Giles?s.
In addition to the battery mounds which still
remain, many relics of this siege have been dis
covered from time to time in Leith. In 1853,
when some workmen were lowering the head of
King Street, they came upon an old wall of great
strength (says the Edinburgh Guardian of that
year), and near it lay two ancient cannon-balls,
respectively 6- and 32-pounders. In the Scotsman
for 1857 and 1859 is reported the discovery of
several skeletons buried in the vicinity of the batteries
; and many human bones, cannon-balls, old
swords, &c., have been found from time to time
in the vicinity of Wellington Place. Two of the
principal thoroughfares of Leith were said to be
long known as Les Deux Bras, being so styled by
the garrison of Mary of Lorraine.
f i e Fortifications demolished-Landing of Queen Mary-Leith Mortgaged-Edinburgh takes Military Possession of i t - a Convention-a Plague
.-Jams VI. Departs and Returns-WitchesGowrie Conspiracy-The Union Jack-Pirates-Taylor the Water Poet-A Fight in the
Harbour-Death of Jams VI.
BARELY was the treaty of peace concluded, than
it was foolishly resolved by the Scottish government
to demolish the fortifications which had been reared
with such labour and skill, lest they migh! be the
means of future mischief if they fell into the hands
of an enemy ; consequently, the following Order of
Council was issued at Edinburgh 2nd July, 1560,
commanding their destruction :-
?Forsaemeikle as it is naturiie knawyn how
hurtful the fortifications of Leith hes been to this
haille realme, and in especialle to the townes next
adjacent thairunto, and how prejudiciall the same
sal1 be to the libertie of this haille countrie, in caiss
strangears sal1 at any tyme hereafter intruse thamselfs
thairin : For this and syck like considerations
the Council has thocht expedient, and chargis
Provost, Bailies and Council of Edinburgh to tak
order with the town and community of the same?
and caus and compel1 thame to appoint a sufficient
number to cast doilll and demolish the south part
of the said towne, begynand at Sanct Anthones
Port, and passing westward to the Water of Leith,
making the Blockhouse and curtain equal with the
ground.? ... AND NEW EDINBUKGH. [I eith. and Mary, constituting their uncle, Rend, Marquis dElbeuf, Regent of Scotland. ...

Book 5  p. 178
(Score 1.09)

Roman, and which spans the bum where it flows
through a wooded and sylvan glen near Joppa.
The lower portions and substructure of this house
date probably from the Middle Ages ; but the present
edifice was built in 1639, by John, second
Lord Thirlstane (son of the Lord Chancellor just
referred to), who was father of the future Duke of
Lauderdale, and who died in 1645.
The older mansion in the time of the Reformation
belonged to a family named Crichton, and
the then laird was famous as a conspirator against
Cardinal Beaton. When, in 1545, George Wishart
courageously ventured to preach in Leith, among
his auditors were the Lairds of Brunstane, Longniddry,
and Ormiston, at whose houses he afterwards
took up his residence in turns, accompanied at
times by Knox, his devoted scholar, and the bearer
of his two-handed sword.
When Cardinal Beaton became especially obnoxious
to those Scottish barons who were in the
pay of Henry VIII., a schetne was formed to get
rid of him by assassination, and the Baron of Brunstane
entered into it warmly. In July 1545 he
opened a communication with Sir Ralph Sadler
? touching the killing of the Cardinal ; ? and the
Englishman-showing his opinion of the character
of his correspondent-coolly hinted at ?a reward
of the deed,? and ? the glory to God that would
accrue from it.? (Tytler.) In the same year
Crichton opened communications with several
persons in England with the hope of extracting
protection and reward from Henry for the
murder of the Cardinal j but as pay did not seem
forthcoming, he took no active hand in the final
He was afterwards forfeited; but the Act was
withdrawn in a Parliament held by the Queen
Regent in 1556.
In 1585, John Crichton of Brunstane and James
Douglas of Drumlanrig became caution in LIO,OOO
for Robert Douglas, Provost of Lincluden, that if
released from the Castle of Edinburgh he would
return to reside there on a six days? warning.
In the ?Retours? for May 17th, 1608, we find
Jacobus Crichtoun hares, Joannis Crichtoun de
Brunstoun patris ; but from thenceforward to the
time of Lord Thirlstane there seems a hiatus in the
history of the old place.
We have examined the existing title-deeds of it,
which show that previous to 1682 the house and
lands were in possession of John, Duke of Lauderdale,
whose second duchess, Elizabeth Murray .
(daughter of William, Earl of Dysart, and widow of
Sir Lyonell Talmash, of Heyling, in the county of
Suffolk), obtained a charter of them, under the
Great Seal of Scotland, in the year mentioned, on
the 10th March.
They next came into possession of Lyonell, Earl
of Dysart, ? as only son and heir of the deceased
Elizabeth, Duchess of Lauderdale,? on the 19th of
March, I 703.
The said Earl sold ?the house of Gilberton,
commonly called Brunstane,? to Archibald, Duke of
Argyle, on the 31st May, 1736; and ten years
afterwards the latter sold Brunstane to James, third
Earl of Abercorn.
Part of the lands of Bruistane were sold by the
Duke on the 28th September, 1747, to Andrew
Fletcher of Saltoun, nephew of that stem patriot of
the same name who, after the Union, quitted Scotland,
saying that ?? she was only fit for the slaves
who sold her.?
Andrew Fletcher resided in the house of Brunstane.
He was Lord Justice Clerk, and succeeded
the famous Lord Fountainhall on the bench in
1724, and presided? as a judge till his death, at
Brunstane, 13th of December, 1766. His daughter,
?? Miss Betty Fletcher,? was married at Brunstane,
in 1758, to Captain Wedderburn of Gosford.
On the 15th of February, 1769, the old house
and the Fletchers? portion of the estate were acquired
by purchase by James, eighth Earl of Abercorn,
whose descendant and representative, the
first Duke of Abercom, sold Brunstane, in 1875, to
the Benhar Coal Company, by whom it is again
advertised for sale.
A Pathway in the 15th Century probable-General Leslie?s Trenches-Repulse of Cromwell-The Rood Chapel-Old Leith Stapes-Proposal
for Lighting the Walk-The Gallow Lea-Executions there-The Minister of Sport- Five Witches-Five Covenanters-The Story of their
Skulls-The Murder of Lady Baillie-Thc Etfigies of ?I Johnnie Wilkes.?
PRIOR to the building of the North Bridge the
Easter Road was the principal camage way to Leith
on the east, and the Bonnington Road, as we have
elsewhere stated, was the chief way to the seaport
on the west; but there would seem to have been
of old some kind of path, however narrow, in the ... OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Leith Walk. Roman, and which spans the bum where it flows through a wooded and sylvan ...

Book 5  p. 150
(Score 1.08)

North Bridgt.]
were again seen bivouacking all night, on straw or
pallets, under the portico of the house, or in the
adjacent square, for the purpose of securing seats
for their employers the moment the doors were
open. Again it became a recognised amusement
for peop!e to proceed thither after breakfast to see,
about the time of the box-office unclosing, the
fights that ensued between the liverymen and the
imtable Highland porters.
But in the year 1819 Miss O?Neill quitted the
stage, and became eventually Lady Becher of
Ballygiblio Castle, in the couiity of Cork.
which she had to pay yearly as rent and purchase.
Thus one day she was shocked and startled by
a harsh, cold letter, in the usual legal form, arresting
all moneys in her hands until certain claims were
settled, at a time when she had scarcely a penny
wherewith to make payment.
It was at this desperate crisis that Walter Scott
came to the rescue. His Rob Roy, operatically
dramatised, hadalreadyproved a marked success at
Covent Garden, and it was now prepared for the
Edinburgh Theatre, with an excellent cast and much
girl, Miss Elizabeth ONeill, ?who seemed designed
by nature to catch the tragic mantle as it fell from
Mrs. Siddons? shoulders,? appeared in the theatre
in August, ISIg-two months after Waterloo.
The characters in which she always achieved the
greatest success were Juliet, Mrs. Haller, Jane
Shore, and Mrs. Beverley ; and on the occasion of
her first appearance, the old scene of the Siddons
furore was renewed, and porters and livery servants
In 1816 Edmund Kean appeared in Edinburgh,
to startle and delight the people by his vivid
action; then came the elder Matthews, with his
wondrous humour and power of mimicry, and then
Miss Stephens and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kemble ;
yet with all this excellence the management did
not prosper, and when the season of 1819 opened,
matters seemed so gloomy that it was doubtful if
Mrs. Henry Siddons could collect the L2,ooo
THE OLD 1HEATRE ROYAL. (Fmm a Drawing by T. H. Shfherd.publi~hdin 1829.) ... Bridgt.] were again seen bivouacking all night, on straw or pallets, under the portico of the house, or in ...

