Edinburgh Bookshelf

Edinburgh Bookshelf


Index for “elizabeth graham”

No less remarkable for his wit and convivial powers, than for his more solid
qualities, Dr. Webster was as great a favourite at the social board as in the
A friend on whom he called one
day, and who was aware of his predilection for this liquor, said he would give him
a treat, adding that he had a bottle of claret which was upwards of forty years
old. The bottle was accordingly produced, but proved to be only a pint bottle.
“ Dear me,” said the disappointed Doctor, taking it up in his hand, “ but it’s
unco little 0’ its age !”
Upon another occasion, after he had, with a few friends, not spared the
bottle, some one inquired, “What would hie parishioners say if they met
him thus 1”-‘‘ What 8” says the Doctor, “ they wadna believe their ain een
although they saw it.”
This excellent and much-respected man died on the 25th January 1784, in
the seventy-seventh year of his age.
He was particularly fond of claret.
No. XI.
HE is here represented in the dress’ in which he attended the funeral of Dr.
Gilbert Stuart, who died 28th August 1786, in white linen clothes and black
silk stockings, his usual attire. The lady walking before him is said to
resemble a Miss Dunbar, sister of Sir James Dunbar, Bart.
Dr. James Graham was born at the head of the Cowgate, Edinburgh, 23d
June 1745.
His father, Mr. William Graham, saddler in Edinburgh, was born in Burntisland
in 1710. He married in 1738, in Edinburgh, Jean Graham (born 1715),
an English lady; they had issue three daughters and two sons. The eldest
daughter was married to a Jlr. Smith ; the second to the celebrated Dr. Arnold
of Leicester, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh ; and the
third ta Mr. Begbie, town smith. James was the eldest son j both he and his
younger brother William studied medicine. The two brothers, in their early
years, were not unfrequently mistaken for one another, from their strong family
likeness, and from following the same profession. William, after practising
some time as physician, abandoned medicine entirely, and entered into holy
orders. He was an Episcopalian, and married the celebrated writer, Mrs.
Catharine Macaulay: sister to Alderman Sawbridge j she died at Binfield, in
1 This lady’s writings were 80 enthusiastically admired by the Rev. Dr. Wilson, prebendary of
Westminster, that during her lifetime he caused a statue of her, as the Goddess of Liberty, to be
aet up in the chancel of his church in Walhrook, which was, however, removed at hi8 death, by his
successor in office. ... BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. No less remarkable for his wit and convivial powers, than for his more solid qualities, ...

Book 8  p. 39
(Score 2.87)

them every morning in his carriage, which was one of the most splendid description,
for an airing, attended by servants in gorgeous liveries; and these
worthies-old-fashioned Presbyterian Whigs of the strictest kind-were infinitely
gratified by the ‘‘ pomp and vanities ” with which they were surrounded.
It would be very difficult to give an exact catalogue of Dr. Graham’s works.
Such as we have seen are annexed. The list is far from complete.
I. The General State of the Medical and Chirurgical Practice exhibited ;
shewing it to be inadequate, ineffectual, absurd, and ridiculous. London, 1779.
This passed through several editions ; and an abstract was published at the
small charge of Sixpence.
11. Travels and Voyages in Scotland, England, and Ireland-including a
Description of the Temple of Health and Grand Electrical Apparatus, etc., which
cost upwards of S12,OOO. London, 1783. 12mo.
111. Private Medical Advice to Ladies and Gentlemen-to those especially
who are not blessed with children-sealed up, price One Guinea, alone, at the
Temple of Health and of Hymen. The whole comprised in eight large folio
IV. The Christian’s Universal Prayer-to which are prefixed a Discourse on
the Duty of Praying, and a Short Sketch of Dr. Graham’s Religious Principles
and Moral Sentiments.
V. Hebe Vestina’s Celebrated Lecture ; as delivered by her from the Electrical
Throne, in the Temple of Health, in London.
VI. A Discourse delivered on Sunday, August 17, 1783, in the Tolbooth
of Edinburgh, by Dr. James Graham, of the Temple of Health in London,
while he was, by the most cruel and most unlawful stretch of power, imprisoned
there for a pretended libellous Hand-bill and Advertisement, which was said to
be published by him, against the Magistrates of that City. Isaiah, chapter xl.
verse 6-“All flesh is grass.” Edinburgh, 1783. 4to.
VII. The Principal Grounds, Basis, Argument, or SOUL, of the New Celestial
Curtain (or Reprehensory) Lecture, most humbly addressed to all Crowned
Heads, Great Personages, and Others, whom it may concern. By James
Graham, M.D. London, 1786.
VIII. A New and Curious Treatise of the Nature and Effects of Simple
Earth, Water, and Air, when applied to the Human Body : How to Live for
many Weeks, Months, and Years, without Eating any thing whatever, etc. By
James Crraham, M.D. London, 1793.
Price 2s. 6d.
Veatina, the “rosy goddess of health,” was a very beautiful female, who appeared on a pedestal
at the lecture. She was, upon the 6th September 1791, married to Sir William Hamilton, E.B.
8he died at Calais in p a t pecuniary distress, 16th of January 1815. ... BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. them every morning in his carriage, which was one of the most splendid description, for ...

Book 8  p. 47
(Score 2.79)

changes were effected in the forms of process j and the Jury Court, as a separate
judicature, was abolished. Mi. Bell was appointed one of the Principal Clerks
of Session in 1831, in the place of Sir Walter Scott. In 1833 he waa called
upon to act as chairman of the Royal Commission to examine into the state of
the Law in general. He died 33d September 1843.
VI1.-WILLIAM ROSE ROBINSON, of Clermiston, in the county of
Edinburgh, late Sheriff of Lanark, passed advocate in 1804. His father,
George Robertson of Clermiston, was a Writer to the Signet. Prior to his
being appointed to the office of Sheriff; which compelled his residence in the
west country, Mr. Robinson had very good practice as an advocate. He married,
8th April 1811, Mary, second daughter of James Douglas, Esq., of Orchyarton,
by whom he left several children. He died in 1834, and was succeeded
as Sheriff of Lanark by Archibald Alison, Esq.
VIIL-JOHN WRIGHT, lecturer on law-formerly noticed (vol. I. p, 268).
and Baronet, the author of a valuable work on the Early Superstitions of Scotland,
was born in 1778, and admitted advocate in 1797. He was the second
son of the late Sir Robert Dalyell, fourth Bart. of Binns, Linlithgo-wshire, by
Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Nicol Graham, Esq., of Gartmore, and early in
life distinguished himself by the publication of various works illustrative of the
history and poetry of his native country ; amongst which may be enumerated
Fragments of Scottish History, 4to ; Scottish Poems of the Sixteenth Century,
2 vols., 12mo ; an edition of Richard Bannatyne's valuable Memorials, 8vo ;
and various tracts on the Chartularies of Ancient Religious Houses in Scotland.
He was also deeply versed in natural history, and gave to the world Dissertations
on the Propagation of Zoophytes ; the History of the Genus Planaria ;
and an edition of Spallanzani's Tracts, in 2 vols. 8170. He was successively
President of the Society for encouraging the Useful Arts in Scotland, Vice-President
of the Society of Antiquaries, and one of the representatives of the Fourth
District in the Town-Council of Edinburgh. In the year 1837 the honour of
knighthood was conferred, by letters patent under the Great Sed, for his
attainments in literature. He succeeded his brother as sixth Baronet in 1841,
and died 7th June 1 85 1.
a biographical sketch, of his lordship have already appeared
A Portrait, with
XI.-JOHN JARDINE passed advocate in 1799. He was the only son of
the late George Jardine, who was for upwards of fifty years a distinguished
Professor in the University of Glasgow, and who introduced that system of
practical discipline in the Philosophy Classes, for which that seminary has been
since so much distinguished, and which is fully explained by the Professor in
VOL. II. 30 ... SKETCHES. 465 changes were effected in the forms of process j and the Jury Court, as a ...

Book 9  p. 620
(Score 2.59)

of Edinburgh affords ; but, though the tacksman was willing, the noble proprietor
would not listen to the project.
Amongst other eccentric plans recommended to his patients was that of earthbathing,-
which was neither more nor less than burying them alive up to the
neck in the earth, in which position they were to remain for ten or twelve hours.
He tried this extraordinary remedy upon himself and one of his daughters, and
actually induced his brother-in-law to follow their example. Other persons were
also found simple enough to submit to this new species of temporary sepulture.
In 1787, this singular being appeared in a new character, as a special delegate
from Heaven to announce the Millennium. He not only styled himself
“ The Servant of the Lord, 0. W. L.” i.e. “ Oh, Wonderful Love,” but attempted
to begin a new chronology-dating his bills such a day of the first month of
the New Jerusalem Church ; but before the coming of the second month the
prophet was, by order of the Magistrates, put under restraint, not indeed in
prison, but in his own house, from whence he, some months afterwards, removed
to the north of England. His religious frenzy appears to have lasted some
time; and we learn from the following extract, copied from the Whitehawen
Packet, that a year afterwards his mind still wandered :-
“ JVHITEHAVEN-Tuesday morning’ Dr. James Graham was sent off to
Edinburgh in the custody of two constables. This unfortunate man had, for
some days past, discovered such marks of insanity as made it advisable to secure
him.‘-August 22, 1788.“
His death took place somewhat suddenly, in his house, opposite to the
Archers’ Hall, upon the 23d June 1794-it was occasioned by the bursting of a
bloodvessel. He was buried in the Greyfriars’ churchyard, Edinburgh. His
widow survived him about seven years, and died at Ardwick, near Manchester,
in the year 1801.
His circumstances during the latter period of his existence were far from
affluent. To one of his publications, however, he was indebted for an annuity
of fifty pounds for life j for it happened that a gentleman in Geneva, who had
perused it, found his health so much improved by following the advice of its
author, that, out of gratitude, he presented him with a bond for the yearly
payment of that sum.
With all his eccentricities, he had a benevolent and charitable disposition,
and his conduct towards his parents was exemplary. Even when in his “ hi&
and palmy state,” he paid them every attention. Whilst in Edinburgh, he took
’ Whether he ever got entirely quit of his religious fancies, is uncertain ; and in a very complete and
curious collection of tracts, advertisements, etc., by, or relative to, Dr. Graham, occurring in the late Mr.
John Stevenson’a sale catalogue for 1825, there is a “manuscript written expressly for Dr. Graham,
regarding his religiow concerns, by Benjamin Dockray, a Quaker at Newtoun, near Carlisle, in 1790,”
which would seem to indicate that hia mind, on that head, waa not at that date entirely settled. ... SKETCHES. 35 of Edinburgh affords ; but, though the tacksman was willing, the noble proprietor would ...

