Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


158 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. however-and the consequent regret of those to whom the offer had been made -may be imagined, when, by due return of post, intelligence was brought that the very ticket, which had concerned him so much to get rid of, had turned up a prize of &10,000 ! He died in 1788. He married the beautiful Miss Chalmers, sister of the late lady of the venerable Lord Glenlee, and daughter of an extensive grain merchant in Edinburgh. By this lady he left one son' and six daughters, most of whom were advantageously married. Mr. Thomas Cumming (the son) predeceased his father. No. CCXXVI. REV. JOHN WESLEY, DR. HAMILTON, AND THE REV. MR. COLE. THIS '' Triumvirate of Methodist Clergymen " was etched by Kay when Mr. Wesley visited Scotland for the last time, in 1790, The three gentlemen are portrayed as they appeared in company, while returning from the Castle Hill, where Mr. Wesley had delivered a sermon. The inscription bears-" Ninetyfour years have I sojourned on the earth, endeavouring to do good ;" but the artist must have been misled as to the age of the patriarchal preacher, as he was then only in his eighty-seventh year, The leading incidents in the life of the REV. JOHN WESLEY have already been given with his Portrait in a preceding portion of this Work. With respect to his voluminous writings, we may remark, that many of them are extensively known and duly appreciated, especially by the very numerous sect of which he was the founder; but it is perhaps not generally understood that the talents of this ceFbrated individual were by no means confined to religious topics aIonephilosophy, medicine, politics, and poetry by turns engrossed his pen j and he was a strenuous defender of the administration of Lord North. The stout figure, supporting the right arm of Mr. Wesley, represents DR. JAIVES HAMILTON, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh. Dr. Hamilton was born at Dunbar in 1740 ; and his medical studies, it is This gentleman, now dead, was in person something like his grandfather ; about the same size, but had a much greater rotundity of back. He did not, however, possess the old man's penurious feelings ; on the contrary, he was exceedingly fond of the turf, and was usually on the race-grounds, although he seldom left his carriage.
Volume 9 Page 212
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