Book 2  p. 349
(Score 1.08)

62 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Water of Leith
name doesnot appear in the Baronage) was Sheriff and
Provost of Edinburgh (?Burgh Records?). After him
come five -barons of his surname, before the famous
Sir Simon Preston, also Provost of the city, into
whose mansion, the Black Turnpike, Mary was
thrust by the confederate lords. A son or nephew
of his appears to have distinguished himself in the
Low Countries. He is mentioned by Cardinal
Bentivoglio, in his History,? as ?? Colonel Preston,
a Scotsman,? who cut his way through the German
lines in 1578.
Sir Richard Preston of Craigmillar, Gentleman of
the Bedchamber to JamesVI., K.B., and Constable
of Dingwall Castle, raised to the peerage of Scotland
as Lord Dingwall, was the last of this old
line. He married Lady Elizabeth Butler, only
daughter of Thomas, Earl of Ormond, and widow
of Viscount Theophilim, and was created Earl of
Desmond, in the peerage of Ireland, 1614. He
was drowned on his passage from Ireland to Scotland
in 1628, and was succeeded in the Scottish
honours of Dingwall by his only daughter, Elizabeth,
who became Duchess of Ormond.
The castle and lands of Craigmillar were acquired
in 1661 by Sir John Gilmour, son of John
Gilmour, W.S. He passed as Advocate on the 12th
December, 1628, and on the 13th February, 1666,
became Lord President of the Court of Session,
which, after a lapse of nearly eleven years, resumed
its sittings on the I Ith June. The bold stand
which he made for the luckless Marquis of Argyle
was long remembered in Scotland, to his honour.
His pension was only A500 per annum. He became
a Baron of Exchequer, and obtained a clause
in the Militia Act that the realm of Scotland
should not maintain any force levied by the king
without the consent of the Estates. He belonged
latterly to the Lauderdale party, and aided in procuring
the downfall of the Earl of Middleton. He
resigned his chair in 1670, and died soon after.
He was succeeded by his son, Sir Alexander of
Craigmillar, who was created a baronet in 1668,
in which year he had a plea before the Lords
against Captain Stratton, for 2,000 marks lost at
cards. The Lords found that only thirty-one guineas
of it fell due under an Act of 1621, and ordered
the captain to pay it to thm for the use of the poorp
? except 6 5 sterling, which he may retain.?
Sir Charles, the third baronet, was M.P. for
Edinburgh in 1737, and died at Montpellier in
The fourth baronet, Sir Alexander Gilmour of
Craigmillar, was an ensign in the Scots Foot Guards,
and was one of those thirty-nine officers who, with
800 of their men, perished so miserably in the affair
of St. Cas in 1758.
In 1792 SirAlexanderGilrnour,Bart.,whoin 1765
had been Clerk of the Green Cloth, and M.P. for
Midlothian, 1761-1771, diedat Boulogne in 1792,
when the title became extinct, and Craigmillar devolved
upon Charles Little of Liberton (grandson
of Helen, eldest daughter of the second baronet),
who assumed the surname of Gilmour, and whose
son, Lieutenant-General Sir Dugald Little Gilmour
of Craigmillar, was Major of the Rifle Brigade, or
old 95th Regiment, in the Peninsular War,
Nearly midway between Craigmillar and the
house of Prestonfield, in a flat grassy plain, stands
the quaint-looking old mansion named Peffer Mill,
three storeys high, with crowstepped gables, gableted
dormer windows, and a great circular staircase
tower with a conical roof. It has no particular
history ; but Peffer Mill is said to mean in old
Scoto-Saxon the mill on the dark muddy stream.
Braid?s Bum flows past it, at the distance of a few
Lady Sinclair of Dunbeath-Bell?s Mills-Water of Leith Village-Mill at the Dean-Tolbooth then-Old Houxs--The Dean and Poultry
Lands thereof-The Nisbet Family-A Legend-The Dean Village-Belgrave Crescent-The Parish Church-Stewart?s Hospital-
Orphan Hospital-John Watson?s Hospital-The Dean Cemetery-Notable Interments there.
IN No. 16, Rothesay Place, one of the new and
handsome streets which crown the lofty southern
bank of the valley of the Water of Leith, and
overlooks one of the most picturesque parts of it,
at the Dean, there died in 1879 a venerable lady
-a genuine Scottish matron of ?? the old school,?
a notice of whom it would be impossible to omit in
a work like this.
Dame Margaret Sinclair of Dunbeath belonged
to a class now rapidly vanishing-the clear-headed,
gifted, stout-hearted, yet reverent and gentle old
Scottish ladies whom Lord Cockburn loved to. ... OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Water of Leith name doesnot appear in the Baronage) was Sheriff and Provost of ...

Book 5  p. 62
(Score 1.07)

himself in the hands of Lord Lauderdale, who was then considered the leader
of the Whig party in Scotland, and in whose judgment he had the most
implicit confidence. The noble Earl at once concurred with his friend in the
propriety of accepting an offer so very handsomely made by their political
opponents. How well the abilities of Lord Gillies entitled him to the distinction
is amply acknowledged by the high consideration uniformly attached to
the opinions he delivers from the bench.
Lord Gillies had a singular facility in catching the leading features of a cause.
It was in vain for the most ingenious lawyer to attempt to perplex or confuse
him. Nothing diverted his attention from what he considered to be the real
point at issue. His comments, though brief, were lucid and to the purpose ; and
every syllable he uttered bore directly upon the case. In enforcing his views
he never used a word more than was necessary. His memory was excellent.
He rarely took notes, and yet never forgot, in the course of his speech, any
fact adduced, or argument brought forward, that might illustrate or support
his opinions. Frequently caustic and severe, he would demolish in a few minutes
an oration that had taken some unfortunate pleader hours to deliver. In a word,
as a close and convincing reasoner, his lordship had scarcely any rival, either at
the bar or on the bench.
His lordship married, in 1801, Elizabeth, second daughter of Thomas
Carnegy, Esq., of Craigo. Mr. Malcolm Laing, the able Scottish historian, and
friend and contemporary of Lord Gillies at the bar, married Margaret, another
daughter of Mr. Carnegy.1
The figures in the rear are those of two well-known macers to the Court-
GRAHAMan d MrrNRo-the former of whom is in the centre.
ME KNAPP was an English barrister of the Middle Temple, and succeeded
his father as Deputy-Clerk of Arraigns on the home circuit, which o5ce he
filled with much ability for a period of nearly thirty years He came to Edinburgh
in 17 9 4, as Clerk of Arraigns to the Commission of Oyer and Terminer
for the trial of Watt and Downie, accused of high treason-the former of whom
suffered capital punishment.
Another daughter married Sir George M. Grant of Ballindalloch, Bart. ... SKETCHES. 419 himself in the hands of Lord Lauderdale, who was then considered the leader of the ...

Book 9  p. 561
(Score 1.06)

principal talker ; and, when Ben and Drummond walked briskly together in
the winter-weather by the paths in the glen itself, close to the house, or on the
high-way or cross-roads near, Ben would still be talking, and Drummond
chiefly listening. You must remember also that Drummond’s was a bachelois
household, and that, when he and Ben were alone together in the evenings,
and the candles were lit in the chief room, and the supper was removed, there
would still be wine on the board. Then, if you know anything of the two
men, you can see the scene as distinctly as if you had been peeping through
the window. You can see the two sitting on snugly by the ruddy fire far into
the night, hardly hearing the murmur of the Esk and the moaning of the wind
outside, but talking of all things in heaven or earth, Ben telling anecdotes of
his London acquaintances back to Shakespeare, and reciting scraps of poetry,
and pronouncing criticisms on poets, and Drummond now and then taking
out a manuscript from a desk and modestly reading as much as Ben would
stand, and Ben helping himself and going off again, and the noise and the
laughter always increasing on his part, till Drummond at length would grow
dizzy with too much of it, and light their bedroom tapers by way of signal.
And next morning you may be sure it would be a late breakfast, and Ben
would be surIy and taciturn for a while ; but gradually he would come round,
and the day’s talk would begin again. As surely, I repeat, as if you had been
a spy sent to watch, this is what went on in Hawthornden House during that
fortnight or so when the great Ben from London was the guest of the cultured
‘ The visit was one to be marked with a red mark in Drummond‘s calendar,
Here he had been for many years in his Scottish retirement, far from the
London world of politics and letters, and with only such information from
that world as might be blown to him among his boors by rumour, or brought
occasionally by Sir William Alexander and other friends. But now he had
under his own roof the very laureate of the London world, the man who had
known everybody of note in it since Elizabeth was queen, and whose habits of
talk made him the very paragon of gossips. It was, doubtless, a great treat.
But there is nothing perfect under the sun. There is evidence that Ilrummond,
when he had Ben all to himself, began to feel that he had caught a Tartar.
Ben’s own poetry, it is to- be remembered, the poetry of general and
miscellaneous strength rather than of the pure and soft musical vein, was not that
which would have predisposed Drummond to forgive him his personal faults
from a sense of literary allegiance. Hence, though he was scrupulously polite
to Ben all the while he was his guest, and must have thought him one of the ... THE VALE OF THE ESK. 13s principal talker ; and, when Ben and Drummond walked briskly together in the ...