Book 8  p. 46
(Score 2.49)

208 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Great Stuart Street.
shire, and of Amelia, daughter of Alexander Graham,
of Duntrune, who died in 1804 and was thus
the last lineal representative of Claverhouse.
In addition to her accomplishments, she possessed
wit and invention in a high degree, and was
always lively, kind, and hospitable. She had a
keen perception of the humorous, and was well
known in Edinburgh society in the palmy days of
Jeffrey. Gifted with great powers of mimicry, her
personifications at
private parties were
so unique, that
even those who
knew her best were
deceived. One of
the most amusing
of these took place
in 18z1, at the
house of Jeffrey.
He asked her to
give a personation
of an old lady, to
which she consented,
but, in
order to have a
little amusement at
his expense, she
called upon him
in the character of
a ? Lady Pitlyal,?
to ask his professional
upon an imaginary
law plea, which she
alleged her agent
was misconducting.
On this occasion
she drove up to
his house in? the
carriage of Lord
Gillies, accompagood
humour. Her conversation, so far as I have
had the advantage of hearing it, is shrewd and
sensible, but noways brilliant. She dined with us,
went off as to the play, and returned in the character
of an old Scottish lady. Her dress and behaviour
were admirable, and her conversation
unique. I was in the secret of course, and did
my best to keep up the ball, but she cut me out of
all feather. The prosing account she gave of her
(F7m a Ph&-ra#h ay MCSSYX. Ross and Tbmsa.)
nied by a young lady as her daughter, and so
complete was the personification, that the acute
Jeffrey did not discover till next day that he had
been duped ! This episode created so much amusement
in Edinburgh that it fdund its way into
the pages of Blachood. Sir Walter Scott, who
was a spectator of Miss Graham?s power of personation,
wrote thus regarding it :-
Went to my Lord Gillies to dinner,
and witnessed a singular exhibition of personification.
Miss Stirling Graham, a lady of the family
from which Claverhouse was descended, looks like
thuty years old, and has a face of the Scottish cast,
with good expression, in point of good sense and
? March 7.
son, the antiquary,
who found an old
ring in a slate
quarry, was extremely
and she puzzled
the professor of
agriculture with a
merci!ess account
of the succession
of crops in the
parks around her
old mansion house.
No person to
whom the secret
was not entrusted
had the least guess
of an impostor,
except the shrewd
young lady present,
the hand narrowly,
and saw that it
was plumper than
the age of the lady
seemed to warrant.
This lady and Miss
Bell, of Coldstream,
have this
gift of personation
to a much greater
degree than any
person I ever saw.? Miss Graham published in
1S29 the ?Bee Preserver,? translated from the
work of M. de Gelieu, for which she received the
medal of the Highland Society. She possessed a
large circle of friends, and never had an enemy.
Her friend William Edmondstoune Aytoun died
on the 4th August, 1865, sincerely regretted by all
who knew him, and now lies under a white marble
monument in the beautiful cemetery at the Dean.
Charles Baillie, Lord Jerviswoode, who may well
be deemed by association one of the last of the
historical Lords of Session, for years was the occupant
of No. 14, Randolph Crescent, and his name
is one which awakens many sad and gentle ... OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Great Stuart Street. shire, and of Amelia, daughter of Alexander Graham, of Duntrune, ...

Book 4  p. 208
(Score 2.45)

they succeeded in obtaining from him no less a sum, it is said, than one hundred
pounds sterling.
The Doctor was a regular attendant at church, and always contributed to the
plate. That his charity on such occasions might be duly appreciated by those
who were in attendance, instead of throwing in his halfpence in the usual careless
way, he piled them up into one solid massive column of copper, and gently
placing the pillar down, left it, a conspicuous monument of his benevolence.
One act of public spirit, however, does mark the Doctor’s-life, and if his motive
in performing it, as was uncharitably reported at the time, was vanity, one cannot
help being struck with the ingenuity which directed him on the occasion.
He presented the governors of the Orphan Hospital with a bell! His fame
was thus literally sounded throughout the city ; yet, lest any should have been
ignorant of the gift, he took care when in company, on hearing it ring, to advert
to its fine tone, and thus lead the way to a narrative of his generosity.
The other figure in the Print represents Laird Robertson holding up one of
his sticks ; the nndermost figure represents Principal Robertson ; the one on
tlie top the eccentric Dr. James Graham, no great favourite of Dr. Glen’s.
Eeing once troubled with sore eyes, after in vain trying the prescriptions of
several physicians, he applied to Dr. Graham, who cured him in a very short
time, for which he expressed great gratitude. Wishing to make him some
remuneration, he consulted some of the young members of the Faculty ; and,
as the most genteel way of doing what he wished, they recommended him to
invite the Doctor and a few of his own friends to dinner in Fortune’s (the most
fashionable tavern at that time), and provide himself with a hltndsome purse,
containing thirty guineas or so, and offer it to the Doctor, which they assured
him he would not accept. They accordingly met, and after a few bottles of
wine had been drunk, the old Doctor called Dr, Graham to the window, and
offered him the purse, which he at once accepted, and, with a very low bow,
thanked him kindly for it. The Doctor was so chagrined that he soon left the
company, who continued till a pretty early hour enjoying themselves at his
The father of Dr. Glen was a native of the west of Scotland, and had three
sons, all of whom were prosperous in the world. One of these gentlemen was
appointed governor of one of the 7Qest India Islands, where he amassed
a large fortune, of which he left $30,000 to his niece, the daughter of the
third brother, who ultimately succeeded to the reversion of the Doctor’s
property. This amiable lady was subsequently married to the late Earl of
Dalhousie, father to the present noble Earl.
Dr. Glen enjoyed, by purchase, an annuity from the city of Edinburgh, of
which he lived so long to reap the benefit, that the magistrates gave up all hopes
of his ever dying at all, and began to consider him as one of the perpetual
burdens of the city. He, however, died in 1786. ... SKETCHES. 27 they succeeded in obtaining from him no less a sum, it is said, than one hundred pounds ...

Book 8  p. 35
(Score 2.41)

No. XII.
IN Spring 1783, Doctor Graham again paid a visit to his native city, and for
the first time gave his fellow-citizens a lecture, which the Magistrates of Edinburgh
deemed improper for public discussion, and accordingly endeavoured
to suppress by the arm of power. The Doctor immediately published “an
appeal to the public,” in which he attacked the Magistrates, and particularly the
Lord Provost, John Grieve, Esq. For this, the Procurator-Fiscal raised a
criminal complaint in the Bailie Court against him, and as his real prosecutors
mere his judges-the result was, his being mulcted in 320, and imprisoned till
the fine was paid. He suffered, however, no very tedious imprisonment, as his
supporters collected the money amongst themselves. He also continued to give
his eccentric lectures as long as the public curiosity lasted ; and to induce people
to hear his lectures, the admission being three shillings, he promised each person
a book worth six shillings-viz. a copy of his lectures ! The admission was
reduced subsequently to two shillings, and lastly to one. The following advertisement
was circulated by him in December 1783 :-
.“DOCTOR GRAHAM desires to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of
Edinburgh, that at the earnest desire of many respectable persons, he proposes
to favour them on Monday evening next, the 27th instant, and the three following
evenings, with A LECTURE on the simplest, most rational, and most
effectual means of preserving uninterrupted bodily Health, and the most
delightful mental sunshine or serenity to the very longest period of our
Mortal Existence: Teaching them how to build up the human Body into
a fair and firm Temple of Health, and to repose the Soul on the all-blessing
Bosom of that pure, temperate, rational, and Philosophical Religion !-which
alone is accepted of God ! ! ! and truly useful to all his Creatures. The Lecture
being therefore at once Medical, Moral, and Religious ; the Technical Terms
and nonsensical jargon of the followers of the Medical Trade or Farce being
avoided, and the whole treated in a plain, practical, and useful manner, DR.
GRAHAIVtr usts it will prove perfectly satisfactory, and of the highest importance
to the health and happiness, teniporal and eternal, of every sober and intelligent
person who honours him with their company ; as the precepts and instructions
proposed to be delivered in this long and pathetic Lecture cannot fail, if duly
practised, to preserve them in health, strength, and happiness, through the
course of a long, useful, and truly honourable life here; and to prepare them
for the enjoyment of eternal felicity hereafter.
“ The Lecture will be delivered on MONDAY EVENING next, the 27th, and
the three following evenings, precisely at Seven o’clock, in St. Andrew’s Chapel,
foot of Carrubber’s Close, next to the New Bridge.
‘‘ Admission only One Shilling.
s ... SKETCHES. 33 No. XII. DR. JAMES GRAHAM LECTURING IN EDINBURGH. IN Spring 1783, Doctor Graham again ...

