Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


Volume 9 Page 576
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BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 431 had nine children.' The demise of this lady took place on the 1 Ith of May 1821, and his lordship, in 1822, married secondly, Miss Elizabeth Barton, but by her he had no issue. No. CCCXVII. A. COLQUHOUN, ESQ., OF KILLERMONT, LORD ADVOCATE OF SCOTLAND, AND A. MACONOCHIE, ESQ. (LORD MEADOWBANK), THEN SOLICITOR-GENERAL. UCHIBALD CAMPBELL, of Clathick, Esq., who afterwards took the name of COLQUHOUNup, on succeeding to the estate of Killermont, came to the Scottish bar in 1768, about the same time with his friends, the Hon. Henry Erskine and Lord Craig, He was appointed Lord Advocate in 1807, and succeeded Lord Frederick Campbell, as Lord Clerk Register, in 1816. He represented the county of Dumbarton in Parliament, and died, after a few days' illness, at Hartham, the seat of his son-in-law, Walter Long, Esq., on the 8th of December 1820. Ey his marriage with Miss Erskine (whose brother became Lord Kinneder), besides several daughters, he left two sons, the eldest of whom was John Campbell Colquhoun, of Killermont, member of Parliament for the Kilmarnock district of burghs. The mind and talents of the Lord Register were of a superior order, and he was a good classical scholar. His abilities as a sound lawyer, a judicious and elegant pleader, were fully acknowledged, and frequently shown in causes of importance-his independent fortune, and a reserve, to a certain extent, in manner, inducing him not to court general business so much as some of his contemporaries. His attention to the duties of Parliament, both when in attendance there, and, with reference to all public interests falling under the province of a member and of Lord Advocate, while in the country, was unremitting and efficient. He was much esteemed by his friends, and died greatly regretted. Lord Panmure died in 1852, and wa5 succeeded by his eldest son, the Hon. Fox Made, who was born at Brechin Castle in 1801. His parliamentary career was commenced as representative for the county of Perth. He afterwarda held the office of Under Secretary of State for the Home Department (1835-1841), and Secretary of War (1846-1852, and from 1855-8). On the death of his cousin, the Marquis of Dalhowie, Governor General of India, he aucceeded to the earldom of Dalhonsie, and assumed the surname of Ftamsay after that of Made. His Lordship died 6th July 1874.
Volume 9 Page 577
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