Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 163 divided Lords Craig, Cullen, and Hermand argued against; and Lords Armadale, Meadowbank, and the Lord Justice-clerk for the relevancy ; but, as the latter had only a casting vote, the libel was found “not relevant”4nd the parties were dismissed. On resigning his offices in the Courts of Session and Justiciary in 18l1, Lord Armadale retired to Smyllum Park, his residence in Lanarkshire, where he died on the 5th June 1825. Be married Mary, eldest daughter of the Lord Justice-Clerk, M‘Queen, of Braxfield, by whom he had a numerous family. His two eldest sons, Patrick and Robert, entered the army. The former served in the 28th Light Dragoons ; and the latter, who died in Jamaica on the 20th November 1809-deeply regretted as an officer of much gallantry and the highest promise-was Lieut.-Colonel of the 18th Regiment of Foot. The following notice of his demise appeared in the journals :- “ In Jamaica, Lieut.-Colonel Robed Honyman, second son of Lord Armadale. He served as a volunteer during the campaign in Egypt, where he was honoured with the approbation of Sir Ralph Abercromby, and acquired the esteem and friendship of Sir John Moore, Generals Hope, Spencer, and other distinguished otficers. At the attack on the Dutch lines, at the capture of the Cape of Good Hope, he, under Sir David Baird, led on the 93d Regiment, of which he was Major, and was severely wounded. As Lieut.-Colonel of the 18th Foot, he lately received the thanks of the Commander-in-Chief of the Island of Jamaica, for his active services in suppressing a mutiny of the black troops in that Island, where he has since fallen a victim to the fever of the countrg, at the age of twenty-seven.” No. CCXXVIII. REV. DR. ALEXANDER TURNBULL, OF DALLADIES. DR. ALEXANDETRU RNBULwLa s the eldest son of Mr. George Turnbull, Writer to the Signet, a gentleman of good family (being a descendant of the Turnbulls of Stracathro, in Forfarshire), and of considerable eminence in his profession. By his mother’s side, he was related in a distant degree to the celebrated Charles James Fox..’ He was born in Merlin’s Wynd (subsequently removed on the erection of the South Bridge), in the month of February 1748. While yet a minor, he had the misfortune to lose his father, but the loss was mitigated by the good offices of Lord Gardenstone, whom Mr, Turnbull had appointed guardian to his children. At the usual age the subject of this notice was apprenticed to Mr. Walter Scott, Writer to the Signet, father of Sir Walter Scott, a gentleman of whom he was accustomed to speak in terms of affection The rise of the family of Fox is curious. Though there are peerages, viz nchaster and Holland, in the family, the founder, Si Stephen Fox, w~as originally B footman, in the reign of Charles IL
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164 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. and whose memory he held in the highest respect. But not relishing the profession of the law, even although its elements were to be imbibed from 80 respectable a source, he turned his attention to the Church ; and his family being of the Scottish Episcopalian persuasion, he was some time after admitted to orders, and appointed curate, first at Long Houghton, and next at Long Horseley, in Northumberland, a living worth about S30 a year. He appears also to have officiated for a short time as a chaplain of a regiment. From his connections, and particularly from his relationship to Mr. Fox, he had a fair prospect of advancement in the Church j and, in point of fact, a rectory was at an early period within his reach. But it is to be presumed that some pecuniary consideration was exacted as the condition of this preferment. On repairing to London to make the necessary arrangements, being required prior to induction to take the customary oaths, he declined, from conscientious motives, and afterwards retired into private life. For a long time after the death of his father, Dr. Turnbull's income from his estates was of limited amount ; but, being a man of frugal and economical habits, his expenditure never exceeded his means : and with reference to this period of his life, he used jocularly to say, that he always took care to keep five pounds between him and the devil. Until latterly, his usual place of residence was London, where he passed the greater part of his time, living among his respectable relations, except when he visited his friends in Scotland, which he generally did once a year. In the metropolis he had ample opportunities of mixing in the best society, and of making the acquaintance of persons of distinction or celebrity ; among the most noted of whom we may mention Prince Talleyrand and Mr. Munro, President of the United States of America. Although his family were non-jurors, and as such friendly to the exiled house of Stuart, Dr. Turnbull, at an early period of life, attached himself to the party and the political principles of Mr. Fox, for whom he entertained the highest admiration, and continued throughout life a steadfast and uncompromising friend to the. liberty and improvement of mankind. Among men who consider lukewarmness a proof of wisdom, Dr. Turnbull may have been thought a violent politician ; and he was undoubtedly a warm admirer of the American and French revolutions-of the former absolutely, and of the latter until it degenerated into anarchy and military despotism ; but benevolence formed the basis of his political creed, as well as of his personal character; and hence, although many dissented from his opinions, none that knew disliked the man. In Edinburgh, where he was well known, his circle of acquaintance was most extensive j and few persons who have moved in general society were ever held in greater esteem. Among his friends and acquaintances in Scotland were Lord Panmure and Mr. Ferqsson of Raith j and to both he was warmly attached. For the last fifteen years of his life,' Dr. Turnbull resided at Alnwick, near to where he had, in early life, officiated as curate. Till age and infirmity prevented him,
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