Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


Volume 8 Page 273
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BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 195 of its existence.’ Exertions of a missionary kind were also made in different parts of Scotland, where a necessity for such appeared. Out of these efforts ultimately arose the secession of Messrs. E&g and Inhes from the National Church ; for, feeling themselves hampered in their efforts among their countrymen by the restrictions which an Establishment necessarily imposes, they were led-from this, as well as from other considerations of a conscientious kind-to resign their respective charges, and occupy themselves in preaching the gospel without being connected with any religious denomination whatever. They very soon, however, adopted the principles of Independency, or Congregationalism j after which Mr. Ewing removed to Glasgow, where he still remains aa the pastor of a large and influential Congregational church. In connection with his pastoral duties, Mr. Ewing has, for many years, sustained the office of divinity Professor to the denomination with which he is connected. In this office he is associated with’Dr. Wardlaw, the well-known author of Lectures cm the Sociniam ContTouersy, and other valuable theological works. The services of both these distinguished men are perfectly gratuitous, and are rendered for six months in the year. Mr. Ewing, though at present a widower, has been three times married, His first wife was the sister of his friend, Mr. Innes i but neither she nor his second wife, whose maiden name was Jamieson, were long spared after their marriage. His last wife, who was a daughter of the late Sir John Maxwell of Pollock, Bart., died a few years ago, in consequence of a melancholy accident experienced by the overturning of their carriage, while she, with her husband and a party of friends, were visiting the scenery on the banks of the Clyde, near Lanark. A singularly interesting mernoir‘ has been given to the public by her husband. He has one child-a daughter-by his second marriage, who is now the wife of the Rev. Dr. Matheson of Durham. His principal works are, Essays to the Jews, Lond., 1809-An Essay on Baptism, 2d edit. Glasg., 1824-A Greek Bmmmar, and Creek and English Lexicon, published first in 1801 ; again in 181 2 ; and again, in a very enlarged form, in 1827. These, and all his other writings, are marked by extensive and accurate learning, ingenuity of argument, and, where the subject is such as to admit of it, by great vigour and eloquence of composition. They have proved of eminent service to the cause of sound and literate theology. In private life Mr. Ewing is distinguished by that pervading courteousness and cheerfulness which form such important ingredients in the character of the perfect gentleman. In his younger days his countenance is said to have been very handsome; and even now, in his 70th year, it ia highly prepossessing. Hay’s portrait was taken while he was minister of Lady Glenorchy’a ChapeL Mr. Ewing has appeared frequently before the public as an author. This periodical haa continued till the present day, under the successive titles of “The Mission& Magazine,” “The Christian Herald,” and ‘‘ The Scottish Congregational Magazine.” It has, for nearly the last forty years, been the rec0gnise.d orgnu of the Congregational Churches of Scotland.
Volume 8 Page 274
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