Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 99 agreement to contribute a trifle weekly towards a fund for alleviating similar cases in future. Mr. Campbell’s next and last undertaking of any note was “Albyn’s Anthology; or, a Select Collection of the Melodies and Local Poetry peculiar to Scotland and the Isles.” The first volume of this work-published by Messrs. Oliver and Boyd of Tweeddale Court-appeared in 1816, and the second in 1818. The musician had long contemplated a publication of this description. The design was associated with his early national aspirations ; and throughout many years of vicissitudes, crosses, and disappointments, he appears still to have cherished the idea of collecting the stray melodies of his native land. In the preface to the first volume, he says- This small beginning was the origin of the present useful Society. A third was intended, but did not follow. “ So far back as the year 1790, while as yet the Editor of ALBYN’SA NTHOLOGwYa s an organist to one of the Episcopal chapels in Edinburgh, he projected the present work. Finding but small encouragement at that period, and his attention being directed to other pursuits of quite a different nature, the plan dropped ; till very recently, an accidental turn of conversation at a gentleman’s table, whoin to name is to honour, the Hon. Fletcher Norton (one of the Barons of Exchequer), gave a spur to the speculation now in its career. He, with that warmth of benevolence peculiarly his own, offered his influence with the Royal Highland Society of Scotland, of which he is a member of long standing ; and, in conformity to the zeal he has uniformly manifested for everything connected with the distinction and prosperity of our ancient realm, on the Editor’s giving him a rough outline of the present undertaking, the Hon. Baron put it into the hands of Henry M‘Kenzie, Esq. of the Exchequer, and Lord Bannatyne, whose influence in the Society is deservedly great. And immediately on Mr. M‘Kenzie laying it before a select committee for music, John H. Forbes, Esq. (Lord Medwyn), advocate, as convener of the committee, convened it ; and the result was a recommendation to the Society at largg, who embraced the project cordially ; voted a sum to enable the Editor to pursue his plan ; and forthwith he set out on a tour through the Highlands and Western Islands. Having performed a journey (in pursuit of materials for the present work) of between eleven and twelve hundred miles, in which he collected one hundred and ninety-one specimens of melodies and Gaelic vocal poetry, he returned to Edinburgh, and laid the fruits of his gleanings before the Society, who were pleased to honour with their approbation his success in attempting to collect and preserve the perishing remains of what is so closely interwoven with the history and literature of Scotland.” Among the contributors to “ Albyn’s Anthology ” appear the names of Scott, Hog, Maturin, Jamieson, Mrs. Grant, Boswell, and other distinguished individuals- several pieces are from the pen of the Editor; and a full fourth of the letterpress is devoted to Gaelic verse, in which language he seems to have been a proficient. The popular song of “ Donald Caird ” was contributed specially for the work by Sir Wdter Scott-the original MS. of which is preserved in the copy of the Anthology belonging to the nephew of the Editor. We believe the favourite air-best known by Tannahill’s song of ‘‘ Gloomy Winter’s now Awa’”--is not generally understood to have been the composition of Mr. Campbell. It appears in the Anthology to the Editor’s own words- Wakest thou, love ? or art thou sleeping?” “ Come, my bride, haste away, haste away, and is very modestly claimed in a footnote as follows :-- “The Editor, in thus claiming an early composition of his own, feels a mingled sensation of diffidence and sativfaction in venturing to insert it in a selection such as the present. But as the
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100 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. trifle in question has been honoured with public approbation for many years past, and has been considered by many, nay even professional men, as one of OUT oldest tunes, it becomes the duty of the composer to state briefly, yet distinctly, the fact, and leave it thus on record. In the year 1783, while the present writer was studying counterpoint and composition, and turning his attention to national mcsic, he made essays in that atyle, one of which xas the melody to which he has united Gaelic and English verses of his own, written for Albyn‘s Anthology. It was originally composed as a Strathspey ; and in the year 1791 or 1792 it was published and inscribed to the Rev. Patrick 3I‘Donald of Kilmore, the editor of the ‘ Collection of Highland Airs ’ mentioned in the preface of the present work. In Mr. Nathaniel Gow’s Collection, the Strathspey is called Lord Balgowny’s Belight, and pointed out as a ‘very ancient air.’ It haa since been published by Mr. J. M‘Fadyen of Glasgow, under the title of ‘ Gloomy Winter’s 1u)w Awu’,’ a Scottish song, written by R. Tannahill, with Symphonies and Accompaniments by R. A. Smith.’ Wherefore, it being now reclaimed, this indispensable egotism will be freely pardoned by every liberal and candid mind, when a writer, in order to do himself justice, embraces a fair opportnnity, as in the present instance, of doing so.” From these extracts some idea may be formed of Mr. Campbell’s literary talents. His ‘‘ acquirements, though such as would have eminently distinguished an independent gentleman in private life, did not reach that point of perfection which the public demands of those who expect to derive bread from their practice of the fine arts. Even in music, it was the opinion of eminent judges, that Albyn’s Anthology would have been more favourably received, if the beautiful original airs had been left unencumbered with the basses and symphonies which the Editor himself thought essential.” ’ On his second union, to the widow of Banald Macdonell, Esq., of Keppoch, he abandoned his profession as a teacher of music, and commenced the study of medicine, with the view of obtaining an appointment through the influence of his friends. In this he was disappointed, in consequence of some misunderstanding with the relations of his wife, which not only effectually prevented their interference in promoting his advancement, but led to still more disagreeable results. Mr. Campbell is represented to have been somewhat hasty, but of a warm and generous temper. “After experiencing as many of the vicissitudes of life as fall to the lot of most men, he died of apoplexy on the 15th of May 1824, in the sixty-first year of his age.”s Mr. Campbell was twice married. Respecting MEEK, the blind Irish piper, we believe no record is anywhere He was one of those wandering minstrels of whom the world The other harmonistthe FISH HORN BLOWER-is well remembered in his He was a porter, of the name of DAVIDSONan, d resided at the to be found. takes no charge. avocation. 1 Obituary notice in the Edinburgh Weekly Journal, by Sir Walter Scott. 2 After his demise, his MSS., books, and other effectrr were sold under judicial authority; and amongst other MSS. was a, tragedy, which was purchased by the late Mr. Willism Stewart, bookseller. During the latter years of his life he was employed by Sir Walter Scott in the transcription of MSS. ; indeed this formed his chief mode of subsistence ; and often has the writer of this note heard him express his deep sense of the kindnesa and benevolence of that most amiable man. Notwithstanding the depressed state of his circumstances, his high spirit rejected pecuniary assistance ; and even from his patron he would take no more than he thought his services, as a transcriber, had fairly earned. Over the social glass he was a very pleasant and intelligent companion -full of fun and anecdote-never, however, laying aside for a moment the bearing of a gentleman. Ee used to be very amusing on the Ossianic controversy, and did not scruple to castigate M‘Phenon for his interpolations.
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