Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 325 . The two waiting-men, Brown and Scott, both of whom had been nearly forty years in the establishment, were amply provided for by the long-continued munificence of their aged masters. Scott purchased a property in Leopold Place, where he and Brown resided. The latter bought a small estate in Inverness-shire. No. CCLXXIX. DAVID SMYTHE, LORD METHVEN. LORD METHVEN was the son of David Smythe of Methven, and born in 1746. In possession of the family estates, to which he succeeded on the death of his father in 1764, he did not seek to obtain practice at the bar, but resided entirely in Perthshire, and took an active and influential part in everything that related to the local interests of that county. It was not until after the death of his first wife, in 1795, that he returned to Edinburgh, and betook himself to the law as a profession.' He was shortly afterwards appointed Sheriff-Depute of Perthshire, which office he held until he was promoted to the bench on the death of Lord Gardenstone in 1763. He was appointed one of the Commissioners of Justiciary in the room of Lord Abercromby in 1796. As a judge Lord Methven is represented to have possessed extensive general knowledge and soundness of understanding. He resigned his appointment as a Justiciary Lord in 1804; and died on the 30th of January 1806. His death was remarkably sudden. He was taken ill while walking on the street, and expired in half an hour after having been carried home. His remains were interred in the Canongate churchyard ; and the great attendance at his funeral testified the general esteem in which he had been held. He was twice married ; first to Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Robert Murray of Hillhead, Bart., and sister to General Sir James Murray Pulteney, Bart. ; secondly, to Euphemia Amelia, daughter of Mungo Murray, Esq. of Lintrose.' He had large families by both marriages, of whom there survived three sons, Robert Smythe, Esq. He studied law, and passed advocate in 1769. Lord Methven lived in St. Andrew Square. 1 His practice aa an advocate was limited. In speaking, he hesitated considerably, appearing frequently at a loss for a word ; consequently, although his judicial qualifications were respectable, he appeared to great disadvantage among his brethren. !a This lady was distinguished, on account of her beauty, by the appropriate appellation of the Flower of Strathmore ; and celebrated by Burns in his song of " Blithe waa she," having been seen by that poet when on a visit to her relative, Si William Murray of Ochtertyre.-Mmy of Lintrose waa succeeded by Mnngo Murray, Esq., late of Mumy and Cochrane, printem, Edinburgh.
Volume 9 Page 433
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