Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 201 stood to have been imperative, namely, either to discontinue all political intercourse, or leave the British dominions. The ex-king felt inclined to submit to these hard conditions rather than seek an asylum elsewhere; but the Duchesse d’Angoul.eme, and other members of the family, were indignant at a proceeding which they deemed equally inhospitable and insulting ; whilst the cold and almost repulsive reception given to the Duc de Blacas in London, led them to regard this as the forerunner of some measure of a still harsher kind. In these circumstances, they decided to accept the kind invitation of the Emperor of Austria to take up their abode in one of the imperial palaces near Ratisbon. When it became known that the royal exiles were on the eve of their departure from Edinburgh, a general feeling of regret was manifested by the inhabitants. Charles had intended embarking early in September 1832 ; but, in daily expectation of a Government yacht, which had been promised to carry him to Haniburgh, a delay of several weeks occurred ; and at length, despairing of the fulfilment of a promise which had evidently been reluctantly given, he engaged the United Kingdom steam-ship for the voyage.’ Tuesday, the eighteenth of September, having been fixed for his Majesty’s departure, various methods were adopted by the citizens to show their respect for the fallen Sovereign, whose private virtues had dignified and even ennobled his misfortunes. On the Saturday previous, the tradesmen who had been employed by the ex-royal family entertained the members of the household at dinner in Millar’s tavern, Abbey. In reply to the expressions of regret for their departure, the Frenchmen said “they regretted the separation, the more especially as they had just been long enough here to form friendships, which were now to be torn asunder. If they did not return to France, there was no place on the face of the earth where they would be more anxious to remain than at Edinburgh.” On Monday an address from a considerable portion of the inhabitants was presented to Charles X. by Eailie Small and the Rev. Mr. Badenoch? expressive of the sentiments they entertained of the “ urbanity, beneficence, and virtuous conduct manifested by his Majesty and the distinguished personages attached to his suite during their residence in Edinburgh.” Charles was much affected, and in a few sentences expressed the gratification he felt in receiving such a mark of respect from the citizens of Edinburgh. Early on Tuesday morning a deputation, consisting of the Lord Provost, Colonel George Macdonell, John Rlenzies, Esq., of Pitfodels, 51r. (afterwards Sir Charles) Gordon, William Forbes, Esq., advocate, John Robison, Esq., Secretary There had been strange mismanagement in this matter. Charles sailed, as above stated, early on the Tuesday; and, at five o’clock on the evening of the Thursday following, the Light&q steam-packet arrived at Leith for the purpose of conveying his Majesty and suite. It was too late, and was probably lpeant to be so. The Duchess d’Angouleme had been previously treated in the same manner. After being for some time detained in London, in expectation of a Government steamer, which had also been promised, to convey her to Rotterdam, she was at last obliged to hire a vessel for the pnrpose at her own expense. ’ The Bailie and Mr. Badenoch were deputed with the address, chiefly becanse through their hands the donations of his Majesty to the Poor’s House, the Board of Health, etc., had been conveyed. VOL. It. 21,
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. . 203 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. of the Royal Society, Dr. Browne, advocate, and several other gentlemen waited, by appointment, on his Majesty, to present another address, w?iich had been signed by Provost Learmonth, in the name of the inhabitants generally. This address, which afterwards excited so great a sensation both .in this country and on the Continent, was drawn up by Dr. Browne ; and that his Majesty might be fully aware of its contents, a French translation had been placed in his hands the previous evening. After a few words from the Lord Provost, Dr. Browne proceeded to read the address, at one part of which, containing a touching allusion to the Duc de Bordeaux, Charles was almost overcome by his emotions. “I am unable,” said his Majesty, “to express myself in English; but this (clasping the address to his heart) I will consewe as amongst the most precious possessions of my family.” He then shook hands cordially with the members of the deputation, all of whom retired, except some few friends who waited to hear mass in the Oratory, which was celebrated by the Rev. (afterwards Bishop) Gillies. When the service terminated, a great many ladies and gentlemen of fashion paid their respects to his Majesty, the Duc d‘dngouleme, and the young Duc de Bordeaux, who was a great favourite. In the hall of the Palace a large party were also in waiting, with all of whom the King shook hands and bade them adieu. On the outside the palace yard was filled with people, many of whom wore white favours ; and when the royal exiles appeared in the court, they were greeted with cheers and the waving of handkerchiefs. The royal party then drove to Newhaven, where an immense crowd had assembled. The Society of Newhaven Fishermen, with Thomas Wilson at their head, formed a sort of body-guard, keeping clear the entrance to the Chain-Pier, which was crowded with a large assemblage of respectable persons, a great number of whom were ladies.’ After shaking hands with many whd pressed forward to testify their respect, the royal party proceeded along the pier, and descending the steps, which were covered with white cloth, they embarked on board the Dart, and were speedily conveyed to the United Kingdom, which, commanded by Mr. Paton of Leith, almost instantly proceeded to sea. A few gentlemen, amongst whom were Colonel Macdonell, the Rev. Mr. Gillies, John ’Robison, Esq., and Dr. Browne, accompanied his Majesty to the steam-ship, which they did not leave until she was under weigh. The distress of the King, and particularly of the Dauphin, at being obliged to quit a country to which they were so warmly attached, was in the highest degree affecting. The Duc de Bordeaux wept bitterly j and the Duc d’dngouleme, embracing Mr. Gillies a la Franfaise, gave unrestrained scope -to his overpowering emotions. The act of parting with one so beloved, whom he had known and distinguished in the salons of the Tuileries and St. Cloud, long before his family had sought an asylum in the tenantless halls of Holyrood, quite overcame his fortitude, and One of the Misses Williamson of Lixmount presented the King with a handsome white silk favour, which hin Majesty received with great politeness and gallantry ; and, making a profound bow, placed it on hia left breast.,
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