Edinburgh Bookshelf

Edinburgh Bookshelf


Index for “elizabeth graham”

seriously that Mary is reported to have used a bath of white wine to exalt her charms, a
. custom, he adds, strange, but not without precedent.’ Other no less efficacious means
have been assigned as the expedients resorted to by Queen Mary for shielding her beauty
against the assaults of time, but the existence of a very fine spring of water immediately
underneath the earthen floor might reasonably suggest her use of the pure and limpid
Beyond this lies the district of Abbey Hill, an old-fashioned suburb that has risen
up around the outskirts of the Palace, and includes one or two ancient fabrics that have
probably formed the residence of the courtiers of Holyrood in days of yore. Here is a
narrow lane leading into St Anne’s Park, which bears the curious Gaelic title of Croftan-
rzgh, or the King’s Field; a name that furnishes very intelligible evidence of its
former enclosure within the royal demesnes. One ancient tenement near the Palace has
the angles of its southern gable flanked with large round turrets, in the castellated style
of James VI.’s reign, while the north front is ornameuted with dormer windows. This
antique fabric answers generally to the description of the mansion purchased by William
Graham, Earl of Airth, from the Earl of Linlithgow, at the instigation of his woefull wyse
d e . It is described by him as the house at the back of the Abbey of Holyrood House,
which sometime belonged to the Lord Elphinstone ; and though, he adds, ‘‘ within two
years after, or thereby, that house took fyre accedintallie, and wes totallie burned, as it
Btandeth now, like everie thing that t.he unhappie womau, my wyfe, lade hir hand to,” ’
many of our old Scottish houses have survived such conflagrations, and still remain in
good condition.
Pennant’s Tour, vol. i. p. 71. Minor Antiquities, p. 271. ... CANONGA TE AND ABBEY SANCTUAR Y. 309 seriously that Mary is reported to have used a bath of white wine to ...

Book 10  p. 337
(Score 1.46)

ST. MARGARET?S CONVENT. 45 White House Loan.
rare and valuable portraits, including some of the
Stuart family, and one of Cardinal Beaton, on the
Vhite House, was returned as heir to his father,
James Chrystie, of that place, in the parish of St.
Cuthbert?s. But in the early part of the last
century it had passed to a family named Davidson,
as shown by the Valuation Roll in 1726.
In 1767 it was the residence of MacLeod of
MacLeod, when his daughter was married to
Colonel Pringle of Stitchell, M.P.; and in this
mansion it has been said Principal Robertson wrote
his ?History of Charles the Fifth.? Here also,
April, 1820, John Home wrote his
Dr. Blair his ?? Lectures.? ?? We give this interesting
information,? says the editor, ?on the authority of
a very near relation of Dr. Blair, to whom these
particulars were often related by the Doctor with
great interest.?
.the first Catholic convents erected in Scotland
since the Reformation-a house of Ursulines of
Jesus, and dedicated to St. Margaret, Queen of
Scots, having a very fine Saxon chapel, the chef
dEuvre of Gillespie Graham. It was opened in
Jme that year, according to the Edinburgh
Ohme-, a now extinct journal, and the inaugural
Douglas,? and I
On this edifice was engrafted, in 1835, one of?
et Regent du Royaume a?Ecosse, CaPlIilld et Legat
a iaterc, fut massacri pour la foy en 1546.? It
is believed to be a copy by Chambers from the
original at St. Mary?s College, Blairs. The most
of the nuns were at first French, under a Madame
St. Hilaire.
On the same side of the Loan are the gates
to the old mansion of the Warrenders of Lochend,
called Bruntsfield or Warrender House, the an-
I cestral seat of a family which got it as a free gift
from the magistrates, and which has been long
connected with the civil history and municipal
affairs of the city-a massive, ancient, and dark
edifice, with small windows and crowstepped
THE GRANGE CEMETERY. ... MARGARET?S CONVENT. 45 White House Loan. rare and valuable portraits, including some of the Stuart family, ...

Book 5  p. 45
(Score 1.43)

blood that had been left on its blade. This the discoverers, not unreasonably, believed to
have remained there from the flight of the murderers of Rizzio.
A flat stone, with some nearly obliterated carving upon it, is pointed out in the passage
leading from the present quadrangle to the Chapel of Holyrood Palace, as covering the
remains of Rizzio.’ It forms a portion of the flooring of the ancient Abbey Cloisters,
included in the modern portion of the Palace, when it was rebuilt by Charles 11.
As Sir James Melvil was passing out by the outer gate of the Palace on the following
morning, the Queen observed him, and throwing open the window of her apartment, she
implored him to warn the citizens, and rescue her from the traitors’ hands. On the news
being spread, the common bell was rung, and the Provost, with some hnndred armed
citizens, rushed into the outer court of the Palace and demanded the Queen’s release.
Darnley appeared at the window in her stead, and desired them to return home, assuring
them that he and the Queen were well and merry. The Provost sought to see the Queen
herself, but Darnley commanded their immediate departure on his authority as King.’
She was deterred by the most violent threats from holding any communication with the
chief magistrate and citizens ; and they finding all efforts vain, speedily retired.3
The Queen succeeded, soon after, in detaching her imbecile husband from the conspirators,
and escaping from the Palace in his company at midnight. They fled together to
Seaton, and thence to Dunbar. They returned again to the capital within five days, but the
Queen feared again to trust herself within the bloody precincts of the Palace. She took
up her residence in the house of a private citizen in the High Street, and from thence she
removed, a few days afterwards, to one still nearer the Castle ; in all probability the house
in Blyth’s Close, Castle Hill, traditionally pointed out as the Palace of her mother, Mary
of Guise, the portion of which fronting the street still remaius, with the inscription upon
it, in antique iron letters, LAVS DE0.4
Lord Ruthven had risen from his sick-bed to perpetrate the infamous deed of Rizzio’s
murder ; he fled thereafter to Newcastle, and died there. Only two of the humbler actors
in it suffered at this period for the crime, Thomas Scott, the sheriff-depute of Perth, for
Ruthven, and Henry Yair, one of his retainers. The head of the former was set on the
tower of the Palace, and that of the other on the Nether Bow Port.
The period of the Queen’s accouchement now
drew near, and she gladly adopted the advice of
her Council to take up her residence within the
Castle of Edinburgh. There, in a small apartment
still pointed out to visitors,. James VI.
first saw the light on the morning of the 19th
of June 1566. The room in which the infant
was born, in whom the rival crowns of Elizabeth
and Marp were afterwards united, has
undergone little alteration since that time ; it is
of irregular shape, and very limited dimensions, though forming part of the more ancient
1 Chalmem’s Queen Mary, vol. ii. p. 163.
4 Letters of Randulph to Cecil, Wright’s “Queen Elizabeth and her Times,” vol. i p. 232.
’ Knox. p. 341. The Queen’s Letter, Keith, vol. 5. p. 418,
VIoNmr~carvedS tone over the entrance b the royal apartments, Edinburgh Castle. ... V. TO ABDICATION OF QUEEN MARK 77 blood that had been left on its blade. This the discoverers, not ...

Book 10  p. 84
(Score 1.41)

alowing each 20 lbs. weight,.and all above to pay
6d. per lb. The coach sets off at six in the morning.
Performed by Henry Hamson, Nich. Speighl,
Rob. Garbe, Rich. Croft?
When we consider the cost of food on a thirteen
8, Moray House; 30, Canongate Cross; 32, Canongate Tolbooth.
Canongate, every other Tuesday. In the winter
to set out from London and Edinburgh every
other Monday morning, and to go to Burrowbridge
on Saturday night ; and to set out from thence on
Monday morning, and to get to London and Edinof
Anne and Victoria seems great indeed.
In July, 1754, the Ertinburgh Courant advertises
the stage-coach, drawn by six horses, with a postillion
on one of the leaders, as ?a new, genteel,
two-end glass machine, hung on steel springs;
exceeding light and easy, to go in ten days in
summer and twelve in winter,? setting out from
Hosea Eastgate?s, at the Coach and Horses, Dean
Street, Soho, and from John Somerville?s, in the
parcels, according fo their vahe.?
A few years before this move in the way of progress,
the Canongate had been the scene of a little
religious persecution; thus we find that on a
Sunday in the April of 1722 the Duchess Dowager
of Gordon, Elizabeth Howard, daughter of the
Duke of Norfolk, venturing to have mass celebrated
at her house in the Canongate for herself and
some fifty other Roman Catholics, Bailie Hawthorn, ... each 20 lbs. weight,.and all above to pay 6d. per lb. The coach sets off at six in the morning. Performed ...

