Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


154 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Chapel, built a few years after he came to Edinburgh ; and indeed may justly be said to have been its founder. He was an active promoter, and a liberal contributor to all institutions of a religious or charitable nature. He was one of the Secretaries of the Edinburgh (now the Scottish) Missionary Society, and for many years took a decided interest in its management. Although much indisposed during his latter years, and incapable of active exertion, his zeal continued unabated ; and to the last his generosity was liberally extended. Dr. Buchanan died on the 6th December 1832, and was interred in the Canongate Churchyard, where a monumental stone contains, in addition to the usual statements, the following lines expressive of his hope of immortality :- " Jesus, thy blood aid righteousness, My beauty are-my glorious dress ; 'Mid flaming worlds in these array'd, With joy shall I lift up my head. When from the dust of earth I rise, To take my mansion in the skies ; Even there shall this be all my plea- Jesus hath lived-hath died for me." No. CCXXIII. OLD WIDOW ELLIS. THIS Print was taken from a painting by Mr. William Donaldson of this city, by whom it was exhibited and sold to the late Earl of Buchan. From a card, in the hand-writing of his lordship, we observe in addition to the information conveyed by the inscription on the Engraving, that WIDOWE LLISw as married in 1745 to Francis Ellis, shoemaker in Keltie, Kinross-shire, who died next year of an iliac passion. At the time the portrait was executed (December lS16), Widow Ellis lived in Rose Street, where she had resided for many years. The particulars of her life are few and uninteresting. She was a sensible, shrewd person j had been active in her youth, and retained even in old age an unusual degree of freshness and vigour.
Volume 9 Page 205
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