Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


INDEX TO THE NAMES, ETC. 437 Clarkson, Major, 196 Clavering, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Wm., Clavering, Miss Mark-Margaret, Cleeve, Rev. Mr., 261 Cleghorn, Mr. Thomas, 261 Clerk, Sir George, of Penycuik, Clerk, John (Lord Eldin) 53 Clerk, Lieutenant-Colonel, 212 Clive, Lord, 378, 379 Coalston, Lord, 75, 168, 366 Cochrane, William, Esq. of Ochil- Cochrane, Euphemia, 29 Cochrane, Sir John, of Oehiltree, Cochrane, Mrs., 385 Cockburn, Mr., 263 Cockburn, Baron, 383 Cockburn, Lord, 383, 390 Cockburn, Mrs., 396 Collins, Mr., 66 Colman, Mr., 147, 149 Colquhoun, Sir George, 327 Colquhoun, Lady, 283 Colquhoun, Sir James, 283, 284 Colquhoun, Rev. Mr., 300 Compagni, Chevalier Gerardo, 83 Constable, Mr. Archibald, 137, 144, 210, 220, 221, 245, 304 Cope, Sir John, 22, 65, 93 Corbett, Mr., 258 Cornwallis, Lord, 95, 187 Corriand Sutherland, Messrs., 16, Coulter, Provost William, 237, Courtenay, Mr., 376 Courtenay, William,Viscount,381 Coutts, Mr. John, 62 Coutts, Messrs., 180, 181 Coventry, Dr., 250 Covington, Lord, 202, 378 Cowan, Rev. Mr., 156 Craig, Messrs., 284 Craig, Dr. William, 302 Craig, Miss, of Dalmair, 413 Craig, Sir James, 413 Crawford, Sir Hew, 98 Crawford, Miss Mary, 99 Crawford, Miss Lucken, 99 Crawford, Captain, 99 Crawford, Mrs., 114 Crawford, Mr. James, 355 409 409 53 tree, 29, 384 385 293, 294 390 Crawfurd, Nisses, 316 Creech, Bailie, 111, 121, 127, 141, 158, 223, 246, 261, 343 Crichton, Captain Patrick, 237 Crichton, Mr, Alexander, 390 Crichton, Sir Alexander, 392 Crichton, Gall, and Thomson, Messrs., 391 Cringletie, Lord, 260 Cripps, Mr., 147 Cromwell, Oliver, 96, 280 Crosfield, R. T., 227 Cross and Barclay, Messrs., 22 Cruickshanks, Mr., 58, 249 Culbertson,zRev. Mr., 300 Cullen, Dr., 15, 52, 53, 58, 59, Cullen, Dr. Henry, 255 Cullen, Lord, 254, 255, 303 Cumberland, Duke of, 81,385,425 Cumming, Miss Sarah, 58 Cumming, Charles, of Roseisle, 131 Gumming, Mr. James, of the Lyon Office, 246 Currie, Dr., 278 Cutler, Sir John, 409 60, 163, 339, 340 D DAENDELLG, eneral, 107 Dalhousie, Earl of, 27, 193 Dalhousie, Countess of, 225 Dalkeith, Lord, 214 Dalling, Sir Charles, 373 Ddrymple, David, of Westhall, 72 Dalrymple, Lord Provost, 105 Dalrymple, Mr. William, 307 Dalrymple, Sir Hugh Hamilton Dalrymple, Miss Janet, 363 Dalrymple, Sir James, Bart., 364 Dalzel, Professor, 44,256, 300 Darrell, Rev. William, 48 Daschkow, Prince, 104 Davidson, John, Esq., 205 Davidson, Rev. Dr., 173, 282, 305, Davidson, Mr. William, 388 Davidson, Captain William, 390 Davie, Mr. John, 55 Davies, Mr., 228 Dawson, John, Esq., 3811 Dawson, Miss Betty Anne, 381 Degravers, Dr. Peter, 262, 263 Dempster, Mr. George, 217 223, 366 363 320 lempster. Mr. James, 402 levonshire, Duke of, 110, 329 3evonshire, Duchess of, 329 Jhu, John, 119, 305 Dick, Professor Robert, 52 lickenson, -, 172 Dickson, Mr. William, 152 Dickson, Mr. James, 237. Dickson, Maggie, 263 Dickson, Mr. James, 307 Dickson, Rev. Dr., 373 Digges, Ivlr, 150 Dockray, Eenjamin, 35 Doig, Dr., 323 Donaldson, hfrs. Sophia, 252 Donaldson, Mr. Robert, 261 Donaldson, Mr. James, 261 Donaldson, Rev. Mr., 427 Douglas, Margaret, 73 Douglas, Mr., of Strathenry, 73 Douglas, Sir James, 81 Douglas, Mrs. Major, 105 Douglas, Lord, 169, 170 Douglas, Mr., 271 Douglas, Rev. Neil, 427 Douglas Cause, the, 20, 379 Dowie, Johnnie, 246 Dreghorn, Lord, 387 Drennan, Dr., 427 . Drummond, Bishop Abernethy, Drummond, Rev. William Aureol Drummond, John, Esq., 213 Drummond, Jane, 213 Drummond, George, Esq., 224 Drummond, Mr. Home, 233 Drummond, Provost, 244 Drysdale, Rev. Dr., 299,300, 321, Dumfries and Stair, Countess of, Duff, Alexander, Esq., 279 Duff, Miss Jane, 279 Dun, Dr. Patrick, 339 Dunbar, Mr., advocate, 155 Dunbar, Sir James, Bart., 30 Dunbar, Miss, 30 Duncan, Alexander, Esq., 360 Duncan, Sir Henry, 363 Duncan, Lord Viscount, 375 Duncan, Dr., 44, 255 Dundag Sir Laurence, 42,119,285 Dundas, Thomas, 42 Dundaa, Lord, of Aske, Yorkshire, Dundas, Miss Dorothea, 75 Hay, 179 322 72 42
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