Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


310 E I 0 GR A P HI GAL S K ET C H ES. No. CCLXXIV. REV. DAVID DICHSON, MINISTER OF NEW NORTH CHURCH, EDINBURGH. MR. DICKSON, the third son of the Rev. David Dickson, minister of Newlands, Peeblesshire, and afterwards proprietor of the estate of Kilbucho, in the same county, was born in April 1754. After receiving his elementary education at the parochial school of West Linton, the parish immediately adjoining to that of Newlands, he was removed to the grammar-school at Peebles, then under the skilful tuition of Mr. Oman, who is still remembered as a superior linguist and a most successful teacher. Entering the Uuiversity of Glasgow in 1766, he there prosecuted his literary, philosophical, and theological course of studies, till the session of 1774-5, when he completed them at the Divinity Hall of Edinburgh. Being licensed by the Presbytery of Biggar in September 1775, Mr. Dickson soon after became the almost stated assistant of his step-uncle, the Rev. Mr. Noble, minister of Liberton, in the same Presbytery, then in the decline of life, and such was his popularity during the entire period of Mr. Noble's survivance, that on his death, in 1776, the parishioners unanimously applied to the patron in his favour, who, at once acceding to their wishes, immediately presented him to the vacant charge. After going through the prescribed presbyterial trials with more than ordinary approbation, he was ordained minister of that parish on the 1st of May 1777. During his ministry at Liberton, Mr. Dickson began t,hat course of faithful and zealous labour, among all classes of the people, not in the pulpit only, but from house to house, by which he was so peculiarly distinguished throughout the remainder of his life. But, while this produced a mutual and very strong attachment betwixt him and his first flock, it led others who enjoyed, though only occasionally, the benefit of his public, and heard of his not less valuable private, ministrations, earnestly to seek for themselves so estimable a pastor. Accordingly, on a vacancy taking place at Bothkennar, in the Presbytery of Stirling, where he had been accustomed to assist, especially on sacramental occasions, he was, on the unanimous application of the parishioners to the patron, Mr. Graham of Airth, appointed to that charge, into which he was duly inducted in July 1783. Being by this time well known in Edinburgh, where he was in the habit of regularly assisting, twice a year, the most eminent evangelical ministers at the dispensation of the Lord's Supper ; and, being particularly intimate with Mr.
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