Book 3  p. 16
(Score 1.37)

Valence and Amiens, and other French commissioners, and a treaty was formally concluded
and signed, by which, through the diplomatic skill of Cecil, the objects aimed at
by Queen Elizabeth, as well as the real interests of the Congregation, were completely
secured, notwithstanding the feeble remonstrances of the French commissioners. A separate
convention, agreed to at the same time, bound the French garrison to remove all the
artillery from the ramparts of Leith, completely to demolish its fortifications, and
immediately thereafter to embark for France.
On the 19th of July,-the third day after the embarkation of the French troops at
Leith, and the departure of the English forces on their march homeward,-a solemn public
thanksgiving was held by the reforming nobles, and the great body of the Congregation,
in St Giles’s Church ; and thereafter the preachers were appointed to some of the chief
boroughs of the kingdom, Knox being confirmed in the chief charge at Edinburgh.
A Parliament assembled in Edinburgh on the 1st of August, the proceedings of which
were opened with great solemnity. The lesser barons, from their interest in the progress of
the reformed doctrines, claimed the privilege, which they had long ceased to use, of sitting
and voting in the Assembly of the Three Estates. This led to the accession of nearly a
hundred votes, nearly all of them adhering to the Protestant party. After the discussion
of 8ome preliminary questions,-particularly as to the authority by which the Parliament
was summoned,-Maitland was appointed their “ harangue maker,” or speaker, and they
proceeded to choose the Lords of the Articles. Great complaint was made as to the choice
falling entirely on those well affected to the new religion, particularly among the Lords
Spiritual, some of whose representatives were mere laymen ;-but altogether without effect.
c( This being done,” says Randolph, in an interesting letter to Cecil, U the Lords departed,
and accompanied the Duke as far as the Bow,-which is the gate going out of the High
Street,-and many down unto the Palace where he lieth; the town all in armour, the
trumpets sounding, and all other kinds of music such as they have. . . . . . The Lords
of the Articles sat from henceforth in Holyrood House, except that at such times as upon
matter of importance the whole Lords assembled themselves again, as they did this day, in
the Parliament House.”
The Parliament immediately proceeded with the work of reformation, a Confession of
Faith was drawn up, and approved of by acclamation, embodying a summary of Christian
doctrine in accordance with the views of the majority, and this was seconded by a series of
acts rendering all who refused to subscribe to its tenets liable to confiscation, banishment,
and even death. Ambassadors were despatched to England with proposals of marriage
between the Earl of Arran, eldest 6011 to the Duke of Chatelherault, and Queen Elizabeth,
while Sir James Sandilands, grand prior of the knights of St John of Jerusalem, was sent
to France to carry an account of their proceedings to the Queen.
The latter met with a very cool reception ; he was, however, entrusted with a reply from
the Scottish Queen, which, though it refused to recognise the assembly by which he was
sent as a Parliament, was yet couched in conciliatory terms, and intimated her intention
to despatch commissioners immediately, to convene a legal Parliament ; but ere Sir James
arrived at Edinburgh, the news reached him of the death of the young King, her royal consort,
anwhich avent caused the utmost rejoicing among the party of the Congregation.
MS. Letter St P. O&, 9th August 1560, Tytler. ... MEMORIALS OF EDINBURGH. Valence and Amiens, and other French commissioners, and a treaty was formally ...

Book 10  p. 74
(Score 1.36)

The priests, resolving not to permit the day to pass without the usual celebration, borrowed
a small statue of the saint from the Grey Friars, which they firmly secured with iron
clamps to the “ fertorie ” or shrine,‘ in which it was usually borne aloft. And the more
fully to do honour to the occasion, and to overawe the turbulent populace, the Fiegent was
prevailed on to grace the procession with her presence. The statue was borne through the
principal streets of Edinburgh in great pomp, attended by the canons of St Giles’s Church,
and all the chief clergy in full canonicals, “ with tabrons and trumpets, banners and bagpipes.
It was convoyed about,
and brought down the Hie Street to the common Cross. The Queen Regent dined that
day in Alexander Carpenter’s house, betwixt the Bowes. When the idol returned back,
she left it and went in to her dinner.”=
The presence of the Regent had produced the desired effect in restraining the populace
from violence, but no sooner did she withdraw, than the Little St Giles,” as they contemptuously
styled the borrowed statue, was attacked with the most determined violence,
and speedily shared the fate of its predecessor. The scene is thus graphically told by the
same historian from whom we have already quoted ;-‘( Immediately after the Queen
entered her lodging, some of them drew near to the idol, as willing to help to bear him
up, and getting the fertorie upon their shoulders, beganne to shudder, thinking thereby
the idol should have fallen. Then began
one to cry ‘ Down with the Idol I down with it ! ’ So without delay it was pulled down.
The patrons of the priests made some brags at the first ; but when the priests and friars
saw the feebleness of their god, they fled faster than they did at Pinkey Cleugh.’ One of
the professors [of the reformed doctrines) taking Saint Giles by the heels, and dadding
his head to the causeway, left Dagon without head or hands ; exclaiming, Fy on thee,
Young Saint Giles, thy father would not have been so used ! ’ The friars fleeing,” and as
Knox exultingly declares, ‘( down go the crosses, off go the surplices, round caps and cornets
with the crowns. The Grey Friars gaped, the Black Friars blew, the Priests panted
and fled, and happy was he that got first to the house, for such a sudden fray came never
among the generation of antichrist within this realm before.” ‘
This same year, 1558, Knox issued his famous “ first blast of the trumpet against the
monstrous regiment of women,” in which he attacks the Regent, along with Mary Queen
of England, and, indeed, all female rule ; by which he afterwards brought on himself the
personal enmity of Queen Elizabeth, even more than that of those against whom it was
directed. By his instructions the reforming party had organised themselves under the name
of the CONGREQATIOaNn,d their leaders now assumed the guidance in all the great movements
that occurred, entering into negotiations and treaties like a sovereign power. The
accession of Queen Elizabeth to the throne of England further added to their influence, as
she failed not to strengthen, by every available means, the hands of the Protestant party,
and it consisted with her wonted course of policy thus to maintain her ascendancy by undermiuing
the power of an opponent, rather than incur the consequences of an open rupture.
The unfortunate claim which the chiefs of the house of Guise, uncles to the youthful Queen
of Scotland, put forward in her name, as the legitimate successor of Queen May of Eng-
The Queen Regent led the ring for honour of the feast.
But that chance was prevented by yron nailes.
’ Calderwood‘e Hiatory, VOL i p. 346. ’ Koor’s Hist, p. 95.
Pertow, a little coffer or chest ; a casket-Jamieson.
a Ante, p. 51. ... K TO ABDICA TION OF QUEEN MAR Y. 61 The priests, resolving not to permit the day to pass without the usual ...

Book 10  p. 66
(Score 1.33)

In the unfortunate “ Walcheren Expedition,” undertaken in 1809, under
the late Earl of Chatham, the Marquis commanded the fourth division. The
object of this armament, which had been fitted out on a very extensive scale,
was the destruction of the fleet and arsenal at Anbwerp, but except in the bombardment
of Flushing, the expedition entirely failed of success.
With the Walcheren expedition closed the foreign military career of the
Marquis of Huntly. His subsequent life was distinguished bya patriotic and active
zeal in whatever tended to the honour or advantage of his native country. He was
long a member, and frequently President, of the Highland Society, an association
which has done so much to improve the agriculture and condition of the
peasantry of Scotland. As a mark of distinction, in 1813, the Marquis was
appointed General of the ancient body denominated the Royal Archers of
Scotland, or King’s Body Guard. Of the Celtic Society he was also an equally
honoured member ; and, in short, in all patriotic or national associations he was
found to yield enthusiastic co-operation.
On the death of his lordship’s father, in 1827, he succeeded to the dukedom
of Gordon in Scotland, and the earldom of Norwich in England ; and in the
still more extended sphere of influence thus opened to him, the spirit which
had animated the Marquis continued to be manifested in the Duke. The great
improvements which he effected on his extensive estates-the exquisite taste
displayed in laying out the grounds and ornamenting the lawns around the
princely Castle of Gordon-together with his successful .exertions in improving
the breed of Highland cattle, and promoting agriculture, are well-known instances
of the Duke’s untiring zeal and perseverance.
He married, in 1813, Elizabeth, daughter of the late Alexander Brodie,
Esq. of Am Hall, but had no issue. His Grace died at London in June 1836,’
and with him the dukedom of Gordon and earldom of Norwich became extinct.
The title of Marquis of Huntly, and some of the inferior dignities, devolved to
his Grace’s ‘‘ heir-male whatsoever,” the Earl of Aboyne. The estates passed
by virtue of an entail to his nephew, the Duke of Richmond.
As a tribute to the memory of the Duke of Gordon, we beg to append the following letter of
condolence to the Duchess from the Governors of the London Scottish Hospital, whose opportunities
of knowing his Grace’s exertions in the cause of charity give peculiar weight to their sentiments :
Unto her Grace Elizabeth Duchess of Gordon, Marchioness of Huntly, Countess of
Huntly; Enzie, and Norwich, Viscountess of Inverness, etc. etc etc. etc.
WE, the Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, and Governors of the Scottish Hospital of the foundation of
King Charles the Second, re-incorporated by King George the Third, in General Court assembled,
beg leave thus to olfer our heartfelt condolence upon the severe bereavement with which God in his
Providence has seen meet to make trial of your “faith and patience.”
Be assured, Madam, that it is not in the observance of a mere formality, but because of that
alfectionate regard which we must ever entertain for the memory of our late noble President, that
we intrude thus early upon that grief in which we do sincerely participate.
When, at the command of our present most gracious King and Patron, the Duke of Gordon
entered upon the Presidency of this Institution, we congratulated ourselves on the acquisition of a
nobleman whose ancient and honourable lineage, and whose generous, chivalrous character, concurred
with his previoua knowledge of the Society, and zeal for its interests, to recommend him to our ... SKETCHES. 187 In the unfortunate “ Walcheren Expedition,” undertaken in 1809, under the late ...