Book 8  p. 44
(Score 2.39)

June 1791. Mr. William Graham is still alive (July 1836), being eighty-one
years of age. He resides in Leicestershire, where he is deservedly held in high
Dr. James Graham, after having finished his studies in Edinburgh, went to
England, and began business in Pontefract, where, in the year 1770, he married
Miss Mary Pickering, daughter of a gentleman of that place, by whom he had
a son and two daughters. His eldest daughter was married to the late Mr.
Stirling, minister of Dunblane, a very accomplished lady, who is still alive (1837).
The other daughter died in the apartments of the Observatory on the Calton
Hill, of consumption, about four years before her father.
After residing some time in England, Dr. Graham went to America, where he
figured as a philanthropic physician, travelling for the benefit of mankind, to
administer relief, in the most desperate diseases, to patients whose cases had
hitherto puzzled the ordinary practitioners. Having the advantage of a good
person, polite address, and agreeable conversation, he got into the first circles,
particularly in New England, where he made a great deal of money. He
then returned to Britain; and, after making an excursion through England,
during which, accordiiig to his own account, he was eminently successful in
curing many individuals whose cases had been considered desperate, he visited
Scotland, and was employed by people of the first quality, who were tempted
to put themselves under his care by the fascination of his manner and the fame
of his wondrous cures. So popular was he, that he might have settled in Edinburgh,
to great advantage, but he preferred returning to England. He fixed
his abode in the metropolis, where he set on foot one of the most original and
extravagant institutions that could well be figured, the object of which was for
“ preventing barrenness, and propagating a much more strong, beautiful, active,
healthy, wise, and virtuous race of human beings, than the present puny, insignificant,
foolish, peevish, vicious, and nonsensical race of Christians, who quarrel,
fight, bite, devour, and cut one another’s throats about they know not what.”l
The “ Temple of Health,” as he was pleased to term it, was an establishment
of a very extraordinary description, and one in which all the exertions of
the painter and statuary-all the enchantments of vocal and instrumental music
-all powers of electricity and magnetism, were called into operation to enliven
and heighten the scene. In a word, all that could delight the eye or ravish the
ear-all that could please the smell, give poignancy to the taste, or gratify the
touch, were combined to give effect to his scheme-at least such was his own
Of his numerous puffs on the subject, one may be selected by way of a
specimen :-
“ If there be one human being, rich or poor, male, female, or of the doubtful
gender, in or near this great metropolis of the world, who has not had the
Such are the ipsia8im eerba of one of the Doctor’s advertisements. ... SKETCHES. 31 June 1791. Mr. William Graham is still alive (July 1836), being eighty-one years of ...

Book 8  p. 41
(Score 2.32)

GALLOWAYE,a rl of, 463
Gardenstone, Lord, 8, 71, 137
Garrick, Mr,, 205
Garrow, Robert, 247, 249
Garvold, Jeanie, 366
Gavin, David, Esq., 234
GeddPs, Patrick, Esq., 409
Gentle, Bailie, 94
George III., 235, 245, 266, 290
George IT., 24, 243, 296, 327
Gerrald, Joseph, 47, 191, 446
Gib, Rev. Adam, 318
Gibb, Mr., 437
Gibbons, Bill, 359, 364
Gibson, Rev. Mr., 311
Gilchrist, John, Esq., 409
Gillespie, William, 6
Gillespie, Rev. Thomas, 84, 85
Gillespie, Deacon Alexander, 371
Gilli, the giant, 115
Gillies, Rev. Dr., 84
Gillies, Lord, 363
Gillies, Robert, Esq., 418
Gillies, John, LL.D., 418
Gillis, Bishop, 202
Gladstone, Lieut. -Colonel, 197
Glasgow, secorid Earl of, 417
Glasgow, fourth Earl of, 308
Glasgow, Countess of, 71
Glass, Miss Narion, 415
Glencairn, Earl of, 60, 125, 277
Glenlee, Lord, 158, 380, 417
Glenlyon, Lord, 412
Glenorchy, Lady, 102, 103, 105
Gloag, Rev. Dr., 49, 149, 311,
Gordon, Duke of, 55, 427
Gordon, Duchess of, 93,108,110,
Gordon, Lord Adam, 79, 107,468
Gordon, Rev. Dr., 105, 412, 458
Gordon, Xr. Robert, 141,
Gordon, Sir Charles, 202
Gordon, Mr. Watson, 253
Gordon, Miss Isabella, 284
Gordon, Gilbert, Esq., 430
Gordon, Niss Patricia Heron, 430
Gould, Sergeant-3lajor, 457
Gould, Mrs., 44
Gourlay, Mr. William, 211
Gourlay, Mr. Douglas, 211, 216
Gow, Mr. Nathaniel, 100, 108,
241, 273
Graham, Lieut. -General, 263
Graham, Miss Jean, 263
Graham, Colonel, 273, 423
Graham, H., Esq., 423
Graham, Mr., of Airth, 310
Graham, -, 369
Graham, J., 419
Graham, Professor, 452
Grahame, Robert, Esq., 8
Grahame, Right Hon. Lucy, 469
Grant, Mrs., of Lagan, 99
Grant, Colquhonn, Esq., 109
Grant, Sir Archibald, 110, 447
Grant of Rothiemurcus, 110
Grant, Mr. Archibald, 110
Grant, Rev. Johnson, 110
Grant, Sir James, Bart., of Grant
Grant, Isaac, Esq., 150
Grant, Sir J. P., Knight, 362
Grant, William, Esq., 409
Grant, Sir George M., Bart., 41:
Grant, Sir Lewis Alexander
Grant, Fiancis William, Esq.
Grant, Mr., 436
Grant, Lady, 447
Grant, Dr., 454 :
Grasse, Admiral d?, 62
Grattan, Right Hon. Henry, 171
Gray, Mr. John, 4
Gray, Mr. James, 239
Green, General, 23, 78
3reenwich, Lady, 340, 341
Jreig, James, Esq., W.S., 294
Jregory, Dr. James, 54, 136
Jregory, Dr. John, 75
3renville, Lord, 26
Jrenville, General, 301
3rey, Lord, 26
3rey, Countess de, 233
Jrey, Rev. Henry, 435
hey, Eail, 460
?rey, Miss Margaretta, 460
Xeve, Provost, 9
hieve, Rev. Dr., 103
kieve, Bailie, 463
hose, Captain, 116
hose, Edward, Esq., 290
hild, John, 43
hise, Mary of, 312
hthrie and Tait, Messrs., 31,
iyfford and Co., Messrs., 291
110, 433
Bart., 433
HADDIBCTONE, arl of, 44
Hafiz, the Bard of Shirah, 302
Hailes, Lord, 90, 209
Haldane, Robert, 6
Haldane, Robert, Esq., 37, 39,
Haldane, Captain James, 37
Halket, Sir John, 93
Hall, Mr. Robert, 13
Hall, Sir James, 25
Hall, Lady Helen, 25
Hall, Mrs., 244
Hall, Brr. James, 278
Hall, Rev. Robert, 278
Hall, hfks Mary, 278
Hall, Miss Helen, 278
Hall, Miss Isobel, 278
Hall, Rev. Dr. James, 351
Hall and Co., Messrs. William,
Hall, Dr., 452
Halyburton, Professor, 192
Hamilton, Mr., 27
Hamilton, Dr. Robert, 46, 79
Hamilton, Rev. William, 79
Hamilton, Dr. James, senior, 88
Hamilton, Dr. James, junior, 81
Hamilton, John, of Bargamy, 128
Yamilton, Robert, Esq., 132
LIamilton, Miss Eleanore, 132
Tamilton, Archibald, Esq., of
landton, “Sweep Jack,” 155
lamilton, Adjutant Thomas, 160
3amilton, Lieutenant William,
lamilton,. Colonel James, 160
iamilton, DIr. Francis, 160, 161
Jaruilton, Captain Gawk Wm.,
iamilton, Duke of, 308
Iamilton, Dr., 351
lamilton, James, Esq., W.S.,
Tamilton, Lord Archibald, 432
-Iamilton, llliss Joanna, 438
Iamilton, Sir William, 464
Iardie, Mr. Andrew, 13
Iardie, Mrs. Andrew, I1
Iardie, Mr. Henry, 12
Iardie, Rev. Thomas, 48
Iardie, Bev. Dr. Thomas, 119,
Iardie, Rev. Charles Wilkie, 50
Iardie, Mrs., 379
41, 42
Blackhouse? 133
C.B., 175
412 ... INDEX TO THE NAMES, ETC. G GALLOWAYE,a rl of, 463 Gardenstone, Lord, 8, 71, 137 Garrick, Mr,, 205 Garrow, ...

Book 9  p. 687
(Score 2.19)

summer residence of Lord Jeffrey-deeply secluded
amid coppice.
The lands of Craigcrook appear to have belonged
in the fourteenth century to the noble family of
Graham. By a deed bearing date 9th April, 1362,
Patrick Graham, Lord of Kinpunt, and David
Graham, Lord of Dundaff, make them over to
John de Alyncrum, burgess of Edinburgh. He
in turn settled them on a chaplain officiating at
?Our Lady?s altar,? in the church of St. Giles,
and his successors to be nominated by the magistrates
of Edinburgh.
John de Alyncrum states his donation of those
lands of Craigcrook, was ? to be for the salvation
of the souls of the late king and queen (Robert
and Elizabeth), of the present King David, and of
all their predecessors and successors ; for the salvation
of the souls of all the burghers of Edinburgh,
their predecessors and successors ; of his own father
and mother, brothers, sisters, etc. ; then of himself
and of his wife; and, finally, of all faithful souls
The rental of Craigcrook in the year 1368 was
only A6 6s. 8d. Scots per annum; and in 1376 it
was let at that rate in feu farm, to Patrick and
John Lepars.
At an early period it became the property of
the Adamsons. William Adamson was bailie of
Edinburgh in 1513, and one of the guardians of
the city after the battle of Flodden, and Williim
Adamson of Craigcrook, burgess of Edinburgh
(and probably son of the preceding), was killed at
the battle of Pinkie, in 1547 ; and by him or his
immediate successors, most probably the present
castle was built-an edifice wbich Wood, in his
learned ?? History of Cramond Parish,? regards
as one of the most ancient in the parish.
In consequence of the approaching Reformation,
the proceeds of the lands were no longer required
for pious purposes, and the latter were made over by
Sir Simon Prestonof Craigmillar, when Provost, to Sir
Edward Marj oribanks, styled Prebend of Craigcrook.
They were next held for a year, by George Kirkaldy,
brother of Sir James Kirkaldy of Grange in
Fifeshire, Lord High Treasurer of Scotland, who
engaged to pay for them A27 6s. 8d. Scots.
In June, 1542, they reverted again to Sir Edward
Majoribanks, who assigned them in perpetual feufarm
to William Adamson before-named. This
wealthy burgess had acquired much property in
the vicinity, including Craigleith, Cammo, Groat
Hall, Clermiston, Southfield, and part of Cramond
Regis. After Pinkie he was succeeded by his son
William, and Craigcrook continued to pass through
several generations of his heirs, till it came into
the hands of Robert Adamson, who, in 1656, sold
to different persons the whole of his property.
Craigcrook was purchased by John Muir, merchant
in Edinburgh, whose son sold it to Sir John
Hall, Lord Provost of the city in 1689-92. He was
created a baronet in 1687, and was ancestor of the
Halls of Dunglass, on the acquisition of which, in
East Lothian, he sold Craigcrook to Walter Pringle,
advocate, from whose son it was purchased by John
Strachan, clerk to the signet.
When the latter died in 1719, he left the whole
of his property, with North Clermiston and the
rest of his fortune, both in land and movables
(save some small sums to his relations) ?? mortified
for charitable purposes,?
The regulations were that the rents should be
given to poor old men and women and orphans ;
that the trustees should be ?two advocates, two
Writers to the Signet, and the Presbytery of Edinburgh,
at the sight of the Lords of Session, and any
two of these members,? for whose trouble one
hundred merks yearly is allowed.
There are also allowed to the advocates, poor
fifty merks Scots, and to those of the writers to the
signet one hundred merks ; also twenty pounds
annually for a Bible to one of the members of the
Presbytery, beginning with the moderator and
going through the rest in rotation.
This deed is dated the 24th September, 1712.
The persons constituted trustees by it held a meeting
and passed resolutions respecting several
points which had not been regulated in the will. A
clerk and factor, each with a yearly allowance of
twenty pounds, were appointed to receive the
money, pay it out, and keep the books.
They resolved that no old person should be
admitted under the age of sixty-five, nor any orphan
above the age of twelve; and that no annuity
should exceed five pounds.
Among the names in a charter by William
Forbes, Provost of the Collegiate Church of St.
Giles, granting to that church a part of the ground
lying contiguous to his manse for a burial-place,
dated at Edinburgh, 14th January, 1477-8, there
appears that of Ricardus Robed, jrebena?anks de
Cragmk mansepropie (? Burgh Charters.?)
Over the outer gate of the courtyard a shield
bore what was supposed to have been the arms of
the Adamsons, and the date 1626 ; but Craigcrook
has evidently been erected a century before that
period. At that time its occupant was Walter
Adamson, who succeeded his father Willian~
Adamson in 1621, and whose sister, Catharine,
married Robert Melville of Raith, according to
the Douglas Peerage. ... HISTORY OF CRAIGCROOK. 107 summer residence of Lord Jeffrey-deeply secluded amid coppice. The lands ...