Book 11  p. 194
(Score 1.06)

same night stopped at %learns, about nine miles distant, where the people with
whom he lodged remarked his agitated manner, and observed some spots of
blood on his clothes. He left Mearns about four o’clock in the morning, and
proceeded to Irvine, where he intended to take shipping for Ireland.
In the meantime the Magistrates of Glasgow were extremely active in
despatching officers of justice in all directions in search of the murderer. He
was traced to Irvine, where the officers learned that he had sailed a day or two
previous for Dublin, but that the vessel would probably put into Lamlash Bay, in
Arran. They could get no boat to sail, however, on account of the tempestuous
weather, until Mr. Cunningham of Seabank, a respectable and active Justice of
the Peace, impressed one for the purpose. Arriving in Lamlash Bay, the party
found the vessel M‘Kean had sailed in; and, proceeding on shore, they discovered
the object of their pursuit sitting among the other passengers, at the fire of a
public-house in Lamlash. On seeing the officers he immediately surrendered
himself, saying--“ I know your errand.”
The cold-blooded cruelty of the deed had created a strong excitement in
Glasgow ; and when the officers, Graham and Munro, arrived with their charge,
the populace could not be restrained from expressing their satisfaction by loud
cheering. On his examination before the Magistrates M’Kean confessed the
murder, but endeavoured to palliate his guilt. He addressed the Magistrates
with astonishing composure, but with great deference and respect. Buchanan’s
pocket-book, containing bank notes to the amount of %118, his watch and several
papers, were found upon him by the officers of justice, who, for the activity they
had displayed, besides a reward of twenty guineas previously offered, received
the thanks of the magistracy.
M‘Kean’s trial came on at Edinburgh, on the 12th December 1796. When
brought to the bar he gave in a written confession, and pleaded guilty. He
had neither counsel nor agent. When offered professional assistance by the
Court, previous to proceeding in the trial, he said-“No; I will have no
counsel but the Almighty. I am guilty of the crime laid to my charge in all its
circumstances. If the Court, as a matter of form, appoint an advocate for me, I
will have none of his assistance. I am determined to plead guilty, and submit
to my fate.” For the satisfaction of the Court, and the country in general,
several witnesses were called in, who fully proved both the robbery and the
murder. The jury accordingly returned a verdict of-guilty; and the prisoner
wm sentenced to be executed at Glasgow on the 24th of January following.
During the trial, the prisoner behaved with the utmost calmness and composure.
He is described as having been a decent-looking man, about forty years
of age, five feet six or seven inches high, dressed in a brown coat, black silk
waistcoat and breeches, and more a striped green great-coat. He was very pale,
and had nothing of a vicious expression in his face. On the day of his execution
a vast concourse of people were assembled from all parts of the country, particularly
from Lanark. The culprit met his fate with great resignation.
VOL. 11. 3 B ... SKETCHES. 369 same night stopped at %learns, about nine miles distant, where the people with whom he ...

Book 9  p. 491
(Score 1.06)

the reign of James 111. there were two or three
vessels called ?royal,? and among them often
appears the name of this famous Ydow Caravel,
latterly called Admiral Wood?s ship, as if it were
his own private, and at other times a royal, vessel.
The supposition has been that she belonged originally
to either Wood or Barton, who sold her
to King James.
Wood had been a faithful servant to the latter,
says Scotstarvit, and was knighted by him in 1482,
have taken place in r481. Prior to 1487 Sir
Andrew Wood is supposed to have relinquished
commerce for the king?s service, and to have
married a lady, Elizabeth Lundie (supposed to be
of the Balgonie family), by whom he had several
sons, two of whom became men of eminence in after
Thus, from being a merchant skipper of North
Leith, he became an opulent and enterprising
trader by his own talent and the course of public
LEITH HARBOUR, 1829. (Afier Sk)hcrd.)
when there was granted to him (Alexander Duke
of Albany being then Lord High Admiral) a iach
of the estate of Largo to keep his ship in repair,
and on the tenure that he should be ready at the
call of the King to pilot and convey him and the
queen to the shrine and well of St. Adrian in the
Isle of May. James afterwards gave him the heritage
of the estate on which he had been born by
a charter under the Great Seal, which recites his
good service by sea and land. This was confirmed
by James IV. in 1497, with the addition that one
of his most eminent deeds of arms had been his
successful defence of the castle of Dumbarton
against the English navy, an exploit buried in
obscurity, and which Pidkerton suggests must
events, ??a brave warrior and skilful naval commander,?
says Tytler, ? an able financialist, intimately
acquainted with the management of commercial
transactions, and a stalwart feudal baron,
who, without abating anything of his pride or his
prerogative, refused not to adopt in the management
of his estates those improvements whose good
effects he had observed in his travels over various
parts of the continent?
He was blunt in manner yet honest of purpose,
and most loyal in heart to his royal master, lames
111. ; and when the troubles of the latter began
in his fierce war with the lawless, proud, and turbulent
Scottish barons-troubles that ended so tragically
after the temble battle of Sauchieburn in ... reign of James 111. there were two or three vessels called ?royal,? and among them often appears the ...

Book 6  p. 200
(Score 1.06)

Parliament House.] THE COURT
It has been said-with what truth it is impossible
to tell-that, when Cromwell appointed.
eleven Commissioners (three of whom were Eng-
4ishmen) for the administration of justice at Edinburgh,
their decisions were most impartial ; and,
on hearing them lauded after the Restoration had
-replaced the old lords on the Bench, the Presi-
.dent, Gilmour of Craigmillar, said, angrily, ?? Deil
thank them-a wheen Kinless loons ! The grave
=of one of these Englishmen, George Smith, was
long pointed out in the abbey church, where
he was buried by torchlight in 1657. (Lamont?s
So far down as 1737 traces of bribery and in-
?fluence in the Court are to be found, and proof
,of this is given in the curious and rare book
named the ?? Court of Session Garland.?
In a lawsuit, pending 23rd November, 1735,
?Thomas Gibson of Dune, agent for Foulis of
?Woodhall, writes to his employer thus :-? I have
spoken to Strachan, and several of the lords, who
are all surprised Sir F. (Francis Kinloch, Bart., of
Gilmerton) should stand that plea. By Lord St.
Clair?s advice, Mrs. Kinloch is to wait on Lady
Caunie to-morrow, to cause her to ask the favour
of Lady St. Clair to solicit Lady Betty Elphingston
(Elizabeth Primrose of Carrington) and Lady
Dun. My lord proniises to back his lady, and
to ply both their lords ; also Leven and his cousin
Murkle (a Lord of Session in 1733). He is your
good friend, and wishes success; he is jealous
Mrs. Mackie will side with her cousin Beattie. St.
Clair says Leven has only once gone wrong upon
his Rand since he was a Lord of Session. Mrs.
Kinloch has been with Miss Pringle, NewhalL
Young Dr. Pringle is a good agent there, and
discourses Lord Newhall strongCy an the law of
Lord Newhall was Sir Walter Pnngle, Knight,
son of the Laird of Stitchill, Lord of Session in
1718. But such would seem to have been the
influences that were used to obtain decisions in
the olden time; and, before quitting the subject of
the Parliament House we may recall a few of the
most notable senators, the memory of whose names
still lingers there.
The most distinguished lawyer of the seventeenth
century was undoubtedly Sir John Lauder,
Lord Fountainhall, son of a bailie of Edinburgh.
He was born there in 1646 ; and, after being at
nature.? b
PLAN OF THE PARLIAMENT HOUSE AND LAW COURTS. ... House.] THE COURT It has been said-with what truth it is impossible to tell-that, when Cromwell ...

