Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


BI 0 GRAP HI GAL SKETCHES. 317 mimic characters, such as Oscar, Don Juan, Raymond, Perbuse, Brazen Mask, Bravo of Venice, Three-Fingered Jack, etc.; and no part came amiss to him. He enjoyed the acquaintance of several eminent literary men, among whom was Monk Lewis. Mr. Johnston, we believe, went to the United States in 1838, and sailed in the same vessel with Ducrow and his company of equestrians., No. CCLXXVII. REV. JOHN JAMIESON, D.D., OF THE ASSOCIATE CONGREGATION, NICOLSON STREET ; FELLOW OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH ; OF THE SOCIETY OF THE ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND, ETC. DR. JARTIESOthNe , distinguished compiler of the “ Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language,” was by birth a native of Glasgow ;I at the University of which city his classical and theological studies were prosecuted with much success. After qualifying himself as a preacher in connection with the Secession, he was ordained pastor of a small congregation in Forfar. Possessing a strong literary bias, and a keen taste for antiquarian research, Dr. Jamieson became a corresponding member of the Society of Scottish Antiquaries so early as 1783 ; and during his residence in Angusshire, contributed to their Transactions several papers illustrative of the antiquities of that district. In 1789, he appeared as an author by the publication of two volumes 8v0, entitled “ Sermons on the Heart,” which were well received, About the same time, the subject of the African slave trade having been brought prominently forward in the House of Commons, by the discussion of “ a bill to regulate the slave trade,” and much excitement prevailing in the public mind: Dr. Jamieson gave his aid in the cause of humanity, by a pamphlet entitled “ The Sorrows of Slavery.” This poetical exposure of the horrors of the slave trade was welcomed “ as not the least valuable among the many publications lately written on the same subject.” The Poem became so extremely scarce, that the library of the venerable advocate of slave-emancipation himself, we believe, did not possess a perfect His father waa pastor of a dissenting congregation there. By the mother’s side he is descended from the Bruces of Kennet, Claekmannamhire, who claim to be representatives of that family who gave Robert Bruce to the throne of Scotland. ¶ Wilberforce brought forward his “motion for the Abolition of the Slave Trade ” towards the close of the session 1189.
Volume 9 Page 423
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