Book 5  p. 107
(Score 2.17)

Hunter Blair, and the authority of an act of Parliament procured ; but in consequence
of other undertakings, and the want of funds, the act was allowed to
expire, and the design fell to the ground. It remained for Sir John to effect
an object, not less useful than ornamental ; and that the progress of the work
might be facilitated, he is understood to have made a serious inroad on his own
resources, calculating no doubt on a return which we believe he did not
The freedom of the city having been voted to Lord Lynedoch,‘ “ the gallant
Graham,” who distinguished himself so much in the Peninsular War, Sir John
gave a grand dinner on Saturday, the 12th of August 1815, in honour of the
Prince Regent’s birthday, at which were present Lord Lynedoch, the Earl of
Morton, Lord Audley, Sir David Dundas, the Lord Chief Baron, the Lord Chief
Commissioner, Admiral Sir Wm. Johnstone Hope, GeneralLWynyard, Sir James
Douglas, Sir Howard Elphinstone, Right Hon. William Dundas, member for
the city, Charles Forbes, Esq., M.P., Sir H. H. MDougal, Sir John Dalrymple,
Mr. Earle, Mr. Sedgwick, and a party of nearly one hundred of the principal
inhabitants of Edinburgh,
After the cloth was removed, and the usual series of toasts had been given,
the Lord Provost proposed the health of Lord Lynedoch ; and, presenting his
lordship with the freedom of the city in a gold box, addressed him as follows :-
“Lord Lynedoch-I have the honour, in the name of the Magistrates of Edinburgh, to
congratulate your lordship on your safe return to this country, after a series of services rendered
to it, which not only reflect the greatest credit on your lordship, but do high honour to your
“My Lord-In the very commencement of the French Revolution, your lordship, with
penetrating discernment, foresaw the imminent danger to which everything dear to man had
become exposed, and leaving the distinguished situation to which your birth, talents, and the
esteem you were so eminently entitled to hold in this country, you betook yourself to the profession
of arms, in which you have rendered the country services which it is out of my power to
enumerate. In the war of the Peninsula, which happily turned the fate of Europe, as a Commander-
in-Chief, and afterwards as second to the immortal Wellington, one invariable line of
victory attended your course ; and if Ireland can proudly claim Wellington as her own, Scotland
has the gmtiEcation to feel that ‘ Prmimos illi tamen oecupvit Graham hmww.’
“ My Lord, the Magistrates of Edinburgh sincerely wish-a wish in which I am sure we are
joined by the country at large-that your health may be long preserved to enjoy the high
esteem and gratitude of your countrymen, and those honours which his Royal Highness the
Prince Regent has, in the name of our revered King, so justly conferred upon your lordship.”
Lord Lynedoch, with that feeling and diffidence so characteristic of merit, in
returning thanks to the Lord Provost and Magistrates, for the honour they had
conferred upon him, expressed himself as overpowered by the overrated estimation
in which any services he had been able to render to his country had
been held, That he had had the particular good fortune to serve under that
greatest of all men, the Duke of Wellington; and to have served under his
orders, and to have commanded British troops, almost insured success. He
must, however, say, that nothing could be more gratifying to his feelings than
1 Sir Thornss Graham, G.C.B., who was elevated k, the peerage in 1814. ... SKETCHES, 295 Hunter Blair, and the authority of an act of Parliament procured ; but in ...

Book 9  p. 393
(Score 2.17)

to receive him at that hour, three times a week, and Burns gladly availed himself
of the offer ; and, for three months, whatever happened to be his engagements,
and however agreeably he might be occupied, he regularly attended at the
hour appointed; and so diligently and so successfully did he apply himselq
that, as Mr. Cauvin has often stated, he made more progress in the acquisition
of the language in these three months, than any of his ordinary pupils could
have done in as many years.
In the year 1824 Mr. Cauvin was seized with a disease which terminated
in mortification of the toes of the right foot; and it was only after repeated
remonstrances that he was induced to call in medical aid. From the vigour of
his constitution, however, the disease was checked ; but being attacked by
dropsy, it proved fatal to him ; and he was cut off in December of the following
year, after a lingering confinement, during which he displayed remarkable
fortitude under great suffering.‘ In pursuance of the directions contained in
his will, his remains were interred in Restalrig burying-ground, where his
father and the rest of the family had been buried. The site of the tomb is on
the right hand, immediately before the entrance to the chapel. The following
is the inscription, which was placed there by his trustees :-
To the Meniory of
for many years an eminent Teacher
of French in Edinburgh,
who bequeathed a fortune,
acquired by his own
skill and industry,
to Endow the Hospital
in the parish of Duddingstou,
which bears his name.
He died, 19th December 1825,
aged seventy-one.a
In passing from the “ Windy Cowl ” to Wester Duddingston the eye ir caught by a square
building overtopping the adjoining houses, which might be regarded as the village priron. The
history of “ The Tower,” for it is so ycleped in the village, is somewhat remarkable. Having purchased
some feu-ground, lying betwixt the mansion-house of the late Colonel Graham and the main
street of the village, Mr. Cauvin proceeded to build upon it, having beforehand declined, aa might
have been expected, to accept of an offer from the Colonel of the exact purchase-money. As the
windows of the new house overlooked the Colonel’s grounds he raised his garden-wall so as to overtop
the gable. To countervail such procedure, Mr. Cauvin had the roof taken down and two storeys
added, whilst the Colonel on his part raised the garden-wan in proportion ; and it is uncertain how
long such unseemly contention might have been kept up, as it was only terminated by the death of
Mr. Cauvin. The not inappropriate name of “ Cauvin’s Folly ” is frequently given to ’‘ The
Tower.” Colonel Graham survived him five years, i.e. till June 1830. The property of Mr. Cauvin,
on which “The Tower ’’ is built, was, two or three years ago, purchased by H. Graham, Esq., son
of the Colonel
In Hr. Cauvin’s will the following directions occur as to the place of his sepulture :-“My
corpse is to be deposited in Restalridge Churchyard, and watched for a proper time. The door of
the tomb must be taken 06 and the space built up strougly with ashler stones. The M must be
dot up for ewr, lcever tu be opened. There is a piece of marble on the tomb door, which I put up
in memory of my father : all I wish is, that there may be put below it an inscription mentioning the
time of my death. I beg and expect that my Trustees will order all that is written above to be put
in execution.’’ Codicil, dated Duddigston Farm, 28th April 1823. ... SKETCHES. 423 to receive him at that hour, three times a week, and Burns gladly availed himself of ...

Book 9  p. 566
(Score 2.16)

Canongate.] MONTROSE.
OF all the wonderful and startling spectacles witnessed
amid the lapse of ages from the windows
of the Canongate, none was perhaps more startling
and pitiful than the humiliating procession which
conducted the great Marquis of Montrose to his
terrible doom.
On the 18th of May, 1650, he was brought across
the Forth to Leith, after his defeat and capture by
:he Covenanters at the battle of Invercarron, where
he had displayed the royal standard; and it is
impossible now to convey an adequate idea of the
sensation excited in the city, when the people became
aware that the Graham, the victor in so
many battles, and the slayer of so many thousands
of the best troops of the Covenant, was almost at
their gates.
Placed on a cart-horse, he was brought in by the
eastern barrier of the city, as it was resolved, by
the influence of his rival and enemy, Argyle, to
protract the spectacle of his humiliation as long as
THE CANONGATE (continpud). ... MONTROSE. OF all the wonderful and startling spectacles witnessed amid the lapse of ages from the ...