Book 8  p. 264
(Score 1.33)

88 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. tThe Castle Hill.
the steep flight of steps that descend to Johnston
Terrace, we find a date 1630, with the initials
A. M.-M. N., and in the wall below there still
remains a cannon ball, fired from the half-moon
3 ~ - ~ * - .... ,-. ,~,_., -.,- :.. ~- - - , ~ ~ ~ .,- .,~-- %..:,>
street some are unchanged in external aspect since
the days of the Stuarts.
On the pediment of a dormer window of the
house that nom forms the south-west angle of the
street, directly facing the Castle, and overlooking
of Huntly in 1684; but the edifice in question
evidently belongs to an anterior age; and the old
tradition was proved to be correct, when in a disposition
(now in possession of the City Improve- __-- L n _-_-_ :--:--\ =.. e:- -_=--& TI-:-> L_ 1.1-
arch, within which, is a large coronet, supported by
two deerhounds, well known {eatures in the Gordon
arms. Local tradition universally affirms this
mansion to have been the residence of the dukes
of that title, which was bestowed on the house
aunng me DiocKaae in 1745. I nrougn rnis DWUing
there is a narrow alley named Blair?s Close-so
narrow indeed, that amid the brightest sunshine
there is never in it more than twilight-giving access
to an open court, at the first angle of which is a
handsome Gothic doorway, surmounted by an ogee
iiiriii LuiiitIiissiunl uy air M J U ~ K ~ Dam tu nis
son William, dated 1694, he describes it as ?all
and hail, that my lodging in the Castle lHill of
Edinburgh, formerly possessed by the Duchess of
The latter was Lady Elizabeth Howard, daugh ... OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. tThe Castle Hill. the steep flight of steps that descend to Johnston Terrace, we find a ...

Book 1  p. 88
(Score 1.31)

The figure on the right of Mr. Cauvin is meant to represent MR SCOTT,
farmer, Northfield, who survived, and was long an intimate friend of the
Founder of the Hospital. An intelligent and skilful agriculturist, he was greatly
esteemed in the neighbourhood, and by none more so than those who were his
dependants. One man is said to have been in his employment between thirty
and forty years; and another, who died at a very advanced age, had been
servant in the family for upwards of sixty years. Mr. Scott waa an elder of
the parish church of Duddingston. His wife, a Miss Graham, by whom he
had several children, died in 1834.’
THAT this Portraiture was sketched without a sitting may be conjectured
from a memorandum by the artist, which states that when the lady heard of
his intention to publish her likeness, “she sent for him to come and get a
proper look at her; but he did not choose to accept the invitation.” Those
who remember Mrs. Smith will have little difficulty in recognising a strong
likeness to her in the Etching.
MRS. or rather LUCKIES, MITH(fo r so in her later years she was uniformly
styled) is dressed in the somewhat ridiculous fashion prevailing towards the
close of last century. The Print bears the date 1795 ; and at that period she
resided in South Bridge Street. Some years afterwards she removed to a
house purchased for her in Blackfriars’ Wynd.
Mrs. Smith was a native of Aberdeen, and had in early life been married
to a trader of the name of Kinnear, by whom she had a son and two daughters.
After the death of her husband she resumed her maiden name of Smith.
Her favourite walk was the Meadows. She was a stout, comely-looking woman,
and usually dressed well. She lived to old age, in the enjoyment of two
annuities-one of which she derived from a gentleman of fortune, the husband
of one of her daughters. The other daughter was also well married, and
we believe settled in America. Mrs. Smith died in January 1836.
His eldest son, Andrew, was s Writer to the Signet ; and David, who formerly assisted him in
the management of Northfield, was a large sheep-farmer near Gala Water. Three of his five
daughtera were respectably msrried ; the eldest to John Parker, Esq., S.S.C., who was appointed to
the office of Principal Extractor in the Conrt of Session ; the second to I&. George Law, farmer,
Morton ; and the second youngeat to Adam Paterson, Esq., W.S.
VOL. 11. 31 ... SKETCHES. 425 The figure on the right of Mr. Cauvin is meant to represent MR SCOTT, farmer, ...

Book 9  p. 569
(Score 1.31)

310 E I 0 GR A P HI GAL S K ET C H ES.
MR. DICKSON, the third son of the Rev. David Dickson, minister of Newlands,
Peeblesshire, and afterwards proprietor of the estate of Kilbucho, in the same
county, was born in April 1754. After receiving his elementary education at
the parochial school of West Linton, the parish immediately adjoining to that
of Newlands, he was removed to the grammar-school at Peebles, then under
the skilful tuition of Mr. Oman, who is still remembered as a superior linguist
and a most successful teacher. Entering the Uuiversity of Glasgow in 1766,
he there prosecuted his literary, philosophical, and theological course of studies,
till the session of 1774-5, when he completed them at the Divinity Hall of
Being licensed by the Presbytery of Biggar in September 1775, Mr. Dickson
soon after became the almost stated assistant of his step-uncle, the Rev.
Mr. Noble, minister of Liberton, in the same Presbytery, then in the decline
of life, and such was his popularity during the entire period of Mr. Noble's
survivance, that on his death, in 1776, the parishioners unanimously applied to
the patron in his favour, who, at once acceding to their wishes, immediately
presented him to the vacant charge. After going through the prescribed presbyterial
trials with more than ordinary approbation, he was ordained minister
of that parish on the 1st of May 1777.
During his ministry at Liberton, Mr. Dickson began t,hat course of faithful
and zealous labour, among all classes of the people, not in the pulpit only, but
from house to house, by which he was so peculiarly distinguished throughout
the remainder of his life. But, while this produced a mutual and very strong
attachment betwixt him and his first flock, it led others who enjoyed, though
only occasionally, the benefit of his public, and heard of his not less valuable
private, ministrations, earnestly to seek for themselves so estimable a pastor.
Accordingly, on a vacancy taking place at Bothkennar, in the Presbytery of
Stirling, where he had been accustomed to assist, especially on sacramental
occasions, he was, on the unanimous application of the parishioners to the patron,
Mr. Graham of Airth, appointed to that charge, into which he was duly inducted
in July 1783.
Being by this time well known in Edinburgh, where he was in the habit of
regularly assisting, twice a year, the most eminent evangelical ministers at the
dispensation of the Lord's Supper ; and, being particularly intimate with Mr. ... E I 0 GR A P HI GAL S K ET C H ES. No. CCLXXIV. REV. DAVID DICHSON, MINISTER OF NEW NORTH CHURCH, ...

Book 9  p. 412
(Score 1.3)

