Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


Volume 9 Page 392
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BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, 295 Hunter Blair, and the authority of an act of Parliament procured ; but in consequence of other undertakings, and the want of funds, the act was allowed to expire, and the design fell to the ground. It remained for Sir John to effect an object, not less useful than ornamental ; and that the progress of the work might be facilitated, he is understood to have made a serious inroad on his own resources, calculating no doubt on a return which we believe he did not experience. The freedom of the city having been voted to Lord Lynedoch,‘ “ the gallant Graham,” who distinguished himself so much in the Peninsular War, Sir John gave a grand dinner on Saturday, the 12th of August 1815, in honour of the Prince Regent’s birthday, at which were present Lord Lynedoch, the Earl of Morton, Lord Audley, Sir David Dundas, the Lord Chief Baron, the Lord Chief Commissioner, Admiral Sir Wm. Johnstone Hope, GeneralLWynyard, Sir James Douglas, Sir Howard Elphinstone, Right Hon. William Dundas, member for the city, Charles Forbes, Esq., M.P., Sir H. H. MDougal, Sir John Dalrymple, Mr. Earle, Mr. Sedgwick, and a party of nearly one hundred of the principal inhabitants of Edinburgh, After the cloth was removed, and the usual series of toasts had been given, the Lord Provost proposed the health of Lord Lynedoch ; and, presenting his lordship with the freedom of the city in a gold box, addressed him as follows :- “Lord Lynedoch-I have the honour, in the name of the Magistrates of Edinburgh, to congratulate your lordship on your safe return to this country, after a series of services rendered to it, which not only reflect the greatest credit on your lordship, but do high honour to your county. “My Lord-In the very commencement of the French Revolution, your lordship, with penetrating discernment, foresaw the imminent danger to which everything dear to man had become exposed, and leaving the distinguished situation to which your birth, talents, and the esteem you were so eminently entitled to hold in this country, you betook yourself to the profession of arms, in which you have rendered the country services which it is out of my power to enumerate. In the war of the Peninsula, which happily turned the fate of Europe, as a Commander- in-Chief, and afterwards as second to the immortal Wellington, one invariable line of victory attended your course ; and if Ireland can proudly claim Wellington as her own, Scotland has the gmtiEcation to feel that ‘ Prmimos illi tamen oecupvit Graham hmww.’ “ My Lord, the Magistrates of Edinburgh sincerely wish-a wish in which I am sure we are joined by the country at large-that your health may be long preserved to enjoy the high esteem and gratitude of your countrymen, and those honours which his Royal Highness the Prince Regent has, in the name of our revered King, so justly conferred upon your lordship.” Lord Lynedoch, with that feeling and diffidence so characteristic of merit, in returning thanks to the Lord Provost and Magistrates, for the honour they had conferred upon him, expressed himself as overpowered by the overrated estimation in which any services he had been able to render to his country had been held, That he had had the particular good fortune to serve under that greatest of all men, the Duke of Wellington; and to have served under his orders, and to have commanded British troops, almost insured success. He must, however, say, that nothing could be more gratifying to his feelings than 1 Sir Thornss Graham, G.C.B., who was elevated k, the peerage in 1814.
Volume 9 Page 393
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