Book 3  p. 13
(Score 2.15)

good fortune and the happiness of hearing the celebrated lecture, and of seeing
the grand celestial state bed, the magnificent electrical apparatus, and the
supremely brilliant and unique decorations of this magical edifice, bf this enchanting
Elysian palace !-where wit and mirth, love and beauty-all that can delight
the soul, and all that can ravish the senses-will hold their court, this, and every
evening this week, in chaste and joyous assemblage! let them now come forth,
or for ever afterwards let them blame themselves, and bewail their irremediable
misfortune.” ’
In this way his numerous auditors were properly prepared for his lectures,
which were delivered in the most elegant and graceful manner. The following
letter, his own production perhaps, from a periodical work of the time, descriptive
of his Temple and lectures, is curious :-
‘( Audi alteram partem.
“ SIR-I have heard many persons exclaim against Dr. Graham’s Hymeneal
Lectures, and reprobate him in the most opprobrious terms ; but having not
been myself to see his Temple of Hymen, I thought it unjust to censure or join
in condemning that which I had never seen, or him whom I had never heard.
Curiosity (a passion remarkable in the people of England) prompted me to go
with an intimate friend and pay a visit to the Doctor, whom I found attended
by about forty gentlemen who were intent on listening to his connubial precepts.
I gave attention, and determined to judge impartially of what I heard as well as
saw, and the following is the result of my unprejudiced observations :-
“ His rooms are fitted up in a very elegant and superb manner, far beyond
any thing I ever saw, and must have cost him a very considerable sum of money.
A sta,tue of Beauty, of Yenus de Jfedicis, is the only object that appeared to
me censurable, as likely to excite unchaste ideas. His lecture is well adapted
to the subject he treats on, and is interspersed with many judicious remarks,
well worthy the attention of the Legislature, to prevent prostitution and encourage
matrimony. The nature of the subject naturally obliges him to border on
what is generally termed indelicacy ; but he always endeavours to guard his
audience against imbibing sentiments in my respect repugnant to virtue, chastity,
and modest deportment ; he earnestly recommends marriage, as honourable in
all, and as strongly execrates prostitution and criminality ; wherein then is he
to blame S
“December 1781.”
The articles with which the Temple of Health, in London, WYBS furnished were subsequently
removed to Edinburgh, and offered for sale by Dr. Graham, in the third house from the High Street,
on the South Bridge. ... BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, good fortune and the happiness of hearing the celebrated lecture, and of seeing the ...

Book 8  p. 42
(Score 2.06)

and again, in 1794-5, when he was also chosen Deacon Convener of the Trades.
He took much interest in city affairs ; and was distinguished as an active and
energetic member of the Town Council. Frequently in opposition, he was
conspicuously so when the ‘‘ levelling of the High Street ” was first proposed ;
in the Print of which, formerly given, he figures as a principal opponent.
Dr. Hay resided first in Strichen’s Close ; again at the head of Blair Street,
in the house next to Messrs. Smith and Co., purveyors of oils and lamps ; and
latterly in George Street, where he died on the 11th of April 1816. He
married Miss Jean Graham, sister of the late Lieut.-General Grahaql Deputy-
Governor of Stirling Castle, and left several children, John Hay, Esq., late
member of the Medical Board, Madras, being the eldest, and Dr. David Hay,
of Queen Street, the youngest.
A memoir of SIR JAMES STIRLING has already been given in the first
volume of this Work. From accurate information, we may here state that his
father, Alexander-son of Gilbert Stirling, Esq., and Margaret, daughter, of
Alexander Cumming, Esq., of Birness, cadet of the family of Altyre, Aberdeenshire-
was a merchant of much respectability in Edinburgh, having a shop in the
Luckenbooths, for the sale of cloth and other goods. His mother was a daughter
of James Moir, Esq., of Lochfield, in Perthshire, cadet of the family of
Moir of Leckie.
The honour of a baronetage was conferred on Sir James in 1792, as expressly
stated to him by the Secretary of State for the Home Department, as a
mark of his Majesty’s most gracious approbation of his conduct during the riots
in that year, when (according to the statement of his friends), so far from taking
refuge in the Castle from the fear of personal consequences, he remained there
at great inconvenience to himself, in order that the military should have a civil
magistrate ready to accompany them when called on, which he did on more
occasions than one.
other two sons, Jarnes and William, died in infancy.
Sir James left only one son, who succeeded him in the baronetcy.
In Stewart’s Mil&wy Sketches the following remarkable circumstance is related of General
Graham, then a Lieat.-Colonel, and on service in the West Indies :-“A ball had entered his side
three iuches from the back-bone, and, passing through, had come out under his breast ; another, or
perhaps the same ball, had shattered two of his fingers. No assistance could be got but that of a
soldier’s wife (of the 42d regiment), who had been long in the service, and was in the habit of attending
sick and wounded soldiers. She washed his wounds, and bound them up in such a manner, that
when a surgeon came and saw the way in which the operation had been performed, he said he could
not have done it better, and would not unbind the dressing. The Colonel soon afterwards opened
his eyes, and, though unable to speak for many hours, seemed sensible of what was passing around
him. In this state he lay nearly three weeks, when he WBS carried to Kingston, and thence conveyed
to England. He was still in a most exhausted state, the wound in his side discharging matter from
both orifices. He went to Edinburgh with little hopes of recovery, but on the evening of the illumination
for the battle of Camperdown, the smoke of 80 many candles and flambeaux affecting his
breathing, he coughed with great violence, and, in the exertion, threw np a piece of cloth, left, no
doubt, by the ball in ita passage through his body. From that day he recovered as by a charm.”-
Colonel Graham was at this time residing in Blaii Street with his brother-in-law, Dr. Hay. ... 0 GRAPH1 CAL SKETCHES. 263 and again, in 1794-5, when he was also chosen Deacon Convener of the Trades. He ...

Book 9  p. 350
(Score 2.06)

escutcheon, confirm the tradition in question, the armorial bearings (three
cinquefoils) are not those pertaining to the surname of Lawson, but to that of
Liviagsfon; and moreover it appears, from the city records, that the Town
Treasurer or Chamberlain, up to Martinmas 1645, was John Fairholme, his
successor in office being John Jossie, the friend of George Heriot.
On the north wall of the mansion-house of Greenhill, in the immediate
neighbourhood of the enclosure, is a semicircular stone with the letters
already mentioned (I * L and E * R), under the date 1637 ; and on a similar
stone, in the west wall, is an ornamental escutcheon, surmounted by the
initials E - R, and charged with a saltire between a mullet in chief and a'
crescent in base, bearing a close resemblance to the armorial seal of Hugh
Rigg of Carbeny, described in Nisbet's System of UeraZdry. In all probability,
the initiaIs E + R (Elizabeth Rigg ?) indicate the wife of a certain
John Livingston, whose virtues are recorded on the monumental slab ; and
this view is corroborated by the following entry in the Register of Proclamations
and Marriages for the city of Edinburgh :--20 Aprilis 1626. Johnne
Levingstoun Merchant, Elizabeth Rig.' Above the initials on the north wall,
on a smalI semicircular stone surmounted by a crescent, are some scriptural
lines; while the ninth verse of the thirty-fourth Psalm is inscribed on a
similar stone adjoining the escutcheon on the west wall :-' 0 feare the Lord
yee His saints; for there is no want to them that feare Him.'
. .
Near the south-eastern corner of Bruntsfield Links is an interesting
knoll, from whiich the chivalrous James IV. is said to have surveyed his army
previous to the battle of Flodden. In the formation of a new street through
the grounds of Sir George Jarrender, this historical spot will probably soon
be removed, the hand of the spoiler is even now upon it. ... AND DFSCRIPTIVE NOTES. 67 escutcheon, confirm the tradition in question, the armorial bearings ...

Book 11  p. 108
(Score 1.98)