As the time of her accouchement drew near, she
was advised by the Lords of Council to remain in
the fortress and await it; and a former admirer
of Mary?s, the young Earl of Arran (captain of the
archers), whose love had turned his brain, was
sent from his prison in David?s Tower to Hamilton.
(From tke Original ~ G W in tht Mwccm of tht So&& of Antiquaries of Scofkrul.)
A French Queen shall beare the some
And he from the Bruce?s blood shall come
To rule all Britainne to the sea,
As near as to the ninth degree.?
According to the journalist Bannatyne, Knox?s
secretary, Mary was delivered with great ease by
On the ground floor at the south-east corner of thc
Grand Parade there still exists, unchanged anc
singularly irregular in form, the room wherein, a1
ten o?clock on the morning of the 19th of June
1566, was born James VI., in whose person thc
rival crowns of hlary and Elizabeth were to bc
united. A stone tablet over the arch of the 016
doorway, with a monogram of H and M and the
date, commemorates this event, unquestionably thc
greatest in the history of Britain. The royal arms
of Scotland figure on one of the walls, and an orna.
mental design surmounts the rude stone fireplace,
while four lines in barbarous doggerel record the
birth. The most extravagant joy pervaded the
entire city. Public thanksgiving was offered up in
St. Giles?s, and Sir James Melville started on the
spur with the news to the English court, and rode
with such speed that he reached London in four
days, and spoiled the mirth of the envious Elizabeth
for one night at least with the happy news.
And an old prophecy, alleged to be made by
(Over entrancr fo tkr RvaZ Apartments, ddidurglr Castle.)
Thomas the Rhymer, but proved by Lord Hailes
to be a forgery, was now supposed to be fulfilled-
<? However it happen for to fall,
The Lycn shall be lord of all 1
the necromantic powers of the Countess ot
John Earl of Athole, who was deemed a sorceress,
and who cast the queen?s pains upon
the Lady Reres, then in the Castle. An interesting
conversation between Mary and Darnley took
place in the little bed-room, as recorded in the
?Memoirs? of Lord Herries Daniley came at
two in the afternoon to see his royal spouse and
child. ?? My lord,? said the queen, ?God has
given us a son.? Partially uncovering the face of
the infant, she added a protest that it was his and
no other man?s son. Then turning to an English
gentlemar, present, she said, ? This is the son who,
I hope, shall first unite the two kingdoms of Scotland
and England.? Sir William Stanley said,
?Why, madam, shall he succeed before your majesty
and his father?? ?Alas !? answered Mary, ?his
father has broken to me,? alluding to the conspiracy
against Rizzio. ?? Sweet madam,? said
Darnley, ?is this the promise you made--that
you would forget and forgive all ? ?I ? I have forgiven
all,? replied the queen, ?but will never
forget. What if Faudonside?s (one of the assassins)
pistol had shot? What would have become of
both the babe and me ? ?? ? Madam,? replied
Darnley, ?these things are past.? ?Then,? said the
queen, ? let them go.? So ended this conversation.
It is a curious circumstance that the remains of
In infant in an oak coffin, wrapped in a shroud
marked with the letter I, were discovered built up
in the wall of this old palace in August, 1830,
but were re-consigned to their strange place of
jepulture by order of General Thackeray, comnanding
the Royal Engineers in Scotland.
When John Spotswood, superintendent of Lo-
:hian, and other Reformed clergymen, came to
:ongratulate Mary in the name of the General
kssembly, he begged that the young Duke of ... the time of her accouchement drew near, she was advised by the Lords of Council to remain in the fortress and ...

Book 1  p. 46
(Score 1.26)

High Street.] TULZIES IN THE HIGH STREET. 195 - -
his own friends and servants into two armed parties,
set forth on slaughter intent.
He directed his brothers John and Robert
Tweedie, Porteous of Hawkshaw, Crichton of
Quarter, and others, to Conn?s Close, which was
directly opposite to the smith?s booth; while he,
accompanied by John and Adam Tweedie, sons of
the Gudeman of Dura, passed to the Kirk (of Field)
Wynd, a little to the westward of the booth, to cut
off the victim if he hewed a way to escape ; but as
he was seen standing at the booth door with his
back to them, they shot him down with their
pistols in cold blood, and left him lying dead on
the spot.
For this the Tweedies were imprisoned in the
Castle; but they contrived to compromise the
matter with the king, making many fair promises ;
yet when he was resident at St. James?s, in 1611,
he heard that the feud and the fighting in Upper
Tweeddale were as bitter as ever.
On the 19th of January, 1594, a sharp tulzie, or
combat, ensued in the High Street between the
Earl of Montrose, Sir James Sandilands, and others.
10 explain the cause of this we must refer to
Calderwood, who tells us that on the 13th of
February, in the preceding year, John Graham of
Halyards, a Lord of Session (a kinsman of Montrose),
was passing down Leith Wynd, attended by
three or four score of armed men for his protection,
when Sir Janies Sandilands, accompanied by his
friend Ludovic Duke of Lennox, with an armed
I company, met him. As they had recently been
in dispute before the Court about Some temple
lands, Graham thought he was about to be attacked,
and prepared to make resistance. The
duke told him to proceed on his journey, and that
no one would molest him; but the advice was
barely given when some stray shots were fired by
the party of the judge, who was at once attacked,
and fell wounded. He was borne bleeding into
an adjacent house, whither a French boy, page to
Sir Alexander Stewart, a friend of Sandilands, followed,
and plunged a dagger into him, thus ending
a lawsuit according to the taste of the age.
Hence it was that when, in the following year,
John Earl of Montrose-a noble then about fifty
years old, who had been chancellor of the jury that
condemned the Regent Morton, and moreover was
Lord High Chancellor of the kingdom-met Sir
James Sandilands in the High Street, he deemed
it his duty to avenge the death of the Laird of
Halyards. On the first amval of the earl in Edinburgh
Sir James had been strongly recommended
by his friends to quit it, as his enemies were too
strong for him ; but instead of doing so he desired
the aid and assistance of all his kinsmen and
friends, who joined him forthwith, and the two
parties meeting on the 19th of January, near the
Salt Tron, a general attack with swords and hack
buts begun. One account states that John, Master
of Montrose (and father of the great Marquis), first
began the fray; another that it was begun by Sir
James Sandilands, who was cut down and severely
wounded by more than one musket-shot, and
would have been slain outright but for the valour
of a friend named Captain Lockhart. The Lord
Chancellor was in great peril, for the combat was
waged furiously about him, and, according to the
? Historie of King James the Sext,? he was driven
back fighting ?to the College of Justice ( i e . , the
Tolbooth). The magistrates of the town with
fencible weapons separatit the parties for that time ;
and the greatest skaith Sir James gat on his party,
for he himself was left for dead, and a cousingerman
of his, callit Crawford of Kerse, was slain,
and many hurt.? On the side of the earl only one
was killed, but many were wounded.
On the 17th of June, 1605, there was fought in
the High Street a combat between the Lairds of
Edzell and Pittarrow, with many followers on both
sides. It lasted, says Balfour in his AnnaZes, from
nine at night till two next morning, with loss and
many injuries. The Privy Council committed the
leaders to prison.
The next tulzie of which we read arose from the
following circumstance :-
Captain James Stewart (at one time Earl of
Arran) having been slain in 1596 by Sir James
Douglas of Parkhead, a natural son of the Regent
Morton, who cut off his .head at a place called
Catslack, and carried it on a spear, ?leaving his
body to be devoured by dogs and swine;? this
act was not allowed to pass unrevenged by the
house of Ochiltree, to which the captain-who had
been commander of the Royal Guard-belonged.
But as at that time a man of rank in Scotland
could not be treated as a malefactor for slaughter
committed in pursuance of a feud, the offence was
expiated by an assythement. The king strove
vainly to effect a reconciliation ; but for years the
Imds Ochiltree and Douglas (the latter of whom
was created Lord Torthorwald in 1590 by James
VI.) were at open variance.
It chanced that on the 14th of July, 1608, that
Lord Torthonvald was walking in the High Street
a little below the Cross, between six and seven in
the morning, alone and unattended, when he suddenly
met William Stewart, a nephew of the man
he had slain. Unable to restrain the sudden rage
that filled him, Stewart drew his sword, and ere ... Street.] TULZIES IN THE HIGH STREET. 195 - - his own friends and servants into two armed parties, set forth ...

Book 2  p. 195
(Score 1.25)

IS represented with the ensign of the Roman Eagle Lodge, which used to be
carried at public processions before the Master, a situation which he long held.
The miniature scene in the background describes what had frequently
happened, namely, the Doctor at a bowl of punch, with Mr. Little of Libberton,
hlr. John Lamont, surgeon, and Lord Bellenden, heir to his Grace the Duke
of Roxburghe, playing on the fiddle-an accomplishment in which he excelledfor
the entertainment of the company. His Lordship, who was remarkable for
his free, generous, and hospitable disposition, in 1787 married Miss Sarah
Cumming of Jamaica, a lady paternally of Scottish, but maternally of Afrimn
descent. The other two gentlemen in conversation at the back of this convivial
group, are Dr. William Cullen and Dr, Alexander Hamilton, Professor of
Midwifery; the gentleman in light clothes, to the left, is Dr. James Graham,
already described in No. XI.
DR. JOHNB ROWNw as born in the parish of Buncle, in the county of Berwick,
of parents more respectable for decency of character than dignity of rank. Discovering
early markq of uncommon talents, his parents were induced, after having
fruitlessly bound him as an apprentice to a weaver, to change his destination.
He was accordingly sent to the grammar-school of Dunse, where, under Mr.
Cruickshanks, an able teacher, he studied with great ardour and success. His
application, indeed, was so intense, that he was seldom without a book in his
hand. It is said that Erown submitted, in his youth, to be a reaper of corn, to
procure for himself the means of improvement. With the price of such labour
he put himself to school, where his abilities attracted the attention of his
master, and procured him the place of assistant. His revolt from the loom,
according to this account, must have been attended with highly honourable
The years of Brown’s grammar education appear to have been, in no common
degree, well spent and happy ; and he continued at school until he had nearly
attained the age of twenty. In the summer of 1775, his reputation as a scholar
procured him the appointment of tutor to a family of some distinction in the
neighbourhood of Dunse, where, however, .he did not long continue an inmate.
Upon relinquishing this situation he repaired to the University of Edinburgh,
where, after going through the iisual course of philosophy, he entered upon his
theological studies : he attended the lectures of the professors, diligently applied
to the study of the authors recommended by them, and proceeded so far as to ... BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES; No. XXVI. DR. JOHN BROWN, AUTHOR OF ‘‘ THE BRUNONIAN SYSTEM OF MEDICINE,” IS ...