Book 1  p. 169
(Score 1.02)

Since on her dusky summit ranged,
Within its steepy limits pent
By bulwark, line, and battlement,
And flanking towem and laky flood,
Guarded and garrisoned, she stood,
Denying entrance or resort,
Save at each tall embattled port ;
Above whose arch suspended hung
Portcullis, spiked with iron prong,
That long is gone ; but not so long,
tains above 24,000 volumes of standard works in
every department of literature and science j and
there is bne of reference, kept in a separate department,
consisting of a valuable collection of encyclopzdias,
geographical, biographical, and scientific
dictionaries, atlases, statistical tables, &c., which
are at all times available to the numerous members
on application.
Since early closed, and opening late,
Jealous revolved the studded gate,
Whose task from eve to morning tide
A wicket churlishly supplied.
Stem then and steel-girt was thy brow,
Dun-Edin ! Oh, how altered now !
When safe amid thy mountain court
Thou sitt'st like empress at her sport,
And liberal, unconfined, and free,
Flinging #icy white m s #o the sm !
Near the east end of Queen Street is the Philosophical
Institution, the late president of which was
Thomas Carlyle. It was founded'in 1848. Here
lectures are delivered on all manner of. scientific
and literary subjects. The programme ef these
for a session averages about thirty subjects. There
are a library, reading-room, news-room, and ladies' I
Classes for Latin, French, German, drawing of
all kinds, mathematics, shorthand, writing, arithmetic,
fencing, and gymnastics, are open on
very moderate terms; and the members of the
Edinburgh Chess Club, who must also be members
of the Philosophical Institution, meet in one of
the apartments, which is open for their use from
11 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Adjoining this edifice were the offices of the
United Presbyterian Church of Scotland.
No. 8 Queen Street was built and occupied by
Chief Baron Orde of the Scottish Exchequer, and
in size considerably exceeds and excels the other
houses in its vicinity. Baron Orde, whose
daughter Elizabeth became the second wife of
Lord Braxfield, died in I 777, and was succeeded in ... on her dusky summit ranged, Within its steepy limits pent By bulwark, line, and battlement, And flanking ...

Book 3  p. 152
(Score 1.02)

Restalrig.] DRURY?S TREACHERY. x3.z
on it now. Here it probably was that the powerful
Archibald Douglas, fifth Earl of Douglas, Lord
of Bothwell, Galloway, and Annandale, Duke of
Touraine aud Marshal of France, resided in 1440,
in which year he died at Restalrig, of a malignant
In 1444 Sir John Logan of Restalrig was sheriff
of Edinburgh ; and in 1508 James Logan, of the
same place, was Sheriff-deputy.
Twenty-one years before the latter date an
calsay lyand, and the town desolate.? In the
following year, Holinshed records that ? the Lord
Grey, Lieutenant of the Inglis? armie,? during the
siege of Leith, ?ludged in the town of Lestalrike,
in the Dean?s house, and part of the Demi-lances
and other horsemen lay in the same towne.?
A little way north-westward of Restalrig, midway
between the place named Hawkhill and the upper
Quarry Holes, near the Easter Road, there occurred
on the 16th of June, 1571, a disastrous skirmish, de-
army had encamped at Restalrig, under the
Duke of Gloucester, who spared the city at the
request of the Duke of Albany and on receiving
many rich presents fiom the citizens, while James
III., in the hand of rebel peers, was a species of
captive in the castle of Edinburgh.
In 1559 the then secluded village was the scene
of one of the many skirmishes that took place between
the troops of the Queen Regent and those
of the Lords of the Congregation, in which the
latter were baffled, ?driven through the myre at
Restalrig-worried at the Craigingate ? (i.e., the
Calton), and on the 6th of November,? ? at even
in the nycht,? they departed ?? furth of Edinburgh
to Lynlithgow, and left their artailzerie on the
signated the BZack Saturday, or Drury?s peace,?
as it was sometimes named, through the alleged
treachery of the English ambassador.
Provoked by a bravado on the part of the Earl
of Morton, who held Leith, and who came forth
with horse and foot to the Hawkhill, the Earl of
Huntly, at the head of a body of Queen Mary?s
followers, with a train of guns, issued out of Edinburgh,
and halted at the Quarry Holes, where he
was visited by Sir William Drury, the ambassador
of Queen Elizabeth, who had been with Morton in
Leith during the preceding night. His proposed
object was an amicable adjustment of differences,
to the end that no loss of life should ensue between
those who were countrymen, and, in too ... DRURY?S TREACHERY. x3.z on it now. Here it probably was that the powerful Archibald Douglas, fifth ...

Book 5  p. 133
(Score 1.02)

Rothesay might be baptised in Protestant form,
The queen only replied by placing the child in
his arms. Then the aged minister knelt down, and
prayed long and fervently for his happiness and
prosperity, an event which so touched the tender
Mary that she burst into tears; however, the
prince was baptised according to the Roman ritual
at Stirling on the 5th of December.
The birth of a son produced little change in
Damley?s licentious life. He perished as history
records ; and on Bothwell?s flight after Carberry,
and Mary?s captivity in Lochleven, the Regent
Moray resolved by force or fraud to get all the
fortresses into his possession. Sir James Balfour,
a minion of Bothwell?s-the keeper of the famous
silver casket containing the pretended letters and
sonnets of Mary-surrendered that of Edinburgh,
bribed by lands and money as he marched out, and
the celebrated Sir William Kirkaldy of Grange was
appointed governor in his place. That night the
fated Regent Moray entered with his friends, and
slept in the same little apartment wherein, a year before,
his sister had been delivered of the infant now
proclaimed as James VI. ; but instead of keepin& his
promise to Balfour, Moray treacherously made him
a prisoner of state in the Castle of St. Andrews.
EDIXBURGH C A S T L E - ( C O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ) .
The Siege of 157yThe City Bombarded from the Castle-Elizabeth?s Spy-Drury?s Dispositions for the Siege-Execution of Kirkaldy
-Repair of the Roins-Execution of Morton-Visit of Charles I.-Procession to Holyrood-Coronation of Charles 1.-The Struggle
against Episcopacy-Siege of 16p-The Spectre Drummer-Besieged by Cromwell-Under the Protector-The Restoration-The Argyles
-The Accession of James VIJ -Sentence of the Earl of Argyl-His clever Escape-Imprisoned four years latu-The Last Sleep oC
Argyle-His Death-Torture of Covenanters-Proclamation of William and Mary-lle Siege of 168g-Interview between Gordoe
and Dundee-The Castle invested-Brilliant Defence-Capitulation of the Duke of Gordon-The Spectre of Ckverhouse. J
MARY escaped from Lochleven on the and of May,
1568, and after her defeat fled to England, the
last country in Europe, as events showed, wherein
she should have sought refuge or hospitality.
After the assassination of the Regent Moray, to
his successor, the Regent Morton, fell the task of
subduing all who lingered in arms for the exiled
queen ; and so well did he succeed in this, that,
save the eleven acres covered by the Castle rock
of Edinburgh, which was held for three years by
Sir William Kirkaldy of Grange with a garrison
resolute as himself, the whole country was now
under his rule.
Kirkaldy, whose services in France and elsewhere
had won him the high reputation of being
? the bravest soldier in Europe,? left nothing undone,
amid the unsettled state of affairs, to
strengthen his .post. He raised and trained soldiers
without opposition, seized all the provisions that
were brought into Leith, and garrisoned St. Giles?s
church, into the open spire of which he swung
up cannon to keep the citizens in awe. This was
on the 28th of March, 1571. After the Duke of
Chatelherault, with his Hamiltons-all queen?s men
-marched in on the 1st of May, the gables of
the church were loopholed for arquebuses. Immediate
means were taken to defend the town
against the Regent. Troops crowded into it; others
were niustered for its protection, and this state
of affairs continued for fully three years, during
which Kirkaldy baffled the efforts of four successive
Regents, till Morton was fain to seek aid
from Elizabeth, to wrench from her helpless refugee
the last strength that remained to her ; and most
readily did the English queen agree thereto.
A truce which had been made between ?Morton
and Kirkaldy expired on the 1st of January, 1573,
and as the church bells tolled six in the morning, the
Castle guns, among which were two &?-pounders,
French battardes, and English? culverins? or 18-
pounders (according to the :? Memoirs ofKirkaldy?),
opened on the city in the dark. It was then full
of adherents of James VI., so Kirkaldy cared not
where his shot fell, after the warning gun had been
previously discharged, that all loyal subjects of
the queen should retire. As the ?grey winter dawn
stole in, over spire and pointed roof, the cannonade
was chiefly directed from the eastern curtain
against the new Fisli Market ; the baikets in
which were beaten so high in the air, that for days
after their contents were seen scattered on the tops
of the highest houses. In one place a single shot
killed five persons and wounded twenty others.
Selecting a night when the wind was high and
blowing eastward, Kirkaldy made a sally, and set
on fire all the thatched houses in West Port and
Castle Wynd, cannonading the while the unfortunates
who strove to quench the flames that rolled
away towards the east. In March Kirkaldy resolutely
declined to come to terms with Morton, though
earnestly besought to do so by Henry Killigrew,
who came ostensibly as an English envoy, but in ... might be baptised in Protestant form, The queen only replied by placing the child in his arms. Then the ...