Gibson, Nr. George, 300
Gibson, Mr. Joseph, 330
Gibson, Rev. Mr., 415
Gilchrist, Mr. William, 242
Gilchrist, Mr. John, 242
Gilchrist, Mr. Edward, 242
Gilchrist, Miss Eliza, 242
Gilmour, Mrs., 225
Glenlee, Lord, 243
Glenorchy, Lady, 194, 195
Gobius, Professor, 339
Goldie, Principal, 94
Gordon, Captain, 41
Gordon, Mr. Robert, 52
Gordon, Duke of, 72, 91, 185,212,
Gordon, Duchess of, 184, 187, 217
Gordon, Lady Charlotte, 91
Gordon, Lady Ann, 72
Gordon, Dr. Eden Scott, 78
Gordon, Sir William, 100
Gordon, Miss Anne, 100
Gordon, Colonel John, of Cluny,
Gordon, Hon. William, 204
Gordon, Hon. Alexander, 204
Gordon, Miss, of Towie, 252, 253
Gordon, Mr. William, 303
Gordon, 31r. Duke, 321, 322
Gordon, Lord Adam, 363, 375
Gordon of Glenbucket, 420
Gongh, Richard, 245, 247
Gould, Sergeant-Major, 342, 344
Gouldie, Mr. Thomas, 167
Graham, Dr. James, 45, 58
Graham, William, 30
Graham, Jean, 30
Graham, William, 30, 31
Graham, James, of Airth, 128
Graliam, Miss Marion, 128
Graham, Brigadier-General, 403
Grant, Ann, 260
Grant, John, 278
Grant, Mr. M'Dougal, 279
Grant, Lewis Alexander, Earl of
Seafield, 279
Grant, Colonel Francis, 279
Grant, John, 309
Grant,Captain Gregoq-, FL N., 419
Grant, Lieutenant Charles, 422,
Gray, Mr., 241
Gray, Mr., 255
Gray, William, Esq., 377
Gray, Miss Anne Henrietta, 377
Greenlaw, Mr., 44
Gregory, Dr. John, 254, 255,256,
Zregory, Mr. Donald, 341
Sreig, Admiral, 104
Srenville, Yr., 76
;rey,General Sir Charles, 106,383
Srieve, John, Esq., 33
arose, Mr. Francis, 46
Zrose, Daniel, 47
;rose, Captain, 245, 288
;roves, Mr., 260
herre, Martin, 205
Guigan, Tim, 346
Guildford, Earl of, 89
HADDINGTOENa,r l of, 251, 364
Haddington, Countess of, 251
Haddo, Lord, 64
Haig, Messrs., 383
Hailes, Lord, 245, 260, 270, 302,
Haldane, Captain Robert, 360
Haldane, John, Esq., 360
Haldane, Robert, Esq., 194
Haldane, James, Esq., 300, 333,
Haldaue, Miss Helen, 360
Halifax, Lord, 129
Halkett, Colonel Charles Craigie,
Halkett, Miss Isabella Cornelia,
Hall, Rev. Dr. James, 261, 300
Hall, Rev. Robert, 337
Halliday, Mr. James, 105
Halliday, Miss Jane, 105
Hallion, Mr., 228
Halls, Miss, of Thornton, 81
Hamilton, Sir William, K.B., 36
Hamilton, Walter, Esq., 43, 119
Hamilton, Professor Alex., 58, 79
Hamilton, Duke of, 81, 253, 288
Hamilton, Duchess of, 288
Hamilton, William, Esq., 96,402
Hamilton, John, of Bardowie, 99
Hamilton, Lieutenant Robert, 237
Hamilton, Hon. Thomas, 251
Hamilton, Robert, Esq., 261
Hamilton, Rcv. Dr., 299, 321
Hamilton, Dr. James, senior, 255,
Hamilton, Dr. Jameq junior, 341
Eamilton, Lady Christian, 364
Hampden, Viscountess, 75
Hardy, Rev. Mr,, 261
303, 412
Harris and Leake, Messrs., 149
Harris, Mr., 151
Harris, Sir James, 260
Hart, Major, 192
Hart, Macduff, 223
Hart, Orlando, 224
Hastie, Mr., baker, 427
Hastings, Warren, 378
Hauy, Abb6, 372
Hawkins, Captain, 419
Hay, David, 128
Hay, Sir James, 181, 226
Hay, James, Esq., W.S., 199
Hay, Sir John, of Killour, 204
Hay, Dr. Thomas, 237
Hay, Mr. John, 261
Hay, Mr. Robert, 287
Hay, Sir James of Smithfield, 425
Hay, Sir John, 425
Head, Major, 130
Henderland, Lord, 302, 307, 418
Henderson, Dr. Alexander, 146
Henderson, Michael, 260,263,264
Henderson, Mr. A., 398
Henry VIII., 96
Henry, Dr. 303
Hepburn, Mr., of Humbie, 319
Hepburn, Mr. Ceorge Buchan, 430
Herd, Mr. l)avid, 245, 246
Heriot, George, 2
Hermand, Lord, 298
Heron, Mr., 82
Herries, Sir Robert, 181, 183
Hewen, Captaiu Thomas, 237
Hill, Mr. Peter, 206
Hill, Rev. Dr., 271, 320, 324
Hill, Sir Rowland, 335
Hill, Lord, 335
Hill, Mr. Richard, 336
Hill, Rev. Rowland, 357
Hill, Mrs., 336, 339
Hill, Mr. James, 360
Hobart, Lord, 239
Hogg, James, the Ettrick Shep-
Holt, Rowland, Esq., 251
Holt, Miss Mary, 251
Home, Rev. John, 53, 66, 93,348
Home, Lord, 81
Home, Earl of, 196
Home, Mr., of Eccles, 249
Home, Mr. George, 303
Hone, Mr., 47
Hook, Mr., 151
Hope, Professor, 20, 209
Hope, Dr. Charles, 64
herd, 45 ... TO THE NAMES, ETC. 439 Gibson, Nr. George, 300 Gibson, Mr. Joseph, 330 Gibson, Rev. Mr., 415 Gilchrist, ...

Book 8  p. 612
(Score 1.92)

162 OLD AED NEW EDINBURGH. [Hanover Street.
in yhich David Hume died the Bible Society oi
Edinburgh was many years afterwards constituted,
and held its first sitting.
In the early part of the present century, No. 19
was the house of Miss Murray of Kincairnie, in
Perthshire, a family now extinct.
In 1826 we find Sir Walter Scott, when ruin
had come upon? him, located in No. 6, Mrs.
Brown?s lodgings, in a third-rate house of St.
David Street, whither he came after Lady Scott?s
death at Abbotsford, on the 15th of May in thatto
him-most nielancholy year of debt and sorrow,
and set himself calmly down to the stupendous
task of reducing, by his own unaided exertions, the
enormous monetary responsibilities he had taken
upon himself.
Lockhqt tells us that a week before Captain
Basil Hall?s visit at No. 6, Sir Walter had suf
ficiently mastered himself to resume his literary
tasks, and was working with determined resolution
at his ?Life of Napoleon,? while bestowing
an occasional day to the ?Chronicles of the
Canongate ?? whenever he got before the press with
his historical MS., or felt the want of the only
repose Be ever cared for-simply a change oi
No. 27,
now a shop, was the house of Neilson of Millbank,
and in No. 33, now altered and sub-divided, dwell
Lord Meadowbank, prior to I 7gqknown when at the
bar as Allan Maconochie. He left several children,
one of whom, Alexander, also won a seat on the
bench as Lord Meadowbank, in 18x9. No. 39, at
the corner of George Street, w2s the house ol
Majoribanks of Marjoribanks and that ilk.
No. 54, now a shop, was the residence of Si1
John Graham Dalyell when at the bar, to which
he was admitted in 1797. He was the second son
of Sir Robert Dalyell, Bart., of Binns, in Linlithgowshire,
and in early life distinguished himself by the
publication of various works illustrative of the
history and poetry of his native country, particularly
?Scottish Poems of the Sixteenth Century,??
?? Bannatyne Memorials,? ?? Annals of the Religious
Houses in Scotland,? Szc. He was vice-president
of the Antiquarian Society, and though heir-presumptive
to the baronetcy in his family, received
in 1837 the honour of knighthood, by letters patent
under the Great Seal, for his attainments in literature.
A few doors farther down the street is now the
humble and unpretentious-looking office of that
most useful institution, the Edinburgh Association
for Improving the Condition of the Poor, and
maintained, like every other charitable institution
in the city, by private contributions.
Hanover Street was built about 1786.
In South Hanover Street, No. 14-f old the
City of Glasgow Bank-is now the new hall of the
Merchant Company, containing many portraits of
old merchant burgesses on its walls, and some
views of the city in ancient times which are not
without interest. Elsewhere we have given the
history of this body, whose new hall was inaugurated
on July 9, 1879, and found to be well adapted
for the purposes of the company.
The large hall, formerly the bank telling-room,
cleared of all the desks and other fixtures, now
shows a grand apartment in the style of the Italian
Renaissance, lighted by a cupola rising from eight
Corinthian ? pillars, with corresponding pilasters
abutting from the wall, which is covered by
portraits. The space available here is forty-seven
feet by thirty-two, exclusive of a large recess.
Other parts of the building afford ample accommodation
for carrying on the business of the ancient
company and for the several trusts connected
therewith. The old manageis room is now used
by the board of management, and those on the
ground floor have been fitted up for clerks. The
premises were procured for ~17,000.
All the business of the Merchant Company is
now conducted under one roof, instead of being
carried on partly in .the Old Town and partly in
the New, with the safes for the security of papers
of the various trusts located, thirdly, in Queen
By the year 1795 a great part of Frederick
Street was completed, and Castle Street was
beginning to be formed. The first named thoroughfare
had many aristocratic residents, particularly
widowed ladies-some of them homely yet stately
old matrons of the Scottish school, about whom
Lord Cockburn, &c., has written so gracefully and
so graphically-to wit, Mrs. Hunter of Haigsfield
in No. I, now a steamboat-office; Mrs. Steele of
Gadgirth, No. 13; Mrs. Gardner of Mount Charles,
No. 20 ; Mrs. Stewart of Isle, No. 43 ; Mrs. Bruce
of Powfoulis, No. 52 ; and Lady Campbell of
Ardkinglas in No. 58, widow of Sir Alexander, last
of the male line of Ardkinglas, who died in 1810,-
and whose estates went to the next-heir of entail,
Colonel James Callender, of the 69th Regiment,
who thereupon assumed the name of Campbell,
and published two volumes of ?Memoirs? in 1832,
but which, for cogent reasons, were suppressed by
his son-in-law, the late Sir James Graham of
Netherby. His wife, Lady Elizabeth Callender,
died at Craigforth in 1797.
In Numbers 34 and 42 respectively resided
Ronald McDonald of Staffa, and Cunningham of
Baberton, and in the common stair, No. 35, there ... OLD AED NEW EDINBURGH. [Hanover Street. in yhich David Hume died the Bible Society oi Edinburgh was many ...

Book 3  p. 162
(Score 1.86)

THE MARQUIS OF GRAHAM was born in 1755, and succeeded his
father in 1790. He entered the House of Commons in 1781, as one of the
members for Richmond, in Yorkshire, along with the Right Hon. Sir Lawrence
Dundas, who was the other. He was subsequently one of the representatives of
Bedwin, Wiltshire j and, during the few years he remained in the Commons
unconnected with the Government, he proved himself a useful and independent
member-sometimes voting with, and sometimes against, the administration.
In 1784 the Marquis was appointed one of the Lords of the Treasury, then
formed under the leadership of Pitt; and throughout the arduous struggle
which ensued he continued a warm supporter of the Crown.
In 1789, when the indisposition of George 111. gave rise to the project of a
regency, which was urged with so much zeal and impatience by the opposition,
Burke was on one occasion so carried away by the violence of his feelings, that,
in reference to his Majesty, he declared, " the Almighty had hurled him from
his throne !" The Marquis, who was seated beside Pitt on the Treasury bench,
shocked with the rudeness of such language, instantly started to his feet, and
with great warmth, exclaimed-" No individual within these walls shall dare to
assert that the king was hurled from his throne !" A scene of great confusion
ensued. On the recovery of his Majesty, the Marquis was the mover of the
address to the queen.
In " Wraxhall's Mernoila of his own Times"-an amusing, but somewhat prejudiced
work-the following lively sketch of his lordship is given :-
" Few individuals, however distinguished by birth, talents, parliamentary
interest, or public services, have attained to more splendid employments, or have
arrived at greater honours, than Lord Graham under the reign of George the
Third. Besides enjoying the lucrative sinecure of Justice-General of Scotland
for life, we have s e p him occupy a place in the cabinet, while he was joint
Postmaster-General, during Pitt's second ill-fated administration. At the hour
that I am writing,' the Duke of Montrose, after having been many years
decorated with the insignia of the Thistle, is invested with the Order of the
Garter, in addition to the high post which he holds of Master of the Horse.
" In his person he was elegant and pleasing, as far as those qualities depend
on symmetry of external figure ; nor was he,deficient in all the accomplishments
befitting his illustrious descent. He possessed a ready elocution, sustained by
all the confidence in himself necessary for addressing the House. Nor did he
want ideas, while he confined himself to common sense, to argument, and to
matters of fact. If, however, he possessed no distinguished talents, he displayed
various qualities calculated to compensate for the want of great ability ; particularly
the prudence, sagacity, and attention to his inun imteTests, so chamcteristic of
the Caledonian people.'
He was elected one of the Knights of the Order of the Garter in 1812, under the regency of the
a The same qualities were attributed to the late Lord Viscount Melville-although the small
Prince of Wales.
property he left behind him gave the lie to the insinuation. ... SKETCHES. 285 THE MARQUIS OF GRAHAM was born in 1755, and succeeded his father in 1790. He entered ...