Book 8  p. 82
(Score 1.23)

flowers and creepers. Never, I have heard him say, was he prouder of his
handiwork thah when he had completed the fashioning of a rustic archway,
now overgrown with hoary ivy, by way of ornament to the entrance from the
Edinburgh road.’
At Lasswade, long afterwards, De Quincey spent his later years in a small
house which used to be called, as it may still be called, De Quincey’s Cottage.’
The market-town of Dalkeith lies between the two rivers, now very near
their meeting-point. It derived its name from its position : ‘ daZ= wall, and
caatha = confined,’ say the scholars. The town consists mainly of one street
running from east to west, now full of new houses and shops, but with here
and there an old roof or house-front still to be seen. Diverging from the
High Street are narrow alleys or ‘closes,’ and in many of these the old houses
remain untouched. Towards its eastern end, the High Street widens into a
market-place. Here, on your left, stand the remains of the ancient church of
St Nicholas, with the modem church tacked on to i t Directly opposite is
the old jail, a two-stoned stone building with barred windows, the groundfloor
of which was used as a weigh-house on market days until both its
functions were superseded by the newer police-station and market-hall.
Facing us, at the eastern extremity of the town, are the gates of Dalkeith
Palace, the seat of the Dukes of Buccleuch.
Of the ancient Castle, built on a high ground, with a drawbridge in front
and a ravine at the back, nothing now remains, except perhaps a bit of the
outworks down on the banks of the North Esk, at the back of the present
Palace. The earliest mention of it dates from the 12th century, when it
belonged to the Grahams. Two hundred years after, by the marriage of a
Marjory Graham, it went into the hands of the Douglases, afterwards Earls of
Morton. Here Froissart stayed full fifteen days while he was in Scotland.
Here the little Princess Margaret, daughter of Henry VII. of England, rested
with her retinue on her way to be married at Edinburgh to King James IV.,
who himself met her at Newbattle and accompanied her to Dalkeith PaIace
with great ceremony.
The Regent Morton, to whom it descended, repaired and strengthened
the Castle, and earned for it the name of Lion’s Den.’ In the following reign
it was a favourite resort of the King. When the news of his mother‘s
death at Fotheringay arrived at Edinburgh, King James, in much vexation,
went without supper to bed, ‘and on the morrow, by seven o’clock, went tu ... ROSLIN, HAWTHORNDEN, flowers and creepers. Never, I have heard him say, was he prouder of his handiwork thah ...

Book 11  p. 197
(Score 1.23)

Campbell, Rev. John, the African
Campbell, Mr. John, 46
Campbell, Sir James, Bart., 51
Campbell, Sir James Livingstone,
Campbell, Sir Alexander, 51
Campbell, Colonel Alexander, 61
Campbell, Archibald, Esq., of
Campbell, Lieut.-Colonel John,
Campbell, Archibald, Esq. , of
Campbell, Sir Archibald, of Suc-
Campbell, Mr. Alexander, 92,
Campbell, Mr. Charles, 95, 266
Campbell, Lord Frederick, 125,
Campbell, Mr. Mungo, 127
Campbell, Dugald, 147
Campbell, Rlr. James, 147
Campbell, Lieut. -Col. Duncan,
Campbell, Colin, of Carwin, 233
Campbell, Miss Elizabeth, 233
Campbell, Lady Elizabeth &it.
Campbell, Lady Mary, 234
Campbell, Captain John, 235
Campbell, Archibald, 235
Campbell, John, 353
Campbell, Archibald, town-officer
287, 357, 359
Campbell, Sir Ilay, 380, 384, 44:
Campbell, Dr., 382
Campbell, Archibald, Esq., o
Campbell, Sir James, 450
Campbell, Miss Eleanors, 450
Campbell, Colonel, 444
Campbell, Colonel, of Glenlyon
Campbeil, Finlay, 472
Campbell, John, 472
Cardonald, Commissioner, 387
Carey, -, 171
Carhampton, Lord, 169
Carlyle, Dr., 119, 339
Carnegy, Thomas, Esq. , 419
Carnegy, Miss Elizabeth, 419
Carnegy, Miss Margaret, 419
Carre, Robert, Esq., 73
Carre, M2iss Agnes, 73
traveller, 42
Bart., 402
Stonefield, 71, 233
i 2
Succoth, 89
coth, 91, 442
land, 234
Inverneil, 404, 405
hstlereagh, Lord, 1751 304, 305,
hstres, Abraham, Esq., 35
hthcart, Lord, 19
>athart, Robert, Esq., of
:auvin, Mr. Louis, senior, 420
:auvin, Nr. Louis, jnnior, 378,
3auvin, Mr. Alexander, 421
Zauvin, Joseph, Esq., 421
C)auvin, Miss Jean, 421
Zauvin, Miss Minny, 421
Zauvin, Miss Margaret, 421
Zhapman, Dr., 45
Chapman and Lang, Messrs., 237
Chalmers, Miss Agnes, 109
Chalmers, Rev. Dr. Thomas, 124
Chalmers, Mr., 136
Chalmen, Miss, 158
Chalmers, George, Esq., 348
Chalmers, Miss Grizel, 348
Chalmers D. Douglas, 386
Chalmers, Mrs., 387
Chandos, Marquis of, 234
Charles I., 125, 207, 328, 341
Charles II., 163, 222, 328
Charles X. of France, 199, 200,
Charlotte, Princess, 245
Charlotte, Queen, 350
Charteris, Mr., of Amisfield, 138
Charteris, Colonel, 241
Chatham, Earl of, 255
Cheape, Douglas, Esq., 467
Chester, Sir Robert, 300, 305
Chiesley of Dalry, 332
Christie, Mr. John, 309
Christie, Miss, 455
Christison, John, Esq., 446
Christison, Professor, 451, 452
Cibber, Mrs., 205
Circassian, the Fair, 303, 304,
305, 306, 307
Clair, General St., 22
Clair, Mr. St., of Roslin, 211
Clare, Earl of, 174
Clark, Alexander, 29
Clarke, Mrs., 397
Clavering, General, 446
Clavering, Miss Angusta, 446
Clayton, Rev. Mr., 102
Cleghorn, Rev. Mr, John, 40
Clerk, Mr. John, 29
Clerk, Mr. Robert, 29
Clerk, Mr. Alexander, 29
Drum, 475
201, 202
3lerk, Sir John, of Penicuik,
Zlerk, Sir John, 438
zlerk, Mr. Sheriff, 145
Ierk, Sir James, .Bart. 178,
Jerk, Sir George, 178
Zlerk, John, Esq., 438, 439
Zlerk, William, Esq., 442
Clinch, Mr., 204
Clinton, Sir Henry, 23
Clive, Robert Lord, 468
Clive, Lady, 468
Clive, Viscount, 469
Clonmel, Earl of, 173
Cobbett, Mr. William, 184, 273
Cockburn, Lord, 363, 418
Cockbnrn, Baron, 289, 328
Cockbarn, Miss Matilda, 328
Coilsfield, Laird of, 127
Colville, Admiral Lord, 58
Colville, Lady, 58
Colquhonn, Sir James, Bart., 71,
Colquhoun, M'alter Dalziel, Esq.,
Colquhonn, A., Esq., 361, 432
Colquhoun, John Campbell, Esq.,
Combe, Delafield and Co., Messrs.,
Combe, Miss, 292, 293
Condorcet, Marquis de, 386
Connell, Sir John, 91
Connell, Mr. Arthur, 442
Constable, Mr. Archibald, 59,
Constable, Thomas, Esq., 475
Cooke, Mrs., the giantess, 115
Cooper, Dr., 452
Corehouse, Lord, 384
Cormack, Rev. Dr., 467
Cormack John Rose, M.D., 467
Cornwallis, Lord, 78, 350
Cornwallis, Lady Charlotte, 350
Cotton, Mr. George, 218
Cottrell, Sir Stephen, 300
Coutts, Miss, 160
Coventry, Dr. Andrew, 108, 352
Coventry, Lord, 292
Coventry, Rev. George, 352
Coventry, Miss Margaret, 352
Cowper, Mr. James, 403, 407
Craig, Sir Thomas, 322
Craig, Professor James, 322
Craig, Thomas, Esq., 322,
217, 223
322, 473 ... TO THE NAMES, ETC. 493 Campbell, Rev. John, the African Campbell, Mr. John, 46 Campbell, Sir James, Bart., ...