Book 1  p. 47
(Score 1.01)

Roslin.1 THE sr. CLAIRS. 349
Lords Sinclair of Herdmanston. The second son,
also called William, continued the line of the Earls
of Caithness ; while the thud son, Oliver, founded
the more modern family, and connected it with the
ancient one of St. Clair of Roslin. In 1583,
Thomas Vans and Archibald Hoppringall, burgesses
of Edinburgh, became caution for Edward Sinclair,
eldest son of Sir William of Roslin, that his spouse,
Christian Douglas, should have peaceable access to
him in his father?s Place of Roslin, and that he
should duly appear before the Lords of Council to
underlie the law with reference to a family dispute.
(? Reg. of Council.?)
Their descendant, William, last heir in the direct
male line, died in 17;s. A collateral branch was
his cupbearer, Lord Fleming his carver, and
these had as deputies, in their absence, the Lairds
of Drummelzier, Sandilands, and Calder. His
halls and apartments were richly adorned with
embroidered hanging, and to the state adopted by
his ? princess Elizabeth ? we have already referred.
The three sons of William, the third earl, conveyed
the concentrated honours of the house in
their respective lines. William, the eldest, inherited
the title of Bpron Sinclair, and was ancestor of the
Roslin, which was founded in the j-ear 1446 by the
then lord, and dedicated to St. Matthew. Only
the chancel of the edifice was completed, but
a cruciform structure must have been contemplated.
Though certainly squat in outline, all the
rare beauties of the chapel are concentrated in the
design and wonderfully varied character of its
mouldings, buttresses, and incrustations. It bids
defiance to all the theories of Gothic architecture.
Britton calls it ? curious, elaborate, and singularly
interesting; ? and, in comparing it with other
edifices of the same period, he adds, ?These styles
display a gradual advancement in lightness and
profusion of ornament, but the chapel of Roslin
combines the solidity of the Norman with the
raised in the year 1801 to the title of Earls of Rosslyn,
in the peerage of the United Kingdom. James,
second earl, succeeded in the year 1837, and now
the Scottish seat of the family is at Dysart House,
The St. Clairs of Roslin, from the time of James
11. till they resigned the office in the last century,
were the Grand Masters of Masonry in Scotland.
It may seem almost superfluous to describe an
edifice so well known as the exquisite chapel of
ROSLIN CHAPEL :- NORTH FRONT. ... THE sr. CLAIRS. 349 Lords Sinclair of Herdmanston. The second son, also called William, continued the ...

Book 6  p. 349
(Score 1.01)

preachers, who though profound unbelievers in any
kind of consecration, ?? publicly declared that God
would not allow such wickedness and irreverence
to pass unpunished, as it betokened contempt for
the place where men assembled for divine service.?
The troops of the Congregation now imagined that
the vengeance of Heaven impended over them,
ready to burst on the first opportunity, for their
iniquity in using a church as a carpenter?s shop ;
and there was another alarming element in the
ranks, a want of pay, which caused a disinclination
to fight.
Queen Elizabeth had sent the Lords 4,000
crowns of the sun, but these had been abstracted
from the bearer, at the sword?s point, by that
spirit of evil, James, Earl of Bothwell (the future
Duke of Orkney), and now their troops became
disheartened and disorderly. ?? The men of war,?
says Knox, ?who were men without God or
honesty, made a mutiny, because they lacked part
of their wages ; they had done the same in Linlithgow
before, when they made a proclamation
that they would serve any man to suppress the
Congregation, and set up the mass again ! ?
In their desperation the Lords applied to England,
and a meeting was held at Berwick between
the Duke of Norfolk and their delegates, who were
Lord James Stuart (the future Regent Moray), Lord
Ruthven (one of Rizzio?s assassins), James Wishart
of Pittarow, and three others ; and the treaty which
the duke concluded with these Reformers was confirmed
by the Queen of England. The alleged
objects were, ? the defence of the Protestant religion,
of the ancient rights and liberties of Scotland,
against the attempts of France to destroy
them and make a conquest of that free kingdomin
effect, to crush completely the Catholic interest
and the power of the House of Guise.?
The French in Leith cared little for this treaty,
as they were in daily expectation of fresh succours
from France j but their scouting and ravaging detachments
in Fife, under the Count de Martigues,
General d?Oisel, the Swiss leader L?Abast, and
others, were severely cut up by Kirkaldy of Grange,
the Master of Lindsay, and other Protestant
leaders ; disasters followed fast, and before they
could concentrate all their forces in Leith they suffered
considerable loss in skirmishes by the way.
The Lords of the Congregation now ordered a
general muster before the walls of Leith on the
joth of March, 1560, every man to come fully
equipped for battle, with thirty days? provisions ;
and in conformity with the treaty referred to, on
? the 2nd of April there marched into Scotland an
English force, consisting of 1,250 horse and 6,000
infantry, under a brave and experienced leader,
Lord Grey de Wilton, warden of the East and
Middle Marches of England.
Sir James Crofts was his second in command ;
Sir George Howard was general of the men-at-arm%
or heavy cavalry, and Burnley Fitzpatrick was his
lieutenant ; Sir Henry Piercy led the demi-lances,
or light horse ; William Pelham was captain of the
pioneers, Thomas Gower captain of the ordnance ;
the LordScrope was Earl Marshal. Many of these
troops had served at the battle of Pinkie and in
other affairs against Scotland.
Lord Grey?s first halt was at Dunglas, where he
encamped his infantry, while the English cavalry
were peacefully cantoned in the adjacent hamlets.
The second day?s halt was at Haddington. As.
they passed the royal castle of Dunbar the Queen?s.
troops made a sally, an encounter took place, and
some lives were lost. ?The third day?s march,
brought them to Prestonpans, where they met the
Scottish leaders, and had an interview, which is,
perhaps, the more important from the fact that we
now find, for the first time in history, Scottish and
English forces acting together as allies.?
On the first of the same month an English fleet
under Vice-Admiral William Winter, Master of
Elizabeth?s Ordnance, cast anchor in the roads to)
assist in the reduction of Leith. According to
Lediard?s Naval History,? he instantly attacked.
and made himself master of the French ships which
were there at anchor, and blocked up Inchkeith.
It was defended by a French garrison, which was
soon reduced to the last extremity for want of provisions.
All this was done in defiance of the remonstrances.
of M. De Severre, the French ambassad% at the
Regent?s court, who went on board the English
fleet in the roads.
Lord Grey encamped at Restalrig, where he was
joined by the Earls of Argyle, Montrose, and Glencairn
; the Lords Boyd and Ochiltree ; the prior ot
St. Andrews, and the hlaster of Maxwell, with
2,000 men. On this occasion the Town Council of
Edinburgh contributed from the corporation funds
A1,600 Scots, as a month?s pay for 400 men to
assist in the reduction of Leith--?a sum,? says 5
historian, ?which enabled each of these warriors to
live at the rate of twopence-halfpenny a day.?
The Queen Regent, whose dying condition rendered
it impossible for her expose herself to the
hazards of a siege in Leith, retired into the castle of
Edinburgh, where she daily and anxiously watched
the operations of her Scottish enemies and their
English allies The French in Leith were now
reduced to about 5,000 men, whose orders were to ... OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. ? [Leith. preachers, who though profound unbelievers in any kind of consecration, ?? ...

Book 5  p. 174
(Score 1.01)

of Edinburgh, their chaplain, in a most impressive prayer. The battalion was immediately after
inspected by Brigadier-General Graham and Colonel Callander, who expressed themselves highly
pleased with the appearance and discipline of the corps. To those pieces of ceremony succeeded
the presentation of an elegant silver cup to Colonel Bennet, from the non-commissioned officers and
privates of the regiment, delivered by Field-Serjeant Thomas Sommers, who, upon the occasion,
addressed the Colonel in a most impressive manner. This being over, the battalion marched upon
a visit to the Commander-in-Chief (the Earl of Moira), at Duddingston House, when his lordship
took a view of the regiment in line ; and, when formed into a hollow square, addressed them in a
manner truly complimentary and striking. They immediately after returned to town, when,
upon depositing the colours in the Colonel’s house, they were regaled by him in a very liberal and
handsome style of hospitality.”
About the same period, Mr. Bennet received another testimony of respect,
by having the freedom of the city of Londonderry conferred upon him. It was
transmitted in a silver box by William Leckie, Esq., senior magistrate, to Mr.
Bennet for his kindness and attention to his son-a student at the Universitywho
fell in a duel near Duddingston. The following short account was all that
was given of this fatal affair at the time :-
“Wednesday morning, July 3 (1805), a duel was fought, in the neighbourhood of Duddingston,
between Mr. Romney and Mr. Leckie, students attending the medical classes in the University, when
the latter received a wound in the groin, in consequence of which he died next Saturday morning,
Four shots were, we understand, exchanged. Mr. Leckie received his wound by the first 6re, but
did not discover it. After shaking hands with his antagonist, he declared he was mortally wounded,
and desired Mr. Romney, the seconds, and the surgeon who attended, to make their escape, which
they accordingly did. ”
The personal appearance of Mr. Bennet is’ accurately delineated in the foregoing
etching ; even so minute a peculiarity as the mole on his right cheek has
not been overlooked by the artist. His form was exceedingly spare ; and his
legs, in particular, were remarkable for their tenuity. Perfectly sensible how
niggardly nature had been of her gifts in this respect, Mr. Bennet used to anticipate
the observations of his friends by occasional humorous allusions to the
subject. One day, having called on his tailor to give a fresh order, he facetiously
inquired if he could measure him for a suit of small clothes. “ 0 yes,” rejoined
his friend of the iron ; “hold up your stick, it will serve the purpose well
Among other amusements, Mr. Bennet was particularly partial to the sports
of the field ; and
“ When westlin winds and slaughtering guns
Brought Autumn’s pleasant weather,”
he annually repaired to the moors with his dog and gun. On the morning of
the 10th of October 1805, he left Edinburgh, attired in his “shooting Faith,”
with the view of enjoying a day’s excursion in the kingdom of Fife. A gentleman,
who crossed over with him in the morning at Queensfemy, mentions that
he had seldom seen him in higher spirits. After passing the ferry, Mr. Bennet
proceeded in the direction of Kinghorn, where he had been invited to dine with
There are two portraits of Nr. Bennet painted by Sir Henry Raeburn-one is preserved by
his family, and the other is in the possession of his old friend and associate Lord Panmum. ... SKETCHES. 403 of Edinburgh, their chaplain, in a most impressive prayer. The battalion was ...

