Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


438 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. No. CLXIX. TWO TURKS. OF these two disciples of Mahomet very little is known. They came to Edinburgh in 1784, and brought with them recommendations from gentlemen of rank in different parts of the world. The old man with the long beard was reputed to be the father of the younger person. He was known by the name of MAHOMETan, d the son by that of AERAHAM. They were shoe or slippermakers by profession ; had been great travellers, and at one period, it is said, had aided in some way or other the interests of Great Britain, In consequence of ,their letters of recommendation, they received very great attention from the inhabitants of Edinburgh, and, being freemasons, were admitted as brethren into all the different lodges of the city. They were considered to have a very competent knowledge of masonry. To assist them on their way to their native country, they were supplied with money from the funds of most of the lodges, They received sums from several gentlemen, and a present of ten guineas from the Grand Lodge of Scotland. all concur in stating that the ‘( likenesses are admirable.” Many inhabitants of Edinburgh distinctly recollect the “Two Turks,” and. “As a pitched fight was at that time quite a novelty in Edinburgh, and as I happened to be present at this famous battle, I shall here describe it more minutely. Rosa was the first who came into the room ; and, after showing his science to the assembled multitude, in came Blackie stripped to the skin. Ross, in an impertinent tone, asked Rogerson if he had remembered to bring his cofin along with him ! Rogerson made no reply, but planted a most tremendous blow on his antagonist’s head, which was returned by a heavy hit on Rogerson’s body, which, however, made no impression. Every succeeding blow which Rogerson received just appeared as if it had been struck on a block of iron. The windows of the room having heen all nailed down, it was found necessary to break one of the panes, out of which Ross’s head was more than once projected to give him breath. After this was found necessary, it was evident that it was all up with him. This waa a terrible disappointment to him, aa the two teachers, it was understood, had staked their professional success on the issue of the battle. I have seen many little pieces of his very prettily conceived. He had got a boy into his service aa footman ; and, on being asked how the lad waa coming on, said, ‘He ia a d-d clever boy-he and I sometimes drink a bottle of whisky together.’ Some time after he got married ; and he said to some of his acquaintances, ‘My wife, thank God, L a great favourite. A gentlemaa, t’other day, gave her a present of a couple of guineas.’ After the birth of a son, he never left his house in the morning without giving the following caution to his wife :-‘ Now, remember if anything happen to de leetle infant when I’m away, I will assuredly mm you thmugh de body.”’ ’ Ross was by much the stoutest-looking man, but wanted wind. “ I may add, that George Rass had a decided taste for poetry. ‘‘ Rogerson, the black, waa a sort of an original
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