Book 9  p. 684
(Score 1.22)

every man his own Harry Ewkine f" Mr. Erskine felt very much amazed, as
may be supposed, upon the announcement of the fictitious publication.
Mr. Erskine was twice married, and by his first marriage he had the present
(1837) Earl of Buchan, Major Erskine, and two daughters : one married to the
late Colonel Callender of Craigforth, and another to Dr. Smith. By his second
wife, Miss hlunro (who still survives, 1837), he had no issue.
No. LIX.
THIS rencontre, which happened only a short time after Mr. Bruce published
his travels, is said to have taken place at the Cross of Edinburgh, where the
parties represented were seen by Kay in conversation, although he ha's ingeniously
placed them on the hillock alluded to by Mr. Bruce, from whence proceeded
the principal fountain of the Nile.
The first figure in the print is JAMES BRUCE of Kinnaird, the Abyssinian
traveller, He was born on the 14th December 1730, at Kinnaird in the county
of Stirling, and was eldest son of David Bruce of Kinnaird,' by Marion,
daughter of James Graham of Airth, Judge of the High Court of Admiralty in
At the age of eight years, Bruce, who was then rather of a weakly habit and
gentle disposition, though afterwards remarkable for robustness of body and
boldness of mind, was sent to London to the care of an uncle. Here he remained
until he had attained his twelfth year, when he was removed to
Harrow, where he won the esteem of his instructors by his amiable temper
and extraordinary aptitude for learning. In 1747, he returned to Kinnaird,
with the reputation of a first-rate scholar. It having been determined that he
should prepare himself for the Bar, he, for that purpose, attended the usual
classes in the University of Edinburgh ; but finding legal pursuits not suited to
his disposition, it was resolved that he should proceed to India. With this
intention he went to London in 1753 ; but while waiting for permission from
the East India Company to settle there as a free trader, he became acquainted
with Adriana Allan, the daughter of a deceased wine-merchant, whoa
This estate waa acquired by his grandfather, David Hay of WoodcockdaIe, who, on mm-ying
Helen Bruce, the heiress of Kinnaird, assumed the name and arms of Bruce. The immediate founder
of the Kinnaird family was Robert, the second son of Sir Alexander Bruce of Airth, by a daughter
of the fifth Lord Livingston, who became one of the most zealous ministers of the Reformed Church
of Scotland, ww much in the confidence of James the Sixth, and had the honour of pla&g the
crown on the head of his Queen on her arrival from Denmark.
. ... BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. every man his own Harry Ewkine f" Mr. Erskine felt very much amazed, as may be ...

Book 8  p. 185
(Score 1.21)

Abercromby, Lord, 21, 325
Abercromby, General Sir Ralph,
38, 125, 163, 189, 349
Abercromby, bfiss Elizabeth, 38
Abercromby, Sir Robert, 38, 39
Abercromby, the Hon. James,
Speaker of the House of Commons,
Adam, Dr. Alexander, 19, 37
Adam, Lord Chief Commissioner,
Adams, President, 71, 194
Adie, Mr. Andrew, 403, 407
Aikmau, Rev. John, 40, 41
Aikman, Mrs., 40
Aikman, Robert, 238
Albemarle, Lord, 22
Alexander, Rev. William Lindsdy:
Alexander, Mrs., of Balloclimyle
Alison, Archibald, Esq. , 363, 465
Alison, Professor, 452
Allan, David, 96
Allan and Co., Messrs. Thomas
Alston, Dr. Charles, 415, 416
Alva, Lord, 336
Amesbury, Lord, 466
Amy, James L', Esq., 363
Anderson, Dr. Walter, 75
Anderson, Mr. William, 228
Anderson, Professor, 244
Anderson, &Ir. David, 403
Anderson, Mr. William, 403, 401
Anderson, Mr. Charles, 403, 408
295, 296, 363
A.M., 40
Pndrev v. Murdoch, 21
4ndrew, George, Esq., 35
Ingouleme, Duc d', 195, 197
Ingouleme, Duchess d', 198,
Inkerville, Lord, 383
Snne, Princess, 208
Arbuthnot, William, Esq., 240
Arcy, Lieut.-Colonel d', 306
Argyle, Duke of, 51, 235, 411,
Argyle, John Duke of, 225
Aristotle, 450
Armadale, Lord, 112, 350, 417
Arnot, Hugo, Esq., 185, 213
Arnot, Miss, 160
Artois, Count d', 197, 198, 265
A-n, H-y, 292
8-e, Sir T-s, 292
Atholl, Duke of, 101, 412
Atholl, Duchess of, 412
Audley, Lord, 295
Auchinleck, Lord, 277
Auchmuty, Sir Samuel, 275 '
Austin and M'Auslin, Messrs., 378
Austria, Emperor of, 201
Aytoun, John, Esq., 196
Aytoun, Roger, Esq., 197
Aytoun, John, Esq., 197
Aytoun, James, Esq., 197
199, 200,201
BADENOCRHe,v . Mr., 201
Baillie, Thomas, Esq., 216
Baillie, Sir William, Bart., 217
Baillie, George, Esq., 234
Baillie, Colonel, 273
Baillie, bIrs., 387
Baine, Rev. James, senior, 133
Raine, Rev. James, junior, 82
Baird, Principal, 104, 273, 311
Baird, Sir David, 163
Baird, John, Esq., 376
Balfour, Professor, 20
Balgray, Lord, 346, 407, 409
Ballantyne, Mr. John, 384
Ballingall, Mr., 375
Ballingall, Sir George, 448, 449
Balmuto, Lord, 380, 384, 386
Bamford, Mr., 115
Bannatyne, Lord, 99, 380, 384
Barber, Mr., 306
Barbanyois, Marquis de, 199
Barclay, Dr., 110
Barclay, Mr. JamesRobertson, 269
Barclay, Miss Susan, 269
Barclay, Mr., 277, 415
Barclay, John, the Berean, 418
Barrington, Sir Jonah, 169, 171
Barry, Mr., 441
Barton, Miss Elizabeth, 431
Bass, Mr. C., 31G
Baxter, bfr., 124
Beattie, Professor, 279
Beg, Abbas, 306
Begbic, William, 357, 358, 364
Belches, Mr., 19
Belhaven, Lord, 393
Bell, Mr. Nugent, 24
Bell, Mr. George, 45
Bell, Mr. John, 110
Bell, Rev. William, 114
Bell, Sir Charles, 142, 453
Bell, Mr. Hamilton, 285
Bell, Mr. Benjamin, 437
Bell, Rev. William, 464 ... THE N A31 E S I N C I D EN TAL L Y M ENT I 0 NE I) IS THE SECOND VOLUME. A ABEBCROMBIDEr,. , 452 ...

Book 9  p. 682
(Score 1.21)

396 B I 0 G RAP H I C AL S KE T C 13 E S.
already 2” said he tp the first group he met; “I may just gang my way back
again.’’ Forward
he went, in spite of all his lordship’s exertions to prevent him. He of
course found the church-doors closed ; but, no doubt recollecting that the
dissenters were not so short-winded, Dolphin proceeded to the meeting-house,
where he remained in his usual position until sermon was finished.
As may well be guessed, the dog was a great favourite with Lord Hermand.
Naturally of a kind disposition, he was particularly indulgent to Dolphin. So
long as his master remained at Hermand the animal fared on the best ; but
during his absence, was treated much in the fashion of other dogs. Dolphin had
not only sagacity enough to understand this, but displayed a surprising degree
of wisdom and foresight in the mode he took to mitigate the evil, He apparently
knew exactly at what time his lordship’s avocations in the Court of
Session recalled him to the city ; and, accordingly, about a fortnight previous
he commenced carrying away whatever he could lay his paws on in the shape of
butcher-meat. These savoury pieces he carefully hid in the woods, to make
up for the scanty fare of brochan to which he was reduced during the “ sitting
of the Session.”
Lord Hermand’s warmth of temper was not confined to occasional sallies on
the bench. A
large party were at dinner, and his lordship in excellent humour, when one of
the waiting-men, in handing over a wine decanter, unfortunately let it fall to
the floor, by which it was smashed to pieces. This unlucky accident at once
overbalanced his lordship’s equanimity. He sprang to his feet in a fury of
passion, and, darting over chairs and every impediment, rushed after the fellow,
who fled precipitately down stairs. The dinner party were thrown into convulsions
of laughter, and had scarcely regained their composure, when his lordship
returned from the chase, and resumed his chair as if nothing had occurred
to disturb the harmony.
Lord Hermand married Miss Graham WDomall, daughter of William
WDowall of Garthland, Esq., but had no issue. His lordship resigned his office
as a Senator of the College of Justice in 1826 ; and died at Hermand on the
9th of August 1827, upwards of eighty years of age. His widow survived him
for several years. He left the liferent of his estate of Hermand to Mrs. Fergusson
and, after her demise, to her niece, the wife of Thomas Maitland, Esq., advocate,
and their second son; with special legacies to the second son of each of his
other nieces, Mrs. Cockburn and Mrs. Fullerton, the wives of two of the Senators
of the College of Justice.
He accordingly did so ; but Dolphin was not of a similar mind.
An amusing instance occurred on one occasion at Hermand. ... B I 0 G RAP H I C AL S KE T C 13 E S. already 2” said he tp the first group he met; “I may just gang my ...