Book 8  p. 561
(Score 1.01)

had nine children.' The demise of this lady took place on the 1 Ith of May
1821, and his lordship, in 1822, married secondly, Miss Elizabeth Barton, but
by her he had no issue.
UCHIBALD CAMPBELL, of Clathick, Esq., who afterwards took the name
of COLQUHOUNup, on succeeding to the estate of Killermont, came to the
Scottish bar in 1768, about the same time with his friends, the Hon. Henry
Erskine and Lord Craig, He was appointed Lord Advocate in 1807, and succeeded
Lord Frederick Campbell, as Lord Clerk Register, in 1816. He represented
the county of Dumbarton in Parliament, and died, after a few days'
illness, at Hartham, the seat of his son-in-law, Walter Long, Esq., on the 8th
of December 1820.
Ey his marriage with Miss Erskine (whose brother became Lord Kinneder),
besides several daughters, he left two sons, the eldest of whom was John
Campbell Colquhoun, of Killermont, member of Parliament for the Kilmarnock
district of burghs.
The mind and talents of the Lord Register were of a superior order, and he
was a good classical scholar. His abilities as a sound lawyer, a judicious and
elegant pleader, were fully acknowledged, and frequently shown in causes of
importance-his independent fortune, and a reserve, to a certain extent, in
manner, inducing him not to court general business so much as some of his
contemporaries. His attention to the duties of Parliament, both when in
attendance there, and, with reference to all public interests falling under the
province of a member and of Lord Advocate, while in the country, was unremitting
and efficient. He was much esteemed by his friends, and died greatly
Lord Panmure died in 1852, and wa5 succeeded by his eldest son, the Hon. Fox Made, who
was born at Brechin Castle in 1801. His parliamentary career was commenced as representative for
the county of Perth. He afterwarda held the office of Under Secretary of State for the Home
Department (1835-1841), and Secretary of War (1846-1852, and from 1855-8). On the death of
his cousin, the Marquis of Dalhowie, Governor General of India, he aucceeded to the earldom of
Dalhonsie, and assumed the surname of Ftamsay after that of Made. His Lordship died 6th July
1874. ... SKETCHES. 431 had nine children.' The demise of this lady took place on the 1 Ith of May 1821, ...

Book 9  p. 577
(Score 1.01)

OF the family or early history of this eccentric personage little is known. He
was born, it is believed, at Auchtertool,’ and was educated with a view to the
pulpit; but his resources were limited, and, no doubt with the resolution of
embracing the earliest opportunity of following out his original intention, he
accepted the situation of Master in the Grammar School of Dunfermline. He
was an ardent student; and it is supposed that too close application, particularly
in acquiring a knowledge of the Greek and Hebrew languages, tended to impair
the faculties of a mind which might otherwise have shone forth with more than
ordinary lustre. The result was, he soon tired of the irksome duties of a preceptor,
and resigned his situation. He “was sure Job never was a schoolmaster,
otherwise we should not have heard so much of his patience.”
Among other whims entertained, he deemed it unlawful to shave, on the
ground that, as man was created perfect, any attempt at mutilation or amendment
was not only presumptuous but sinful. Following up this theory in
practice, he increased the singularity of his appearance, by approximating still
more closely to the dress and deportment of the ancient prophets. His usual
attire was a loose great-coat, reaching nearly to the ankle. In his hand he
carried a staff of enormous length; and, as he seldom wore a hat or any other
. covering, his flowing locks, bald forehead, and strongly marked countenance,
were amply displayed. He adhered to the strictest simplicity of diet, and
preferred sleeping on the floor, with or without a carpet, if permitted by his
friends. He was tenacious of his beard ; and when on one occasion entreaty so
far prevailed as to induce his consent to be shaved, the violence of his regret
for what he considered a sinful compliance, was so excessive, that those interested
in his welfare, convinced of the danger of such an experiment, refrained
in future from all similar attempts.
Notwithstanding his grotesque and formidable appearance, unless when under
some transitory excitement, Andrew was a man of gentle, kind, and even engaging
manners. Occasionally, when actuated by some strong mental paroxysm,
he has been known to exchange his pilgrim’s staff for an iron rod, with which
1 ‘‘ 14th December 1714. Andrew, son to Gdbert Donaldson and Elizabeth Thallon, was baEtized.
Witness, George Skene and Jsmes Venterr”
“ Extracted from Auchtertool parish Register, the 1st day of March 1838, by
4 ‘ J o T~E OM~OS.N ,C lk.” ... SKETCHES. 227 No. CCXLVII. ANDREW DONALDSON, TEACHER OF GREEK AXD HEBREW. OF the family or early ...

Book 9  p. 303
(Score 1)

