Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


104 BI 0 GRAPH1 CdL SKETCHES, No. CCVI. DR. THOMAS SNELL JONES, MINISTER OF LADY GLENORCHY’S CHAPEL. THE REV. THOMASS NELLJ ONEDS.D, ., was born in the city of Gloucester on the 1 lth of May 1754, He lost both his parents when a child ; but Providence, on whose care alone he was thus so early cast, speedily brought forward other friends to take an interest in his welfare., Amongst those who showed him kindness was one gentleman, a Wesleyan Methodist, through whom he became acquainted with many individuals of that denomination of Christians ; and it was by them he was induced to think of devoting his life to the ministry. The Countess of Huntingdon was at that time a liberal supporter of the Methodists ; and Dr. Jones having been recommended to her notice, was, at the age of eighteen, admitted into the academy which she had established at Trevecca; in the vicinity of Brecknock, in South Wales, for training up young men for the ministry. He continued there for four years, prosecuting his studies; and after these were finished he was for some time engaged in preaching to various dissenting congregations. In this employment he was occasionally assisted by his fellow-students, the Rev. Mr. Clayton, of London, and the Rev. Sir Harry Trelawney, Bart., who afterwards became a dignitary, and obtained considerable preferment, in the Church of England. In 1776, Dr. Jones received and accepted an invitation to become assistant to the Rev. Mr. Kinsman at Plymouth Dock. This situation he held for two years, during which period he became known to Lady Glenorchy, who having a short time before completed, at her own expense, the erection of a church in Edinburgh; was anxiously endeavouring to procure for it the services This academy was opened in 1768 ; and, during the life of Lady Huntingdon, was maintained at her expense. In 1792, soon after her death, it was by her trustees removed to Cheshunt, in Hertfordshire, where it now continues to flourish. The revenues, exceeding E1200 per annum, are devoted to the education of students for the ministry, who are left entiyely free in the choice of the denomination of Christians amongst whom they will exercise their ministry. ’ It is well known that, in 1775, some of the ministers of the Edinburgh Presbytery were by no means friendly to the erection of this Chapel ; and the footing on which it was admitted into connection with the Church appearing to them not sufficiently broad and explicit, they brought the matter before the Synod of Lothian and Tweeddale. Here a long and angry debate ensued, in the course of which Lady Glenorchy was very roughly handled. It terminated in a resolution, discharging a11 ministers and probationers within the bounds of the Synod from officiating in the Chapel ; a resolution, however, which was ultimately reversed by the Assembly. The following doggerel verses, to which was prefixed this introductory notice, were composed on that occasion :- “The very extraordinary scene which happened in the Synod upon - has called the attention
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