Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


Volume 8 Page 279
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BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 19% one daughter still survive. John, the eldest, succeeded to the titles, and married, in 1826, Louisa Bosville, eldest daughter of the late Lord Macdonald, by whom he has issue one son. His lordship’s remaining six brothers and one sister are all unmarried. James, the second son, was for some time Member of Parliament for the county of Linlithgow. The Countess-Dowager died at Leamington 1836. No. LXXXII. CHARLES HAY, ESQ., ADVOCATE, TAKEN A SHORT TIME BIWORE HIS ELEVATION TO THE BENCH. CHARLES HAY, son of James Hay, Esq. of Cocklaw, Writer to the Signet, was born in 1747.’ After the usual preparatory course of education, he passed advocate in 1768, having just attained the years of majority; but, unlike most young practitioners, Hay had so thoroughly studied the principles of the law ‘‘ that he has been frequently heard to declare he was as good a lawyer at that time as he ever was at any after period.” He soon became distinguished by his strong natural abilities, as well as by his extensive knowledge of the profession, , which embraced alike the minutest forms of the daily practice of the Court and the highest and most subtle points of jurisprudence. As a pleader he. was very effective. His pleadings were never ornamental, but entirely free of “ those little arts by which a speaker often tries to turn the attention of his boy about twelve years of age, came into the room and sat beside his mother. The King asked the Countess how many children she had ? On being answered by her ladyship that she had ten sons and an infant daughter, his Majesty, either struck by the number of male children, or by the beautiful and youthful appearance of the mother, exclaimed, “ Good God ! is it possible 2” After breakfast, Lady Alicia, then an infant, was presented to his Majesty, by whom she was affectionately kissed Thomas and Adrian, the two youngest sons, were next led into the dining-room, and presented by the Earl to his royal guest. The king graciously received the little boys ; and raising Adrian’s frock, took hold of his leg, saying, “ What a stout little fellow ! ” The child, thinking the King was admiring his frock, held it up with both his hands, and cried, “ See, see ! ” His Najesw was amused with the notion of the child, and said, “ Is that a new frock, my little man ? ” The other sons of Lord Hopetoun were presented to the King in the drawing-room. During his Majesty’s short visit at Hopetoun House, the honour of knighthood was conferred on Captain Adam Fergusson and Mr. Henry Raeburn, the celebrated painter. Notwithstanding the unfavourable state of the weather, the lawns around the princely mansion presented a scene of a most animating description. Great preparations had been made for the reception of his Majesty, and an immense concourse of all ranks, including a body of his lordship’s tenantry on horseback, were assembled to greet their sovereign. The band of Royal Archers, who acted as the King’s bodyguard, were in attendance, under the command of the Earl of Elgin. The Earl of Hopetoun was the commander-general of this ancient body, and acted as such on the day of his Majesty’s arrival at Holymod-House. As a memorial of that event, they entreated the Earl to sit for his picture @ the dress which be wore on the occasion. The painting was executed by Mr. John Watson, and has been hung up in the Archers’ Hall. He is said to have been descended from the Hay3 of Rannes, an ancient branch of the family of Hay.
Volume 8 Page 280
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