Steven, Miss Liuy, 2
Stevens, Mr., 151
Stevenson. Yr. John. 35
Taylor, -, 45
Taylor, Mr., 148
Taylor, Rev. Mr., 401
Theresa, Maria, 215
Thomas a-Becket, 96
Thomson, Deacon, 164
Thomson, Yr., teacher, 167
Thornson, Thomas, Esq., 191
Thomson, Mr., precentor, 231
Thornson, James, the poet, 287
Thornson, Mr., of Crichton, Gal
and Thomson, 391
Thurlow, Chancellor, 379, 422
Torry, Mr. John, 105
Tott, Jacquiline de, 196
Townsend, Hon. Charles, 74
Traill, Professor, 79
Tremamondo, Angelo, Esq., 41(
Tremamondo, Miss, 69
Tremamondo, Dominico Angel
Malevolti, 70, 71
Trotter, John, Esq., 307
Tudway, Miss, 336
Turnbull, W. B. D. D., Esq., 24!
Turner, Sir Charles, 236
Tytler, James, 21, 79, 98, 306
T-ytler, Mr., ofWoodhouselee, 303
I'ytler, Mn., of Woodhouselee,
rweeddale, Lord, 418
LTRQUHART, Mr., of Meldrum, 18
VALENTIA. Lord. 130
Stevenson, Professor, 120
Stevenson, Mr. George, 224
Stevenson, Mr. Thomas, 234
Stewart, Colonel, of Garth, 50
Stewart, fiIr., 89
Stewart, Sir James, 124
Stewart, Miss Agnes, 124
Stewart, Serjeant-Major, 216
Stewart, Dougald, Esq., 351
Stewart, Miss Margaret, 351
Stewart, Lady Ann, 351
Stewart, Miss Jean, 385
Stewart, Lady, 408
Stirling, Rev. Mr., 31
Stirling, Sir Jas., Bart., 163, 23
Stirling, Captain C., 214
Stirling, John, 309
Stirling, Mr., of Keir, 373
Stirling, Sir Gilbert, 377
Stirling, Miss Jane, 377
Stirling, Miss Joan, 377
Stoddart, Mr., 172
Stoddart, Mr., 225
Stonefield, Lord, 218, 260
Stachsn, Mr., 121
Straiton, Mr. John, 331
Strathaven, Lord, 91
Strickland, Sir William, 385
Struthers, Rev. Mr., 300
Stiiart, Dr. Gilbert, 20, 30, 9:
Stuart, John Roy, 22
Stuart, Dr. Charles, 255
Stuart, James, Esq., of Dnnearn
Suffolk, Lord, 208
Sutherland, Countess of, 50
Sutherland and Corri, Messrs, 1(
Swift, Dean, 91
Swift, Theophilus, 91
Swinton, Lord, 260, 269, 307
Sym, Robert, Esq., 303, 390
Syme, Mrs., 12, 93
Symington and Lawrie, Messrs.,
TAIT, William, Esq., 260
Tanner, Mr., 228
Tanner, Mrs., 228
Tasker, John, 265
Tawse, Mr. John, 300
122, 207
Tere, Niss Elizabeth, 198
Tizelle, Mrs., 276
Ternon, Mr., 411
Testina, Hebe, 36
ryse, General, 239, 290, 346
C'ADDELL, Yr. Andrew, 321
Vales, Prince of, 50, 71, 124
186, 241, 380
Wales, Princess Dowager of, 70
Walker, Dr., 208, 286
Walker, Bailie John, 224
Walker, Mr. Robert, 347
Wallace, Lady, 91, 184
Wallace, Thomas Lord, 103
Xalpole, Sir Robert, 53
iere, Charles Hope, of Craighall
Walpole, Horace, afterwards Lord
Walsingham, Lord, 379
Warburton, Dr., 173
Ward, Mrs., 66
Wardlaw, Dr., 195
Warrender, Mr. Hugh, 243
Warrender, Sir George, Bart.,
Watson, Jarnes, 96
Watson, Robert, Esq., 100
Watson, Miss, Elizabeth, 100
Watson, Mr, John, 199
Watson, Rev. Richard, 274
Watson, Mr. Charles, 284
Watson, Dr., 284
Watson, Mr. Robert, 388
Watt, Jean, 259, 261
Watt, Robert, 352, 353, 354
Watt, Mr. James, 53
Wauchope, John, Esq., 307
Nauchope, Andrew, Esq., 307
Nebb, Mn., 152
Vebster, Rev. Dr., 49, 89, 175,
176, 282, 424
Vebster, Mrs., 176
Yebster, Miss, 49
Yeddel, Mr., 293
Vedderburn, Lady, 75
Vedderburn, Sir John, 198
Vedderburn, Louisa Dorothea,
Vedderburn, Sir Peter, 378
k'edderburn, Peter, Esq., 378
Tesley, Rev. John, 174, 338
iesley, Mr. Charles, 274, 275
iesley, Mr. Samuel, 275
Tellwood, Sir Henry Moncreiff,
89, 175, 301, 415
rest, the celebrated artist, 71
rest, Captain William, 237
rest, Mr. Morris, 237
'hitbread, Mr., 102
'hite, Mr. William, 321
'hite, Mr., advocate, 426
'hitecross, Margaret, 354
'hitefield, Rev. George, 276,335,
hiteford, Mr., 336
hitefoord, Mr. Caleb, I51
hitehead, Paul, 147
hyt, Baine, Esq., 237
hytt, Dr., 254
ight, Alexander, Esq., 260 .
ilde, Mr., advocate, 314
ilkie, Miss, of Doddington, 81
Walpole, 53
' ... Miss Liuy, 2 Stevens, Mr., 151 Stevenson. Yr. John. 35 INDEX TO THE NAMES, ETC. Taylor, -, ...

Book 8  p. 617
(Score 1)

Commendator of Coldingham. He was created,
in right of his mother (who was the only sister
of the notorious peer), Earl of Bothwell and
Lord High Admiral of Scotland in 1587. He
became an avowed enemy of the king, and Holyrood
was the scene of more than one frantic
attempt made by him upon the life of James. One
of these, in 1591, reads like a daring frolic, as related
by Sir James Melville, when the earl attacked
at the Girth Cross. On the 24th July, 1593, Bothwell,
who had been outlawed, again burst into the
palace with his retainers, and reached the royal
apartments. Then the king, incapable of resisting
him, desired Bothwell, to ?consummate his treasons
by piercing his sovereign?s heart ; I? but Bothwell
fell on his knees and implored pardon, which the
good-natured king at once granted, though a minute
before. he had, as Birrel records, been seeking flight
the palace at the head of his followers. I was I by the back stair, ?with his breeks in his hand.?
HOLYROOD PALACE AS IT WAS BEFORE THE FIRE OF 1650. (Facrimiie, af#w Cmdon OfRotkicma~.)
at supper with my Lord Duke of Lennox, who
took his sword and pressed forth; but he had no
company and the place was full ofenemies. We were
compelled to fortify the doors and stairs with tables,
forms, and stools, and be spectators of that strange
hurlyburly for the space of an hour, beholding
With torchlight, forth of the duke?s gallery, their
reeling and rumbling with halberts, the clacking
of the culverins and pistols, the dunting of mells
and hammers, and crying for justice.? The earl
and his followers ultimately drew off, but left the
master stabler and another lying dead, and the
king was compelled to go into the city; but eight
of Bothwell?s accomplices were taken and hanged
In 1596 the future Queen of Bohemia was baptised
in Holyrood, held in the arms of the English
ambassador, while the Lyon King proclaimed her
from the windows as ?the Lady Elizabeth, first
daughter of Scotland;? and on the 23rd December,
1600, the palace was the scene of the baptism of
her brother, the future Charles I., with unusual
splendour in the chapel royal, in presence of the
nobles, heralds, and officers of state. ?? The bairn
was borne by the Marquis de Rohan, and the
Lord Lyon proclaimed him out of the west window
of the chapel as ?Lord Charles of Scotland, Duke
of Albany, Marquis of Ormond, Ex1 of ROSS, and
Lord Ardmannoch. Largesse ! Largesse 1 Lar ... OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. IHo~yrOam Commendator of Coldingham. He was created, in right of his mother (who was ...

Book 3  p. 72
(Score 1)

ALEXANDER MONRO, M.D., Professor of Anatomy and Surgery, was
the third of his family who, in direct succession, had filled the Anatomical
Chair in the University for upwards of a century. He was born on the 5th
November 1773, educated at the High School and University of Edinburgh;
and, having studied under the most eminent teachers of the different branches of
medicine, anatomy, and surgery in London, subsequently repaired for a short
time to Paris. In the year 1799 he took his degree of M.D., and the year
following was appointed conjunct Professor with his father, on whose death, in
1817, he became sole Professor of Anatomy and Surgery. This chair he
occupied with unfailing perseverance and activity until the year 1847, when he
retired from public life with the title of Emeritus Professor of Anatomy.’
During the long period in which he delivered lectures, the classes of Dr.
Monro were well attended. Among the numerous pupils who benefited by his
instructions, the names of the following gentlemen, afterwards eminent in the
medical science, may be enumerated : -Professors Alison, Graham, Traill,
Christison, Elliotson, Syme, Forbes, and Low ; Drs. Abercromby, Hunter,
Marshall, Hall, Holland, Bright, Davy, and Turner j and Professors Liston,
Bransby, and Cooper, of the London University, etc.
In 1803 the class of Practical Anatomy in the University of Edinburgh
was instituted by Professor Monro, and taught by him during many years.
He was also known as the author of several anatomical, medical, and surgical
treatises, of which the following are the chief :-Essay on ‘‘ Crural Hernia,” on
“ Modified Small-pox,” the “ Morbid Anatomy of the Gullet, Stomach, and
Intestines,” “ Morbid Anatomy of the Brain,” (‘ Elements of Anatomy,” etc.
Dr. Monro was twice married ; first, in 1800, to Miss Smyth, daughter of
the celebrated Dr. Carmichael Sniyth, by whom he had twelve children ;‘ and,
secondly, about 1835, to Miss Hunter, daughter of David Hunter, Esq., of
ROBERT JAMESON, Professor of Natural History, was born at Leith
(where his father was a merchant, and the most extensive soap-manufacturer
in Scotland) in 177h. He was appointed Regius Professor, and keeper of the
Museum or Repository of Natural Curiosities in the University of Edinburgh,
on the death of Dr. Walker in 1804. He had previously distinguished himself
in the scientific world by the publication of two valuable and interesting
Dr. Munro died at his house, Craiglockhart, near Edinburgh, in 1859, being then in his eightyfifth
year. “Although for many years Dr. Monro had, to a very great extent, retired from active
life, to the last his faculties were unimpaired, and on the day iinmediately preceding his decease he
was apparently in the enjoyment of his usual good health and spirits. It wm his fate to outlive
almost all his contemporaries, and in his death seems to be severed the last link which united us to
the past generation of Edinburgh worthies.”--~co~mm, March 18, 1859.
a Of his sons, the eldest, Alexander, was a captain in the Rifle Brigade ; the second, Dr. James,
an assistant-surgeon in the Scots Greys ; the third, Henry, a proprietor of land in Australia j the
fourth, Dr. David, resided in Edinburgh; and the fifth, Williarc, was a lieutenant in the 79th
Highlanders. The eldevt of the daughters married John Iuglis, Esq., of Auchindinny ; the second,
Sir Jaiues Stuart of Allaubank ; the third, George Skene, Esq. of Rubislaw ; and the fourth, Alexander
IvIuuro, Esq. of Auchinboure. ... BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH E S. ‘ ALEXANDER MONRO, M.D., Professor of Anatomy and Surgery, was the third of his ...