Book 8  p. 551
(Score 1.18)

seen Sir Noel Paton?s two wonderful pictures of
Oberon and Titania; others by Erskine Nicol,
Herdman, Faed, W. Fettes, Douglas, James Drummond,
Sir George Harvey, Horatio Macculloch,
R. S. Lauder, Roberts, Dyce, and Etty, from whose
brush there are those colossal paintings of U Judith
with the Head of Holofernes ?? and ?The Woman
Interceding for the Vanquished.?
Among the many fine paintings bequeathed to
this Scottish Gallery is Gainsborough?s celebrated
portrait of hfrs. Graham, depicting a proud and
are outlined ; and the great and accurately detailed
picture of the battle of Bannockburn.
There is a small full-length picture of Bums,
painted by Nasmyth, as a memento of the poet,
and another by the same artist, presented by the
poet?s son, Colonel W. Nicol Burns, and a fine
portrait of Sir John Moore, the property of the
officers of the Black Watch,
The choice collection of water colours embraces
some of the best works of I? Grecian ? Rilliams ;
a series of drawings bequeathed to the Gallery
beautiful girl, grief for whose death in early fife
caused her husband, the future Lord Lynedoch,
?the hero of Earossa,? to have it covered up that
he might never look upon it again. There are
also some beautiful and delicate works by Greuze,
the gift of Lzdy Murray ; and one by Thomson of
Duddingstone, presented by Lady Stuart of
Allanbank ; and Landseer?s I? Rent Day in the
Wilderness,? a Jacobite subject, bequeathed by
the late Sir Roderick Murchison, Bart.
Not the least interesting works here are a few
that were among the last touched by deceased
artists, and left unfinished on their easels, such as
Wilkie?s ?John Knox Dispensing the Sacrament
at Calder House,? of which a few of the faces alone
by Mr. Scott, including examples of Robert
Cattermole, Collins, Cox, Girtin, Prout, Nash,
and Cnstall; and a set of studies of the most
striking peculiarities of the Dutch, Spanish, Venetian,
and Flemish schools. Of great interest, too,
are the waxen models by Michael Angelo.
The Gallery also contains a collection of
marbles and bronzes, bequeathed by Sir James
Erskine of Tome, and a cabinet of medallion
portraits and casts fnm gems, by James and
William Tassie, the celebrated modellers, who,
though born of obscure parents in Renfrewshire,
acquired such fame and reputation that the first
cabinets in Europe were open to their use.
The Royal Scottish Academy of Painting and ... Mound.] THE SCOTTISH GALLERY. 89 - seen Sir Noel Paton?s two wonderful pictures of Oberon and Titania; others ...

Book 3  p. 89
(Score 1.18)

?49 _- George S1rret.l THE ASSEMBLY ROOMS.
ducted in Europe; but the regulations as issued for
them a century ago may amuse their frequenters in
the present day, and we copy them verbatim.
(? THE proprietors finding that the mode they proposed for
subscribing to the assemblies this winter has not met with
general approbation, did, at a general meeting, held 12th
January, come to the following resolutions as to the mode of
admission in future :-
?* Subscription books are open at the house of the Mastez
of the Ceremonies, Wlliam Graham, Esq., No. 66, Princes
Street, and Mr. William Sanderson, merchant, in the
Luckenbooths, to either of whom the nobility and gentry
intending to subscribe are requested to send their names and
subscription money, when they will receive their tickets.
The first assembly (of the season) to be on Thursday, the
29th January, 1789.?
Prior to the erection of the adjoining music
hall many great banquets and public meetings
((1. That the ladies? subscription shall be one guinea.
? 11. That subscriptions for gentlemen who are proprietors
of the rooms shall be one guinea
? 111. That the subscription for gentlemen who are nut,
proprietors of the rooms shall be two guineas.
? IV. That each subscriber shall have twenty-four admission
? V. Subscribers when absent to have the power of granting
two of these tickets for each assembly, either to a lady
or gentleman, and no more ; when present, only one ; and no
ticket will procure admittance unless dated and signed by
the granter ; and the tickets thus granted are not transferable.
?VI. Each non-subscriber to pay 3s. at the door on
presenting his ticket.
? VII. Each director is allowed two additional tickets
extraordinary for each asseably, m-hich he may transfer,
addmg the word Dirccfiw to his signature.
?VIII. No admission wit/rout a fkkd on any arcounl
took place in the great ball-room. One of the
most interesting of these was the second ovation
bestowed on the famous Black Watch in 1816.
There had been a grand reception of the
regiment in 1802, on its return from Egypt, when
a new set of colours, decorated with the Sphinx,
after a prayer by Principal Baird, were bestowed
upon the war-worn Highland battalion on the
Castle Hill by General Vyse, amid a vast concourse
of enthsiastic spectators ; but a still greater
ovstion and a banquet awaited the regiment on
its return to Edinburgh Castle in the year after
It entered the city in two divisions on the 19th
and 20th March, 1816. Colonel Dick of Tullybole,
who afterwards fell in India, rode at the head ... _- George S1rret.l THE ASSEMBLY ROOMS. ducted in Europe; but the regulations as issued for them a century ago ...

Book 3  p. 149
(Score 1.18)

mentioned as residents in it in 1501. He was
Provost in 1425, and was succeeded in 1434 by
Sir Henry Preston of Craigmillar.
Other alleys are mentioned as having existed
in the sixteenth century : Swift?s Wynd, Aikman?s
Close, and ?the Eirle of Irgyllis Close,? in the
Dean of Guild?s Accounts in 1554, and Blacklock?s
Close, where the unfortunate Earl of Northumberland
was lodged in the house of Alexander Clarke,
when he was betrayed into the hands of the
Regent Moray in December, 1569. ,In a list of
citizens, adherents of Queen Mary, in ?1571, are two
glassier-wnghts, one of them named Steven Loch,
probably the person commemorated in Stevenlaw?s
Close, in the High Street.
From Palfrey?s bustling inrrj at the Cowgate-head,
the Dunse fly was wont to take its departure
twice weekly at 8 a.m in the beginning of the
century; and in 1780 some thirty carriers? wains
arrived there and departed weekly. Wilson says
that ?Palfrey?s, or the King?s Head Inn, is a fine
antique stone land of the time of Charles I. An
inner court is enclosed by the buildings behind,
and it long remained one of the best frequented
inns in old Edinburgh, being situated at the junktion
of two of the principal approaches to the town
from the south and west.?
In this quarter MacLellan?s Land, No. 8, a lofty
tenement which forms the last in the range of
houses on the north side of the street, has peculiar
interest from its several associations. Towards the
middle of the last century this edifice-the windows
of which look straight up the Candlemaker-rowhad
as the occupant of its third floor Mrs. Syme, a
clergyman?s widow, with whom the father of Lord
Brougham came to lodge, and whose daughter became
his wife and the lady of Brougham Hall.
He died in 1810, and is buried in Restalrig churchyard.
Mrs. Broughain?s maiden aunt continued to
reside in this house at the Cowgate-head till a
period subsequent to 1794.
In his father?s house, one of the flats in Mac-
Lellan?s Land, Henry Mackenzie, ?the Man of
Feeling,? resided at one time with his Wife and
In the flat immediately below Mrs. Syme dwelt
Bailie John Kyd, a wealthy wine merchant, who
made no small noise in the city, and who figures
among Kay?s etchings. He was a Bailie of 1769,
and Dean of Guild in 1774.
So lately as 1824 the principal apartments in
No. 8 were occupied by an aged journeyman
printer, the father of John Nimmo, who became
conspicuous as the nominal editor of the Beacon,
as his name appeared to many of the obnoxious
articles therein. This paper soon made itself
notorious by its unscrupulous and scurrilous nature,
and its attacks on the private character of the
leading Whig nobles and gentlemen in Scotland,
which ended in Stuart of Dunearn horsewhipping
Mr. Stevenson in the Parliament Square. The
paper was eventually suppressed, and John Nimmo,
hearing of the issue of a Speaker?s warrant against
him, after appearing openly at the printing office
near the old back stairs to the Parliament House,
fled the same day from Leith in a smack, and did
not revisit Edinburgh for thirty-one years. He
worked long as a journeyman printer in the service
of the great Parisian house of M. Didot, and for
forty years he formed one of the staff of Ga&-
nanr?s Messenger, from which he retired with a
pension to Asni?eres, where he died in his eightysixth
year in February, 1879.
In this quarter of the Cowgate was born, in 1745,
Dr. James Graham (the son of a saddler), who was
a man of some note in his time as a lecturer and
writer on medical subjects, and whose brother
William married Catharine Macaulay, authoress of
a ?? History of England? and other works forgotten
now. In London Dr. Graham started an extraordinary
establishment, known as the Temple of
Health, in Pall Mall, where he delivered what were
termed Hyineneal Lectures, which in 1783 he redelivered
in st. Andrew?s Chapel, in Carrubber?s
Close. In his latter years he became seized with a
species of religious frenzy, and died suddenly in his
house, opposite the Archer?s Hall, in 1794.
In Bailie?s Court, in this quarter, lived Robert
Bruce, Lord Kennet, 4th July, 1764, successor on
the bench to Lord Prestongrange, and who died
in 1786. This court-latterly a broker?s yard for
burning bones-and Allison?s Close, which adjoins
it-a damp and inconveniently filthy place, though
but a few years ago one of the most picturesque
alleys in the Cowgate-are decorated at their
entrances with passages from the Psalms, a custom
that superseded the Latin and older legends towards
the end of the seventeenth century.
In Allison?s Close a door-head bears, but sorely
defaced, in Roman letters, the lines from the 120th
Psalm :-?? In my distress I cried unto the Lord,
and he heard me. Deliver my soul, 0 Lord, from
lying lips and from a deceitful tongue.?
In Fisher?s Close, which led directly up to the
Lawnmarket, there is a well of considerable
antiquity, more than seventy feet deep, in which a
man was nearly drowned in 1823 by the flagstone
that covered it suddenly giving way.
The fragment of a house, abutting close to the
northern pier of the centre arch of George IV.
. ... OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Cowgate. mentioned as residents in it in 1501. He was Provost in 1425, and was ...