Book 8  p. 400
(Score 1.86)

reality as a spy from Elizabeth. ?He was next
visited, in a pretended friendly manner, by Sir
Williain Drury, Elizabeth?s Marshal of Berwick,
the same who built Drury House in Wych Street,
London, and who fell in a duel with Sir John
Burroughs about precedence, and from whom
Drury Lane takes its name. When about to enter
the Castle gate, an English deserter, who had
enlisted under Queen Mary, in memory of some
grudge, was about to shoot him with his arquebuse,
began to invest the Castle with his paid Scottish
companies, who formed a battery on the Cast!e
hill, from which Kirkaldy drove them all in rout
on the night of the 15th. On the following day,
Sir William Drury, in direct violation of the
Treaty of Blois, which declared ?that no foreign
troops should enter Scotland,? at the head of the
old bands of Berwick, about 1,500 men, marched
for Edinburgh. A trumpeter, on the 25th of April,
summoned Kirkaldy to surrender j but he replied
Kirkaldy. This courtesy was ill-requited by his red flag on David?s Tower as a token of resistance
of the walls, &c.? In anticipation of a siege, the
citizens built several traverses to save the High
Street from being enfiladed ; one of these, formed
between the Thieves? Hole and Bess Wynd, was two
ells in thickness, composed of turf and mud; and
another near it was two spears high. In the city,
the Parliament assembled on the I 7th of January,
with a sham regalia of gilt brass, as Kirkaldy had
the crown and real regalia in the Castle.
When joined by some English pioneers, Morton
by the 15th of May. These were armed with
thirty guns, including two enormous bombardes or
roo-pounders, which were loaded by means of a
crane ; a great carthoun or £er ; and many
18-pounders. There was also a movable battery
of falcons. Under the Regent Morton, the first
battery was on the high ground now occupied by the
Heriot?s Hospital; the second,under Drury,opposed
to St. Margaret?s Tower, was near the Lothian
Road ; the third, under Sir C-eorge Carey, and the ... as a spy from Elizabeth. ?He was next visited, in a pretended friendly manner, by Sir Williain Drury, ...

Book 1  p. 48
(Score 1.85)

Murray, Amelia Jane, 244
Murray, Mr., 326
Murray, Sir Patrick, 575
Murray, Lord George, 420
lfurray, Lady, 420
M'Allister, Rev. John, 154
Ivf'Callum, Miss, 242
M'Cleish, T., 426
M'Cuaig, Rev. Duncan, 154
M'Cubbin, Rev. Dr., 170
M 'Dallagh, Patrick, 346
M'Dallagh, Mrs. Bridget, 346
M'Donald, Rev. John, 154
M'Donald, John, Esq., 170
M'Donnell, Mrs., 183
M'Dowall, Patrick, Esq., 225
M'Dowall, James, Esq., 225
M'Dowall, Colonel Robert, 226
M'Dowall, Mr. William, 226
M'Dowall, Mr. Charles, 226
M'Dowall, Williani, Esq., 312
M'Dowall, Miss Elizabeth, 312
M'Dowall, William, Esq., o
M'Domall, Miss Graham, 396
M'Farquhar, Mr., 210
M'Grugar, Mr., 15
M'Eay, Hon. Miss, 173
M'Eenzie, Mrs., 183
M'Kenzie, Murray Kenneth, 295
M'Kenzie, Mr. Henry, 302, 303
M'Lauchlan, Rev. James, 154
M'Lean, Mr., of Ardgower, 196
M'Lean, Mr. William, 300
M'Lehose, Mrs., the Clarinda oj
M'Leod, -, Esq., of Drimnin, 96
M'Phail, Miles, 205
M'Queen, John, Esq., 167
M'Queen, Lord Justice-clerk,
M'Queen, Robert Dundas, 170
M'Queen, Miss Mary, 170
M'Queen, Miss Catherine, 170
M'Ritchie, John, Esq., 359
Garthland, 396
29 6
Burns, 304
307, 350, 351, 392
NAIRN, Lord, 420
Nairne, Sir William, Bart., 217
Nairne, Mr., Alexander, 217
Nairne, Catherine, 218, 219
Napier, William sixth Lord, 302
Napier, Lady Marion Shaw, 302
Napier, Francis Lord, 196, 211,
409, 423
Napier, Professor, 210
Napier, John, of Merchiston, 286
Napier, Captain Charles, R.N.
Neil, Mr. John, 241
Newton, Lord, 169, 209,261,39
Nicol, Mrs., 152
Nicol, Andrew, 427
Nicholai, the celebrated Germa
bookseller, 173
Bicholson, Sir William, 234
Nicholson, Miss Christian, 224
Nisbet, William, Esq., of Dirk
Nisbet, Miss Wilhelmina, 212
Nisbet, Rev. Mr., 93
Nisbet, Miss Mary, 93
Nisbet, Rev. Dr., 94
Nisbet, Lord, 364
Nivernois, Duc de, 70
North, Lord, the caddy, 96
North, Lord, 100, 119
Northesk, Earl of, 197, 283
Norton, Lieutenant, 410
Nutter, Robert, Esq., 192
ton, 2, 82, 212, 234
~CHILTREE, Edie, 189
3gilvie, Thomas, Esq., 218
3gilvie, Lieut. Patrick, 219
Igilvie, Sir William, Bart., 279
Igilvie, Mr. George, 303
)@vie, Captain, 309
Igilvie, Lady, 420
l0dvy, James, of Auchiries, 252
I'Hara, General, 235
)Idbuck, Jonathan, 417
YNeilI, John, 278
)range, Prince of, 107, 298
I d , Lord Chief Baron, 170, 191
hd, Miss Elizabeth, 170
Mow, Count, 104
hock, Robert, 353
Isborne, Alexander, Esq., 344
hwald, James, Esq., 299
Iswald, Mrs., 206
Iughton, Sir Adolphus, 295
'AGAN, William, 141
'aganini, Signior, 293
'almer, Mr., 147, 149
'almer, Rev. Thomas Fyshe, 168,
307, 309, 427
'almer, Miss, 399
Panmure, Lord, 402, 403
Paoli, General, 184
Paterson, Mr. Alexander, 261
Paton, Mr. Hngh, 193
Paton, Mr. John, 244
Paton, Mr. George, 288
Patoun, John, Esq., 312
Patoun, Miss Elizabeth, 312
Pattison, Mr. William, 300
Paul, Robert, Esq., 415
Paul, Rev. John, 415
Paul, Williani, Esq., 415
Paul, Henry, Esq., 415
Peddie, Rev. Dr. Jarnes, 300,
Peebles, Peter, 427
Peel, Sir Robert, 351
Pembroke, Lord, 71
Pennant, Thomas, 245
Penney, Williani, Esq., 373
Percy, Thomas, D.D., 245, 288
Perth, Duke of, 420
Peter, Mr. Alexander, 224
Phin, Mr. Charles, 237
Phipp, Colonel, 91
Pickering, Miss Mary, 31
Pinkerton, hIr. John, 247
Pitcairn, David, Esq., 93
Pitcairn, Miss Eleanor, 93
Pitcairn, Mr. John, 300
Pitcairn, Mr. Alexander, 300
Pitsligo, Lord, 180, 251,252, 253,
Pitt, Hon. William, 74, 101, 183,
222, 285, 308, 380, 381
Playfair, Professor, 56, 79
Plenderleith, Rev. Mr., 282
Poland, King of, 328, 329
Polkemrnet, Lord, 298
Pollock, Mr., 16
Portland, Duke of, 381
Portland, Duchess of, 390
'ortmore, Lord, 191
'orteous, Captain, 19
'otter, Sir John, 260
'otter, Bishop, 275
'ratt, Samuel Jackson, 122
'riestley, Dr., 340
'ringle, Sir John, F.R.S., 21, 81,
'ringle, Sir James, 81
'ringle, Mr. John, 237
'ringle, Mr. Dunbar, 261
'ringle, Mr. Sheriff, 806, 375
'ringle, Mark, Esq., 317, 319
'rovence, Count de, 215
249 ... INDEX TO THE NAMES, ETC. Murray, Amelia Jane, 244 Murray, Mr., 326 Murray, Sir Patrick, 575 Murray, Lord ...

