Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


322 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. years, and the duties of more grave avocations, did he entirely lose sight of the muse. About twenty-two years ago, at the request of several fellow-members, he wrote an appropriate song for an anniversary meeting of the Society of Antiquaries, which was sung on the occasion by Mr. Peter Hill jun., to the air of Auld Lang Syne. In 1831, the Poem on “Eternity” was reprinted along with “The Grave,” “ The Last Day,” etc., forming a little work entitled “The Christian Shade,” edited by the late James Brownlee, Esq., advocate. No. CCLXXVIII. ROBERT CRAIG, ESQ. OF RICCARTON, SEATED AT THE DOOR OF HIS OWN HOUSE IN PRINCES STREET,‘ THIS venerable gentleman was in early life, and even in extreme old age, an excellent pedestrian, and exceedingly fond of exercise in the open air. When no longer capable of extended excursions, his walks were limited to Princes Street ; and as increasing infirmities rendered even that effort beyond his strength, he used daily, in good weather, to enjoy the freshening breeze on a seat placed at the door. In the Print he is well described, with his long staff and broad-rimmed, low-crowned hat, while his faithful attendant, William Scott, is carefully taking “tent” of his aged master from the dining-room window. Long service, in the case of “Will,” as his name was broadly pronounced, had almost set aside the formalities customary betwixt master and servant. Wherever the old man travelled, his trusty valet followed in the rear-the contrast of the two figures attracting no small attention j the one lean and spare, in fashion like some ancient empiric j the other, in portliness of person, approaching to the good-natured rotundity of a London Alderman. MR. CRAIG was lineally descended from the distinguished feudal lawyer of Scotland, Sir Thomas Craig of Riccarton.’ His father, James Craig, fourth son of the great-grandson of Sir Thomas, was Professor of Civil Law in the University of Edinb~gh. His mother was a daughter of Robert Dundas of Amiston, one of the Senators of the College of Justice. There were two brothers, sons of the Professor. Thomas, the eldest, was usually styled “the Laird.” Robert, who studied law, passed advocate in 1754, The original drawing, which Kay afterwards engraved, waa done at the suggestion of the late See Life by J. F. Tytler, author of The History of Scotland. Mr. Archibald Constable, who presented it to Sir James Gibson-Craig. ,
Volume 9 Page 428
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