Book 4  p. 242
(Score 1.18)

the ancient ruby ring which the kings of Scotland
wore at their coronation. It was last used by the
unhappy Charles I., and, after all its wanderings
with his descendants, is now in its old receptacle,
together with the crown, sceptre, sword of state,
and the golden mace of Lord High Treasurer.
The mace, like the sceptre, is surmounted by a
great crystal beryl, stones doubtless of vast antiquity.
The " great beryl " was an amulet which
[Edinburgh Castle.
with the like number of diamonds and sapphires
alternately, and the points tipped with great pearls;
the upper circle is elevated with ten crosses floree,
each adorned in the centre with a great diamond
betwixt four great pearls placed in the cross, one
and one, and these crosses floree are interchanged
with ten high flews de fix, all alternately with the
great pearls below, which top the points of the
second small circle. From the upper circle proceed
cage, the regalia now lie on a white marble table
in the crown-room, together with four other memorials
of the House of Stuart, which belonged
to the venerable Cardinal York, and were deposited
there by order of King William in 1830. These
are the golden collar of the Garter presented to
James VI. by Elizabeth, with its appendage the
George; the order of St. Andrew, cut on an onyx
and having on the reverse the badge of the Thistle,
which opens with a secret spring, revealing a beau-
The ancient crown worn by Robert I. and his
successors underwent no change till it was closed
with four arches by order of James V., and it is
thus described in the document deposited with the
Regalia in the crown-room, in 1707 :-
"The crown is of pure gold, enriched with
many precious stones, diamonds, pearls, and curious
enamellings. It is composed of a fillet which
goes round the head, adorned with twenty-two
large precious stones. Above the great circle there
THE REGALIA OF SCOTLAND. ... ancient ruby ring which the kings of Scotland wore at their coronation. It was last used by the unhappy ...

Book 1  p. 72
(Score 1.16)

one of the ministers of the Tolbooth Church, Edinburgh, and Secretary to
the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge $-and on
the 23d, “At Edinburgh, Sir James Colquhoun of Luss, Bart., Sheriffdepute
of Dumbartonshire.”
He subsequently
occupied a house connected with the hall of the Society to which he
was secretary (formerly Baron Maule’s residence), at the Netherbow, and afterwards
used by the Messrs. Craig as a hat manufactory.
Dr. Kemp resided for several years in Ramsay Garden, Castle Hill.
THIS Print refers to the close of the war in 1782, when the fear of invasion
from the menacing attitude of the French nation created so much unnecessary
alarm. At this period the above-mentioned noblemen zealously came forward
to rouse the spirit of their countrymen. They are represented as they appeared
in the “ garb of old Gaul,” beating up for a volunteer body called the Caledonian
Band.’ Several meetings had been held, and a vast number of citizens’
names enrolled ; the Marquis had also been elected colonel, and the Earl lieutenant-
colonel, besides the appointment of a number of inferior officers ; but
before the commissions arrived from his Majesty, the preliminaries of peace had
been signed. The Caledonian Band, like its prototype, the Edinburgh Defensive
Band, was thereafter converted into a body of freemasons-of which the
Earl of Buchan was made master, and afterwards the Hon. Archibald Fraser of
Lovat, whose father was beheaded in 1746.
Perhaps few local matters ever excited greater interest in Edinburgh than the probable issue of
this unhappy law-suit. Dr. Kemp was characterised as a second Dr. Cantwell by one party, and as
the most injured man breathing by the other. Even the reality of his death became matter of dispute
; for it was affirmed1and believed by not a few of his adversaries, that his demise was a fiction,
got up for the purpose of stifling investigation ; and it was positively asserted, that, more than a
year afterwards, he had been seen in Holland in the very best health and spirits. That this rumour,
however, was unfounded, may be presumed from the fact, which wm well known, of his having been
struck with palsy some time prior to his death. Therefore, admitting the fiction of his demise, and
that he was seen in Holland in the best heaZth and sphits, it falls to be shown by what means such
a miraculous recovery had been effected. But the point is, we think, set at rest by direct testimony ;
for we are informed by a friend that the late Mr. Charles Watson, undertaker, father of Dr. Watson
of Burntisland, who was one of Dr. Kemp’s elders, and a person whose word may be relied on,
declared to him that he assisted in putting Dr. Kemp’s body into the coffin, and in screwing down
the top of it.
This corps was drilled by Mr. John Lamond, as adjutant, brother of the Dean of Guild of
Edinburgh. ... BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. one of the ministers of the Tolbooth Church, Edinburgh, and Secretary to the Society ...

Book 8  p. 398
(Score 1.14)

‘‘ Ladies are requested to come early, in order to be agreeably accommodated
with seats, as the Lecture will be$n exactly at Seven o’clock.
“ N.B.-Dr. G. has not the least intention of lecturing any more for several
years in Edinburgh than the above four nights; and if the Chapel is not
pretty full the two first nights, he will not repeat the lecture as proposed the
two last nights, viz. on Wednesday and Thursday ; and as the shilling paid for
admission can only defray the various expenses, Dr. G. hopes that the inhabitants
of Edinburgh will esteem these lectures as very great and important favours
conferred upon them.
“ December, 1 7 8 3.
“All Dr. G.’s books and pamphlets are to be had at the Doctor’s house, and
at Mr. Brown’s, bookseller, Bridge Street.”
While his Temple of Health was in its glory, it cannot be doubted that
such an exhibition, lauded as it was on all hands in the most extravagant terms,
must have produced a great deal of money in such a city as London, where
every species of quackery is sure to meet with support and ehcouragement ; but
Doctor Graham, instead of realising a fortune, deeply involved himself by the
great expense he was put to in maintaining the establishment in proper splendour.
In his own expenditure he was very moderate ; for he not only abstained
from wine, spirits, and all strong liquors, but even from animal food-and,
consistently with this mode of life, he recommended the same practice to others ;
and whilst confined in the Jail of Edinburgh, for his attack on the civic authorities,
he preached-Sunday, August 17, 1783-a discourse upon Isaiah, XI.
6, “All flesh is grass;” in which he strongly inculcates the propriety of
abstinence from animal food. In this odd production, of which two editions
were afterwards published, he says, “ I bless God ! my friends ! that he has given
me grace and resolution to abstain totally from flesh and blood-from all liquors
but cold water and balsamic milk-and from all inordinate sensual indulgences.
Thrice happy ! supremely blessed is the man who, through life, abstains from
these things ; who, like me, washes his body and limbs every night and morning
with pure cold water-who breathes continually, summer and winter, day and
night, the free open cool air-and who, with unfeigned and active benevolence
towards every thing that hath life, fears and worships God in sincerity and in
In addition to the peculiarities pointed out by the Doctor in his discourse,
he dissented in many other respects from the ordinary usages of mankind. He
wore no woollen clothes ; he slept on a hair-mattress, without feather-bed or
blankets, with all the windows open ; he said, and perhaps with some degree of
truth, that most of our diseases are owing to too much heat :-and he carried
his cool regimen to such an extent, that he was in terms with the tacksman of
the King‘s Park, for liberty to build a house upon the top of Arthur’s Seat, in
order to try how far he could bear the utmost degree of cold that the climate ... BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. ‘‘ Ladies are requested to come early, in order to be agreeably accommodated with ...

Book 8  p. 45
(Score 1.13)

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