Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


302 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Greenwich and Chelsea Hospitals, the Bank, St. Paul’s, Westminster Abbey, and Westminster Bridge. He desired to have the exact dimensions of the latter, but the fogs and damp weather have hitherto prevented him seeing any external objects with pleasure and satisfaction. He wm highly delighted with his reception, both at the India House and at the Bank ; at both which places he was received in a princely style. “Last Sunday evening the Mirza sent a message to Mrs. Morier, requesting that she would permit him to pay her a visit. This being accepted, he shortly after made his appearance, and remained with her and her family, and myself, nearly two hours. On inquiring what were the books he saw upon the table, he was informed that they were the Bible and some books of sermons. He then desired to have explained to him the nature of the latter, and seemed to approve niuch the study of such books on days set apart for devotion. The Miss Moriers then sung a hymn to him, without telling him what was the nature of the music. When they had ended, he thanked them, adding -‘ I am sure that must be sacred music, it affected me so yery much-’ He said that among the many of our customs which he approved, he admired none more than that of not suffering the servants to remain in the room when not wanted. He added, that he was endeavouring to introduce this excellent custom into his own house ; and for that purpose he was ever driving his servants out of the room, but they returned like flies in spite of all he could do, I never beheld him in such high spirits and so merry as he was during that whole evening. “ Every thing seemed to conspire to please him ; the smallness and neatness of the house gave him an idea of comfort he had never experienced before. He repeated more than once, ‘ What could any person in the world wish for more than you have here 0 ’ Mrs. Morier showed him a miniature of one of her daughters when a child. This delighted him so much that Mrs. M. begged he would accept It. He was ,so much pleased with the present that he would not part with it for a moment during the remainder of the evening. He is uncommonly fond of children, and the younger they are the more he likes them. The first time he saw my youngest daughter, who is eleven years of age, he seemed quite enchanted with her, and made her sit by him the whole evening, when not dancing. He afterwards saw a little girl.of Mr. Elliot’s, who is not yet six years of age, and he seemed still more delighted with her, if possible, than he was with my daughter. He said, ‘About sixteen.’ I remarked that in India they married at a much younger age ; he replied, ‘ It was true ; but in Persia they liked children as children, but women as wives.’ He has but one wife, which he says is enough for any man, adding, that ‘ there can be no good or use in having more.’ The first time he heard my daughters sing a trio, he was much struck with it, saying, ‘This music quite delights me, but at the same time it puzzles me beyond measure ; for, though I can plainly discover that all of them are singing in different tones, yet it seems to produce but one pound : all is in unison, as if their very souls understood each other.’ * “A circumstance has just come into my recollection, which certainly ought not to be omitted. On the third or fourth day of the Ambassador’s arrival, the Turkish Ambassador paid him a visit. ‘What are you about ? ’ cries the Turk. ‘ Writing English ! why, you have scarcely been here three days, whilst I have been in England seven years, and I know not;a syllable of the language, or even how to form a single letter.’ Thanks to Mr. J. Morier’s kind attention and instruction, the Mirza writes daily copies that would do credit to any boy of twelve or fourteen.” I asked him at what age girls were married in Persia ! ‘ I am writing English ! ’ Though ignorant of European Literature, his Excellency was versant in that of his own country. His knowledge of oriental history was apparently extensive; and he seemed intimately acquainted with the productioluj of Hafiz, Zadi, and other celebrated eastern poets. Besides the Persian, he spoke Arabic, Hindostanee, and Russ. It is said he was indebted for much of his refinement and knowledge to the circumstance of having been for some time in disgrace at the Persian Court. The period of his exile was chiefly spent in travelling; and for three pears he had resided in India, under the administration of the Marquis Wellesley. Returning to Bombay, he learned from the Decan that the King of Persia had discovered hia innocence, and granted him permission to return home.
Volume 9 Page 403
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