Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


53 BI 0 GRAPH1 GAL SKETCHES. No. cxc. DR. ANDREW DUNCAN, SEN., PROFESSOR OF THE THEORY OF MEDICINE IN THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. DR. DUNCANw as born in the city of St. Andrews, upon the 17th October 1744, and received his education at the University there, Having determined to follow medicine as his profession, he repaired to Edinburgh, and completed his studies under the superintendence of the medical teachers of that city. He early attached himself to the Medical Society, which was instituted in the year 1737.' While a member he took an active part in its business, was for many years treasurer, and several times elected one of its presidents. The propriety and advantages of a Hall, the foundation-stone of which was laid by Dr. Cullen in 1770, was originally suggested by Dr. Duncan, under whose inspection and management it was subsequently erected. In testimony of the sense entertained of the value of his services, a gold medal was voted to him in 1787, and his full-length portrait, painted at the expense of the Society, was afterwards placed in the Hall. In 1768-9, Mr. Duncan went a voyage to China, as Surgeon of the East India Company's ship Asia, under the command of Mr., afterwards Sir Robert Preston, of Valleyfield, Bart., the male representative, it is believed, of the old family of Preston of Craigmillar.' His services were so highly esteemed in this capacity, that the Captain offered him ;E500 to go out with him a second time. This he declined. In October 1769, Mr. Duncan took the degree of Doctor of Medicine at the University of St. Andrews j and in the month of May following he was admitted a licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians. At what period he had very liberal offer of compromise, Rhe rejected all terms, and would accept nothing short of a complete recognition of all her claims. She invariably told her a g e n t " You must do 89 I bid you. I am de person to advise-you de person to obey." In her youth she had been evidently a pretty woman ; but misfortune and years had nearly effaced all remains of former beauty. She was little in stature, but well made-had a good addresa -and, so far as any opinion could be formed from her manners and baring, had at one time moved in good aociety. Whether she waa a lady of family, as represented by herself, or an adventurer and spy of Napoleon, as asserted by her reputed husband, are points which never were cleared up, and probably never will be. Sir Jamea Callander, or Campbell, died, it is believed, in 1832, immediately after the publication of his autobiography. 2 vols. 8vo. Upon receiving a charter of incorporation from the Crown, the designation was altered to the Royal Medical Society. He died, leaving large estates, which eventually went to a younger son of the Earl of Elgin. The baronetcy went to the heir-male, who established his propinquity by a service. ,
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