Book 8  p. 615
(Score 1.84)

The Marquis married, in 1793, MARY TURNER GAVIN, eldest daughter
and co-heiress of David Gavin,’ Esq., of Langton, by Lady Elizabeth Maitland,
daughter of James seventh Earl of Lauderdale. The issue of this union were
two daughters and one son. The eldest, Lady Elizabeth Maitland, was married
to Sir John Pringle, of Stitchel, Bart., and the youngest, Lady Mary, to the
Marquis of Chandos, afterwards second Duke of Buckingham.
The Marquis of Breadalbane died at Taymouth Castle, after a short illness,
in 1834, aged seventy-two.’ He was succeeded by his son, John Earl of Ormelie,
lately M.P. for Perthshire. He married, in 1821, the eldest daughter of
George Baillie, Esq. of Jerviswood, then heir-presumptive to the earldom of
Haddington, but had no issue.
As a substantial proof that the “ sway I’ of the surviving Countess Dowager
sat lightly, her ladyship was left one of the richest widows in Scotland. Another
instance of peculiar esteem, on the part of the Marquis, was the fact that, a few
years before his death, he caused to be erected, at great expense, a Cross of the
most elegant architectural design, in honour of the Marchioness, upon which is
an inscription highly complimentary to her ladyship. The Cross stands in a
delightful and conspicuous situation, at the extreme end of the celebrated “Beech
Terrace,” at Taymouth.
THE shop of the artist, a place of much attraction, was unusually so while
the novelty of the above Caricature continued. Mr. Campbell, whose property
bordered on that of Breadalbane, was acquainted with the Earl; and
happening, as rarely occurred, to be in Edinburgh, he was induced to gratify
his curiosity by a peep at Kay’s window, where, little dreaming of the trap laid
for him by his friends, he no sooner recognised the burlesque representation
Subsequently settling in Scotland,
he purchased the beautiful estate of Langton (the ancient seat of the Cockborns), near Dunse,
in Berwickshire.
-a The whole of the personal estate of the late Marquis, it is said, exceeding 6300,000, had been
directed by his will to accumulate for twenty years, at the end of which it was to be laid out on
estates, to be added to the entailed property ; but his settlement wm partly set aside by the Marquis
of Chandos, in right of his wife, xrho obtained an affirmance, by the House of Peers, of the decisiou
of the Court of Session, declaring that the Marchioness and her husband, in her right, were entitled
to demand legitim.
This gentleman made a fortune in Holland or the Netherlands. ... B1,OGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. The Marquis married, in 1793, MARY TURNER GAVIN, eldest daughter and co-heiress of ...

Book 9  p. 311
(Score 1.6)

the source of much wealth; and, by his judicious management, he otherwise
greatly enhanced the value of his estate.
Sir Archibald took an active hand in superintending his numerous colliers
and salters. They were a rough, uncultivated set of people; and, like most
workmen in similar emplogments, not very deeply impressed with proper
notions of subordination. He had his own system of management, however ;
and, although not strictly in accordance with the principles of constitutional
government, it proved not less efficacious than it was summary in its application.
He required no sheriff or justice courts to settle matters of dispute. Armed
with his jockey-whip, Sir Archibald united in his own person all the functionaries
of justice ; and, wherever his presence was required, he was instantly on the
spot. On several occasions, when, by the example and advice of neighbouring
works, his men were in mutiny, he has been known to go down to the pits, and,
with whip in hand, lay about him, right and left, until order was restored.
The work would then go on as formerly-the men as cheerful and compliant as
if nothing untoward had occurred. Upon the whole, his people were happy and
contented; and although the means which he took to enforce obedience were
somewhat arbitrary, his subjects felt little inclination to object to them.
Although much of his time was thus devoted to his own affairs, public
matters of local interest received a due share of his attention; and on every
occasion of a patriotic or charitable nature he stepped nobly forward with his
counsel and assistance.
Sir Archibald resided chiefly at Pinkie House,' where he maintained the
genuine hospitality of the olden times, and kept such an establishment of
" neighing steeds " and " deep-mouthed hounds " as at once declared the owner
to be, in sentiment, one of those doughty "squires of old" whose masculine
ideas of enjoyment were widely at variance with the effeminacy attributed to
the luxurious landholders of more modern times.
As might be anticipated from his character, Sir Archibald was a member of
the Caledonian Hunt-a body of Scottish gentlemen well known to be somewhat
exclusive in the admission of members. Of this honourable club he held the
high distinction of President in 1789, at which period the etching of the
" Knight of the Turf " was executed.
Sir Archibald married, in 1758, Elizabeth, daughter of William M'Dowall,
Esq. of Castle Semple, by whom he had two sons and five daughters. On the
death of this lady in 1778, he married (the year following) Elizabeth, daughter
of John Patoun, Esq.-a gentleman whose name was originally Paton; but
who, having gone abroad in his youth, and amassed a large fortune, on his return
to his native country changed the spelling of it to Patmr The issue of this
second marriage were three sons and one daughter.
In former times the seat of the Earls of Dnnfermline-a branch of the Setons, who had large
possessions in the east country, which were forfeited by the attainder of the last Earl of Wintonthe
chief of the family-for his accession to the Rebellion in 1715. ... BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. the source of much wealth; and, by his judicious management, he otherwise greatly ...

Book 8  p. 437
(Score 1.52)

No . Pap.
Dalzel. Andrew. A.M., F.R.S., Professor
of Greek in the University ......... cxxxi 32(
Davidson. Rev . Dr . Thomas. of the Tolbooth
Church .......................... cliv 386
Davidson. John. Esq., W.S ............... xcix 242
Devotees. Three Legal ..................... cxix 291
Dhu. John. or Dow. alim Macdonald ...... ii 8
Dhn. John. of the City Guard ...............x c 218
Dhu. Corporal John ........................ clxx 429
Dickson. Bailie James ..................... xlix 10 4
Donaldson. James. a half-witted baker .. .xlv 97
Downie. Mr . David, goldsmith. tried
for High Treason along with Robert
Watt in 1794 ........................... cxli 352
Doyle. William. of the 24th Regiment ...... 1 105
Duf. Jamie. an idiot ........................... ii 7
Duncan. Right Hon . Lord Viscount ... cxlv 360
Duncan.Admira1. ontheQuarter-Deck ... cxlvi 362
Dundas. the Hon . Robert. of Arniston.
Lord Chief Baronof the Court of
Exchequer .............................. xlviii 103
Dundas. the Hon . Robert. of Amiston.
Lord Advocate of Scotland ......... cxxix 316
Duudas. Henry. Viscount Melville. in
the uniform of the Royal Edinburgh
Volunteers .............................. cxvii 289
Dundas. Henry ................................. cl 376
Edgar. Janies. Esq., .Commissioner of
Customs ................................. cliii 385
Eiston, Dr., Surgeon ........................ cxx 292
Elder. Thomas. Esq . of Forneth. Lord
Provost ................................. exliv 358
Errol. Earl of .............................. lxxxiv 203
Erskine. Rev . Dr . John. of Carnock ...... xxx 67
Erskine. Hon . Henry. advocate ............ xxx 67
Erskine. Hon . Henry. Dean of the Faculty
of Advocates ..................... lviii 124
Erskine. Rev . Dr . John. of the old Greyfriars'
Church .......................... Jxxiii 171
Erskine. Rev . Dr . John .................. lxxiv 175
Ewing. Rev . Greville. of Lady Glenorchy's
Chapel. Edinburgh. afterwards
ofNileStreetChape1. Glasgowlxxx 194
Fairholme. George. Esq . of Greenhill ... clxiv 416
Fergusson. Neil. Esq., advocate ...... cxxxiii 386
Fisher. Major. of the 55th Regiment ...... xxi 51
Forbes. Sir William. Bart . of Pitsligo.
banker ................................... lxxvi 180
Forbes. Sir William. Bart . of Pitsligo.
banker ...................................... cii 251
Fmter. William. of the 24th Regiment ...... 1 105
Praser. Thomas. (a Natural) ...........l.x xvii 184
Fairholme. George. Esq . of Greenhill ... clxii 413
Fergusson. George. Lord Hermand ...... clvi 392
No . Page
Garden. Francis. Lord Gardenstone ......... vii 22
Gerard. Dr . Alexander ..................... XXXP 77
Giants. Three Irish (two of them twin
.brothers). with a group of spectators ... iv 10
Gilchrist. Mr . Archibald. of the Royal
Edinburgh Volunteers ...............x cviii 241
Gingerbread Jock .............................. viii 25
Glen. Dr .......................................... ix 26
Gordon. Right Hon . Lord Adam. on
horseback ........................... lxxxviii 212
Cordon. Right Hon . Lord Adam. arm-inarm
with the Count D'Artois ... lxxxix 214
Gordon. Alexander. Lord Rockville ... xxxiii 72
Gordon. Professor Thomas. King's College.
Aberdeen ........................ xxxv 78
Gordon. CaptainGeorge. ofthecity Guard ... lvi 118
Graham. the Most NobletheMarquisof ... cxvi 285
Graham. Dr . James. going along the
North Bridge in a high wind .........x i 30
Graham. Dr . James lecturing ............... xii 33
Grant. Sir James. of Grant. Bart., with
a view of his regiment. the Strathspey
or Grant Fencibles ............... cxiii 277
Grant. Colquhoun. Esq., W.S. ............ clxv 418
Grrgory. James, M.D., Professor of the
Practice of Medicine in the University
....................................... cxxxv 339
Gregory. Dr . James. in the uniform of
the Royal Edinburgh Volunteers . cxxxvii 342
Grieve. John. Esq., Lord Provost ......... Ivi 118
Grose. Francis. Esq., F . A.S., of London
and Perth ................................. xviii 46
Guard.House. the C i g ..................... clxx 429
Haddington. the Right Hon . the Earl of ... cii 251
Haddo. the Bight Hon . Lord ............l xxxiv 204
Hailes. Lord. one of the Judges of the
Court of Session ..................... cxlvii 364
Hamilton. Dr . Alexander. Professor of
Midwifery ........................... cxxxiv 330
Hart. Mr . Orlando ........................... xciii 223
Hay. Charles. Esq., advocate. taken a
short time before his elevation to
the bench .............................. lxxxii 199
Hay. Dr . James, deacon of the surgeons ... xciii 226
3ay. Dr . James. of Hayston ............ clxvii 426
lay. Miss. of Montblairp .................. xlvii 99
Teads. an Exchange of ..................... lxvi 157
Tenderland. Lord ........................... xcix 243
lenderson. Mr . John. in the character
of .. Sir John Falstaff ................. lxiii 146
3ercules. the Modern-Dr . Carlyle destroying
the Hydra of Fanaticism ... xxx 67
€igh Street, Levelling of the ............ xciii 222
€ill. Rev . Rowland. A.M., delivering one
of hisSermonsontheCaltonH ill ... cxxxv 333 ... INDEX TO THE PORTRAITS. ETC . No . Pap. Dalzel. Andrew. A.M., F.R.S., Professor of Greek in the University ...

Book 8  p. 605
(Score 1.52)

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