Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


190 BI 0 GRAPH1 C AL SKETCHES. From such reminiscences it may be guessed that the philosophy of Mr. Burnet was not of that morose description which converts the sweets of life into sour. He saw much in life worth living for j but yet, while he possessed a (( feeling for all mankind,” there existed within him enough of the devil to render applicable in his case the well known-motto of the thistle. He was not to be insulted with impunity. Having gone into a tavern with a few friends one excessively warm day, the Captain, in order to cool himself, laid aside his sword and belt. in the meantime, another party entering the room, one of them, in approaching the table, took the liberty of removing Mr. Burnet’s sword ; and, by way of ridicule, placed it in a position which few men of spirit would have submitted: to in silence. Springing to his feet .in a paroxysm of rage, he unsheathed the weapon, and running on the offender, would have transfixed him to the wall, but for the interference of a third party, who fortunately parried the thrust. The death of this veteran of the Guard, which occurred on the 24th August 1814, is thus recorded in the Scots Magazine :-“ At Seton, Mr. James Burnet, many years Captain of the Town Guard of this city. Mr. Burnet is much regretted by a numerous acquaintance, who greatly respected him as a cheerful companion and an honest man.” Neither did our excellent friend. No. CCXXXVI. SAMUEL M‘DONALD, IN THE UNIFORM OF THE SUTHERLAND FENCIBLES. THIS is another Print of the Scottish Hercules. Annexed to the former Portrait a short sketch of his life has already been given ; but a few additional anecdotes, illustrative of his amazing strength, may not be improper here. One night Sam happened to be placed as sentry over a piece of ordnance which would have taken two or three ordinaxy men to remove. He had not been long at his post, however, when his comrades, who were enjoying themselves at the guard-room fire, were astonished at his entrance with the huge mass of cast-iron over his shoulder. On being asked what he meant by deserting his post-“ Why, what’s the use,” said he, U of standing out there in a cold night, watching that bit of iron, when I could as well watch it in here !” On another occasion, in the barrack-room, one of the men requested M‘Donald to hand down a loaf from a shelf, which he could not easily get at himself. Sam good-naturedly turned round, a.ud catching the individual behind the neck held him up at arm’s length, saying, “There-take it down for yourself!” While the Sutherland Fencibles were stationed at Dublin, Sam was gene
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