Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


56 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Dr. Duncan resided in Adam Square, and died on the 5th July 1828, in the eighty-fourth year of his age. His funeral was a public one, In February 1771, he married Miss Elizabeth Knox, daughter of Mr. John Knox, surgeon in the service of the East India Company, by whom he had a family of twelve children. His son, Dr. Andrew Duncan junior, was long officially connected with the University of Edinburgh as Principal Librarian and Secretary, and as Professor of Medical Jurisprudence. In 1819 he was conjoined with his father in the chair of the Theory of Physic. In July 1821 he was elected Professor of Materia Medica-an appointment which gave very general satisfaction, as Dr. Duncan contributed in no small degree by his learning and scientific acquirements to maintain the reputation of the University. He died in May 1832. No. CXCII. MAJOR ANDREW FRASER, THE HONOURABLE ANDREW ERSKINE, AND SIR JOHN WHITEFOORD, BART. THE figure to the left, MAJOR FBASER-descended of a respectable family in the north of Scotland-was an officer of some distinction in the Royal Artillery, and well known for his talents as an engineer. Under his superintendence the demolition of the harbour and fortifications of Dunkirk, agreeably to the treaty of 1762, was carried satisfactorily into effect. In 1779 he was placed on the staff in Scotland, as Engineer-in-Chief. Here he superintended, from his own plans, the building of Fort George ; erected several considerable bridges in the north ; and, in Edinburgh, the church and spire of St. Andrews,’ so much admired for its exquisite proportions, stands a monument of his excellence in design. He interested himself greatly in the improvements of the city, and frequently presided at public meetings convened for such objects. He was much esteemed by Sir James Hunter Blair; and through the influence of that spirited chief magistrate, many of his suggestions were cauied into execution. Major Fraser was afterwards appointed Chief Engineer of the West India The foundation-stone of this church wm laid in 1781. The premium of ten guineaa to the successful architect was unanimously adjudged by the Lord Provost, Magistrates, and Council to Major Fraser ; but he declined accepting the premium, desiring that it might be given to Mr. Robert Kay, drawingmaster in Edinburgh, whose drawings and sections of a plan of a square building were deemed highly meritorious.
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