Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


352 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, Societies of Edinburgh-of its Subscription Library, etc. He was for forty-one years treasurer of the Synod of his church ; and, from its commencement, and for more than forty years, had acted as treasurer of the Widows’ Fund of Dissenting Ministers of Scotland. They consist principally of single sermons published at intervals ; the first of which was preached on the occasion of the Centenary of the Revolution. Two or three were delivered before missionary and philanthropic societies ; one before the United Associate Synod; another upon the occasion of the Great Fires in Edinburgh, in 1824; and the remainder on funeral and other occasions. He also contributed various articles to religious periodicals ; in particular, to the Chvistian Illagaxine, the Christian Monitov, and the Theological Magazine. More lately, a series of lectures on the book of Jonah, from his pen, appeared in successive numbers of the United Xecession Mugaxine. His most remarkable publication was a letter addressed to the late Rev. Dr. Porteous of Glasgow, in 1800, in reply to a charge of political disaflection which that Divine advanced against the Associate Synod, in consequence of their having made an alteration in their doctrinal standards, in reference to the subject of the magistrate’s power in matters of religion. This letter was much admired at the time for its delicate yet keen satire, and the clearness, strength, and elegancies of its reasoning. The late Dugald Stewart recommended it to his students, as one of the most masterly pieces of classical sarcasm in our language. Dr. Peddie’s publications are few in number. No. CCLXXXVIII. REV. DR. PEDDIE, IN 1810. To the foregoing slight sketch of the reverend gentleman, it may be added, that he received the degree of Doctor in Divinity, in 1818, from the University of Aberdeen, and that he was twice married-first, to Margaret, daughter of the late Rev. George Coventry of Stitchill, and sister to the late Dr. Andrew Coventry, Professor of Agriculture in the University of Edinburgh, by whom he had no children; and, secondly, to Earbara, daughter of the late Donald Smith, Esq., banker in Edinburgh. By his second wife he had a family of nine children, one of whom, his second son, the Rev. William Peddie, was ordained his colleague and successor in the year 1828. Dr. Peddie had the honour of being the oldest clergyman among the various denominations within Edinburgh and Leith. His long ministry having been wholly spent in Edinburgh, it is satisfactory to know that, in return for
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