Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


300 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. No. .CCLXXII. MIRZA ABOUL HASSAN EHAN, ENVOY EXTRAORDINARY FROM THE KING OF PERSIA TO THE COURT OF GREAT BRITAIN. ABOULH ASSANt,h e Persian Ambassador, first visited Great Britain in 1809. He was entrusted with a formal complaint against the Government of India, and with instructions for the settlement of a treaty then pending betwixt Persia and this country. His Excellency landed at Plymouth on the 30th of November. Every attention was paid to his accommodation ; and, on his arrival in London, he was conducted to an elegant house prepared for him in Mansfield Street. On the 15th of the following month, the King’s ministers, in full dress, paid their respects ; and on the 20th, he had his first audience of his Majesty at the Queen’s Palace. He was introduced by the Marquis Wellesley, and was accompanied by Sir Gore Onseley, Bart., whom his Majesty appointed to hold the situation of mehmander, or interpreter. The following account is given of the manner in which the Ambassador was conducted to the Palace :- “About one o’clock his Majesty’s carriage and six beautiful bay horses, with the servants in new state liveries, and two new carriages of his Excellency, together with that of Sir Stephen Cottrell, master of the ceremonies, arrived at his Excellency’s house. In a short time after his Excellency came out of the house, carrying his credentials in his hand in an elegant gold casket, upon an elegant silver salver covered with crimson velvet. His Excellency appeared highly pleased with the grand appearance of his Majesty’s carriage a d superb liveries, also with the reception of a generous English public, who took off their hats and gave him three cheers. Mr. Chester, for Sir Stephen Cottrell, who wag indisposed, followed his Excellency into the coach, and took his seat on the left of the Ambassador. His Excellency’s carriage followed, with Mr. Morier, who went from England with Sir Harford Jones upon his mission to Persia,’ as an interpreter, and returned with his Excellency to this country in the same capacity, and other attendants. In the third carriage were two pages, his Excellency’s priest, and Mr. Durrant, the interpreter to the attendants and household ; those who were not of this country were dressed in new Eastern dresses. The procession was led by the carriage of Sir Stephen Cottrell. The streets through which it passed were crowded to excess ; and the Park was so extremely thronged that it was with difficulty the carriages could proceed. It being the determination of Government to show his Excellency every mark of respect, he was allowed to enter the Queen’s Palace by the great doors in front, where, usually, no one is allowed to enter save the royal family, His Excellency entered the Palace about a quarter before two o’clock. He was accompanied to the state apartments by Mr. Chester, Sir Gore Onseley, and Mr. Morier. His servants were dressed in scarlet coats, richly embroidered with gold lace, breeches and waistcoat of green and gold, hat cocked, with gold lace. On his return to Mansfield Street, Sir Gore Ouseley and Mr. Morier were invited to partake of an entertainment with him, called in Persia a PiZlaw; it was composed of rice and fowls stewed with spices.” Sir Gore Ouseley took his seat with his back to the horses. The following interesting sketch of the personal appearance and character of Si Harford went out in 1808 ; but owing to gome misunderstanding betwixt the Governor of India (Lord Minto) and General Malcolm, he failed in accomplishing an amicable adjustment of the treaty.
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