Book 9  p. 603
(Score 0.99)

Dr. Dickson was not generally known as an author,l except by a few sermons,
preached on public occasions, of which two may be more particularly
noticed-the one on the death of his venerable colleague, Sir Henry, in 1827 ;
and the other on that of Dr. Andrew Thomson, in 1831. Both discourses were
published at the time, and are much valued for the interesting and discriminating
views which they give of the respective characters of these highly gifted and
eminently distinguished individuals.
Dr. Dickson married, in 1808, Miss Jobson, daughter of James Jobson,
Esq., Dundee, by whom he had three sons and three daughters. He died on
the 28th of July 1842, in the sixty-third year of his age.
No. cccxx.
FROMth e title of this and a subsequent Plate, it might be inferred by those
unacquainted with the practices in our Courts of Law, that a difference in rank
exists betwixt those advocates who plead with wigs and those who do not.
This is not the case, however, their wearing them being simply a matter of
choice. The Portraits, beginning at the top, range from left to right.
I.-JOHN BURNETT, son of William Burnett, and nephew of Lord Monboddo,
was born at Aberdeen in 1763. He was educated in his native city, but
repaired to Edinburgh preparatory to his admission to the bar, of which he
became a member in 1785. He was employed long as an Advocate-Depute,
and thought to be rather neglected by his party; but he was at length appointed
Sheriff of Haddington in 1803, and Judge-Admiral of Scotland in 1809,
in the discharge of which duties he displayed the utmost correctness and integrity
of conduct. He died on the 7th December 1810, at the premature age
of forty-seven. He wrote “ A Treatise on various branches of the Criminal Law
of Scotland,” Edinburgh, 1811, 4t0, published after his death, and which is
held as a standard work.
Mr. Burnett married Miss Deborah Paterson, a lady from the West Indies,
and who afterwards went to reside in New South Wales. They had several
children, of whom three daughters and one son survived.’
He edited an edition of Horsely on the Psalms, a great portion of which was in Hebrew. In
the correction ‘and revisal of the sheets Dr. Dickson displayed the most accurate acquaintance with
that language.
The eldest daughter, Elizabeth, was married to Captain Twopenny, of the 78th Regiment, the son
of an Episcopalian clergyman in Casterton ; the second, h e , to Mr. Grant, a younger aon of Grant ... BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Dr. Dickson was not generally known as an author,l except by a few sermons, preached ...

Book 9  p. 584
(Score 0.99)

age was exercised to devise more novel and exquisite tortures to satisfy the indignation of
the people. The sderings of the Earl of Athol were prolonged through three days ; on
the second of which he was elevated on a pillar at the cross, to the gaze of the people, and
with a hot iron coronet, crowned in derision as the King of Traitors. On the third day,
he was dragged on a hurdle through the High Street to the place of public execution,
where, after further indignities, he was at length beheaded, and his head exposed on a pole
at the cross-the body being quartered and sent to the four chief towns of the kingdom.
With the like barbarous indignities, Robert Graham, the most active of the regicides,
suffered at the same time and place.
Bneas Sylvius, who afterwards filled the papal chair as Pope Pius 11.) was at this time
resident in Edinburgh, as the Pope’s nuncio for Scotland, and witnessed, as Abercromby
says, ‘‘ with some horror, but more admiration,” The remark of the
Italian ecclesiastic, ‘( that he was at a loss to determine whether the crime of the regicides,
or the punishment inacted on them by the justice of the nation, was the greatest ”-would
not seem to imply any censure on the bloody revenge with which the Scottish Capital thus
expressed her indignation on the murderers of her King.
King James 11. was not above seven years old, when the officers of state called a
Parliament in his name, which accordingly met at Edinburgh on the 20th of March 1438.
Their fist act was the condemnation, already recorded, of the regicides ; and thereafter, the
youthful Sovereign was brought from the Castle, where he had been lodged since shortly
after his birth, attended by the three estates of the kingdom ; and being conducted in state
to Holyrood Abbey, was there crowned with great magnificence-the first of the Scottish
Kings that is thus united, in birth and royal honours, with the capital of the kingdom.
During the two succeeding years, he continued to reside entirely in the Castle, under
custody of the Chancellor Crichton, greatly to the displeasure of the Queen and her party,
who thus found him placed entirely beyond their control. She accordingly visited Edinburgh,
professing great friendship for the Chancellor, and a longing desire to see her son; by which
means she completely won the goodwill of the old statesman, and obtained ready access,
with her retinue, to visit the Prince in the Castle, and take up her abode there. At length
having lulled all suspicion, she gave out that she had made a vow to pass in pilgrimage to
the White Kirk of Brechin, for the health of her son ;’ and bidding adieu to the Chancellor
over night, with many earnest recommendations of the young King to his fidelity and care,
she retired to her devotions, having to depart at early dawn on the ensuing morrow. Immediately
on being left at liberty, the King was cautiously pinned up among the linen and
furniture of his mother, and so conveyed in a chest to Leith, and from thence by water to
Stirling, into the hands of Sir Archibald Livingstone. h e d i a t e l y thereafter, the latter
raised an army and laid siege to the Chancellor in the Castle of Edinburgh ; but the wary
statesman, having lost the control of the King, wisely effected a compromise with his
opponent, and delivering the keys into the King’s own hands, they both supped with him
the same night in the Castle, and, on the following day, he confirmed the one in his oEce
of Chancellor, and the other in that of guardian of his person. This state of af€airs did
not continue long, however, for Sir Archibald Livingstone having quarrelled with the
Queen, the King was shortly afterwards again carried off and restored to the guardianship
these executions.
Martial Achievements, vol. ii. p. 310. ’ Lindsay of Pitscottie, vol. i. p. 7. ... STUARTS TO THE DEATH OF JAMES 111. 15 age was exercised to devise more novel and exquisite tortures to satisfy ...

Book 10  p. 16
(Score 0.98)

During the brief period of Mr. Rylance’s sojourn in Edinburgh, Mr. Constable
found employment for his pen in various minor literary matters,-among others,
in the compilation of an analytical catalogue of all the works previously published
in his then extensive establishment, and of which a large impression was thrown
off and circulated.
The following newspaper sarcasm, which first appeared in the Moining
ChrmicZe after the publication, in 1815, of Sir Walter (then Mr.) Scott’s poem,
The Field of Waterloo, is from Rylance’s pen :-
‘‘ The corps of many a hero slain
Graced Waterloo’s ensanguined plain ;
But none, by sabre or by shot,
Fell half so flat as Walk Scott I ”
To which, after remonstrance, and in a better mood, he added-
‘‘ Yet none, by magic sword and shield,
More nobly fought on Flodden Field. ”
Mr. Rylance died at London in 1834. The following tribute to his memory
is, we believe, from the pen of his friend Mr. Jerdan :-
“Died, on the 6th of June, aged 52, Mr. Ralph Rylance, a gentleman of
great talents and varied acquirements. By Messrs. Longman and Co. his abilities,
information, and industry were well known and justly appreciated. His pen
had been employed by them for many years ; and he was the author or translator
of a multitude of publications, although to no one of them, we believe, is his
name attached. He was not so distinguished in the literary world as he ought
to have been.
“ Mr, Rylance was a native of Bolton in Lancashire. His early boyhood
was passed in Liverpool, where he was honoured by the special notice of the late
Mr. Roscoe ; of whose kindness he always spoke with the warmest gratitude, and
who put him to school under the celebrated Mr. Lempriere. Here he acquired
the classical languages with extraordinary facility ; and afterwards became so
accomplished a linguist, that he could read, write, and speak with fluency no
fewer than eighteen languages; and, not long before his death, was closely
studying the Welsh and Celtic, for the purpose of composing an ethnic essay on
the affinities of all languages. With ancient history and literature he was
profoundly acquainted ; and his racy English style was evidently formed on that
of the age of Elizabeth. In politics he was a liberal Whig; and in religion,
although differing from some of his nearest and dearest connections, he was
steadily and faithfully attached to the Church of England. Two of his most
recent productions were, ‘ An Explanation of the Doctrines of Christianity ;’ and
‘ An Exposition of the Lord‘s Prayer,’-both of which have been mentioned in
the Literary Gazette with the commendations which the rational piety of their
author, and the simplicity and clearness of his statements, arguments, and illustrations
deserved. Of the excellent qualities of his heart, the filial tenderness ... SKETCHES. 221 During the brief period of Mr. Rylance’s sojourn in Edinburgh, Mr. Constable found ...

Book 8  p. 312
(Score 0.98)

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